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Home>About the University>Governance and management>Subcommittees>Finance Committee

Finance Committee

Finance Committee reports to Council

Terms of reference


The role of the Finance Committee is to monitor the financial health of the University on behalf of Council.  This includes making recommendations to the Council on the financial Five Year Forecast, reviewing the financial statements, and monitoring performance in relation to approved budgets to ensure the long term financial sustainability of the University.  The Committee approves revenue and capital projects in line with the limits set out in the University’s Scheme of Delegated Approvals.

Contact us

Chair: Chris Thompson
University Treasurer

For agendas and minutes: Alice Wakely
Senior Governance and Assurance Officer

Parent committee and associated subcommittees

Contact us

Chair: Chris Thompson
University Treasurer

For agendas and minutes: Alice Wakely
Senior Governance and Assurance Officer