Planning Committee

Planning Committee reports to Senate.


Planning Committee oversees the University's strategic planning and finances on behalf of Senate.

The committee ensures resources are allocated in line with our strategic initiatives and provide value for money.

Contact us

Professor Ken Badcock
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost

On behalf of Senate:

  1. Oversee the University's strategic planning, monitoring, post-investment evaluation and associated budgeting arrangements
  2. Approve and monitor faculty, Professional Services, and thematic strategies and plans, ensuring alignment to the University strategy
  3. Approve the financial model, including target faculty operating margins, internal charge rates and budgetary envelope for professional support services for approval by University Executive Board (UEB)
  4. Make recommendations to UEB regarding strategic initiatives and allocation of resource
  5. Keep under review the University's range of disciplines and their strategies, in the context of the University Strategy
  6. Annually recommend to UEB, and monitor, a five-year forecast, including a five-year capital expenditure budget
  7. Consider and make recommendations on any matter of strategy or policy referred to it by Senate or UEB or any other body
  8. Approve tuition fee rates and accommodation charges.

October 2023

Members of academic staff (two from each faculty)

In attendance

  • Tyrrell Basson, IT Director
  • Nirmal Borkhataria, Interim Finance Director
  • Mike Clark, Head of Academic Accounting
  • Simon Donoghue, Director of Strategic Planning and Performance
  • Harvey Dowdy, Director of Technology, Estates and Facilities
  • Dr Joss Ivory, Chief Operating Officer


Date Time
Wednesday 11 October 9.15am to 1.00pm
Wednesday 6 December 9.15am to 1.00pm
Wednesday 7 February 9.15am to 1.00pm
Wednesday 1 April 9.15am to 1.00pm
Wednesday 5 June 9.15am to 1.00pm


Date Time
Wednesday 2 October 9.15am to 1.00pm
Wednesday 5 February 9.15am to 1.00pm
Wednesday 4 June 9.15am to 1.00pm


Parent committee and associated subcommittees

Contact us

Professor Ken Badcock
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost