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Programme of study

BSc Physics with Philosophy

Tell us a bit about your background

I grew up in East Yorkshire, 50 minutes away from York.

I’m very happy to be studying at the University of York, but I’ve needed to overcome some issues on my way here. Throughout secondary school, I was in and out of learning as I didn’t have the best health. I had to withdraw from A-levels and take time out, but I re-entered education by studying an Access to HE course.

Why did you want to get involved with the Student Expert Panel?

I’ve previously volunteered in a similar role for my local council, and it was so fulfilling to be a part of the process which turns words into actions. When I heard about the SEP, I knew I wanted to be a member. I hope to help develop actions that shape the university community for the betterment of everyone.

I feel I can offer insight to the panel by drawing on my experience as a mature student with health conditions, and as someone with a non-traditional educational background.

What are you involved with at York, and what are you interested in outside of your studies? 

Outside of my studies I’m always searching for new hobbies and ways to get involved, but I’m forever satisfied with the odd craft, D&D adventures, and looking after an ever-increasing number of houseplants.