Prevent Duty Oversight Group

Prevent Duty Oversight Group reports to University Executive Board.

Terms of reference

Objectives and outcomes

The Prevent Duty Oversight Group brings together senior staff, Students' Union representatives and external contacts to co-ordinate implementation of the Prevent Duty at the University within a comprehensive and robust framework, with reference to both staff and students.

The Group's work sits within the wider UK CONTEST strategy and its four workstreams: Prevent, Pursue, Protect and Prepare. 

The Group contributes towards promoting awareness of the Prevent Duty and associated policies and procedures across the institution.

Contact us

Chair: Richard Harrison
Deputy University Secretary

For agendas and papers: Alice Wakely
+44 (0)1904 326544

The remit of the Group under the following core headings is:

(a) Strategic development, planning, performance monitoring and resourcing: items for consideration and/or decision

  1. To maintain and to monitor the University's Prevent Risk Assessment and Action Plan, escalating any significant matters arising to the University Executive Board (UEB), Audit and Risk Committee and Council as necessary.
  2. To review data indicators relating to the University's implementation of the Prevent Duty.
  3. To review reports relating to any Prevent-related incidents at the University, including lessons learned.
  4. To keep abreast of regional and national developments and requirements relating to the Prevent Duty including in relation to the wider CONTEST Strategy (including Protect requirements), and consider the implications for the University.

(b) Policy and regulatory matters

  1. With reference to the OfS regulatory framework, to approve changes/additions to the University's policy framework relating to the Prevent Duty, liaising with other relevant committees/area leads as appropriate (for example, Student Life Committee in relation to safeguarding matters).  Minor changes to policy may be approved by Chair's action where appropriate.
  2. To approve operational frameworks and processes relating to implementation of the Prevent Duty, including the University’s approach to Prevent training.
  3. To review statutory external reports to the registered HE Prevent lead, prior to submission to UEB and Audit and Risk Committee for endorsement and onwards to Council for final approval.


The Prevent Duty Oversight Group has delegated authority from UEB for oversight and decision making in relation to implementation of the Prevent Duty as set out under its remit above.

It can also make recommendations and/or refer items to other University committees as appropriate. It has no direct budgetary control.

The Group’s members are appointed ex officio. Further internal and external colleagues may be invited to attend meetings as appropriate.

  • Dr Richard Harrison, Deputy University Secretary, Head of Prevent Duty Operations and Acting Prevent Duty Accountability and Policy Lead (Chair)
  • Rachel Barson, Director of Communications
  • Geoff Brown, Security Manager
  • Richard Fuller, Assistant Director of IT (Infrastructure)
  • Dev Agarwal, Head of Health and Safety Operations
  • Professor Steve King, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Teaching, Learning and Students
  • Rachael Millhouse, Director of Human Resources
  • Anna Reader / Maria Ayaz, Head of Equality and Diversity
  • Rev Dr Catherine Reid, Anglican Chaplain
  • Sarah Reynolds-Golding, Deputy Head of Apprenticeships (Quality)
  • Nic Streatfield, Director of Student Life and Wellbeing, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Andrew Taylor, Head of Policy, Integrity and Performance, RIKE
  • Kate Williams, YUSU Director of Central Resources and lead for risk (Alternate: Ben Vulliamy, YUSU CEO)

In attendance

  • Chris Sybenga, G7 Prevent Regional HE/FE Co-ordinator


50% of members, or 50% rounded up where the number of members is odd.

Membership review

Membership will be periodically reviewed by the Group itself for UEB approval.

Meeting frequency

A minimum of twice per year, with the facility to transact and record decisions by written resolution or, where necessary, Chair’s Action.

Meeting modes

Meetings are held via Zoom.

Meeting dates 2023-24

Date Time
Thursday 12 October 2023 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Tuesday 28 May 2024 1.00pm to 3.00pm

Meeting dates 2024-25

Date Time
Thursday 10 October 2024 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Wednesday 21 May 2025  2.00pm to 4.00pm

Prevent Duty Oversight Group reports and provides assurance to the University Executive Board (UEB):

  • Frequently through summaries of the minutes of each of its meeting to the next UEB meeting.
  • Annually via 
    • an internal Annual Report on implementation of the Prevent Duty;
    • sight of the Prevent Risk Assessment and Action Plan (more frequently if major changes are involved); 
    • the annual statutory external report to the registered HE Prevent lead (for final approval by Council); 
  • Periodically via escalation of any significant matters arising from the Prevent Risk Assessment and Action Plan.

The Group provides assurance to Audit and Risk Committee and onwards to University Council:

  • Annually via
    • the internal Annual Report on implementation of the Prevent Duty;
    • sight of the Prevent Risk Assessment and Action Plan (more frequently if major changes are involved); 
    • the annual statutory external report to the registered HE Prevent lead (for final approval by Council);
  • Periodically via reporting of any significant matters arising from the Prevent Risk Assessment and Action Plan which have been escalated to UEB.

Find out more

Contact us

Chair: Richard Harrison
Deputy University Secretary

For agendas and papers: Alice Wakely
+44 (0)1904 326544