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Preparing reports and papers for Teaching Committee

University Teaching Committee (UTC) considers and approves a large number of reports, papers and policies. It is essential that all business is presented in a clear and concise manner, avoiding lengthy narratives, providing succinct recommendations and detailing the implications and implementation plans, where appropriate.

Authors should be aware of the audience and understand that a substantial volume of UTC business has to be considered and approved by senior committees eg the Senate. All business must be carefully proof read and sent to the UTC secretary by the appropriate meeting deadline.

Submission deadlines

Papers should be sent to 

You can find submission deadlines on the main Teaching Committee page under Meetings.

Missed deadlines

If, for good reasons, you cannot make the deadline for papers, please contact the Secretary of Teaching Committee for advice.

Planning approval by the relevant Faculty Learning and Teaching Group must be obtained prior to submission of a new programme proposal to UTC (to consider the academic case).


Professor Tracy Lightfoot
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, Learning and Students 

Who to contact

For all Teaching Committee queries