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Student Expert Panelist Phoebe


Programme of study

Medicine - MBBS

Tell us a bit about your background

I am from London, born in Canada and a proud Nigerian, so I am culturally rounded to say the least. I am a big believer of sharing my experience, speaking up and make sure those who are around me are having seen and heard. 

Why did you want to get involved with the Student Expert Panel?

I wanted to get involved with the student expert panel because I believe the student voice is an integral part of enhancing the university experience but also helping to improve aspects of the university. 

I loved the fact that York wanted students from all different backgrounds to share their opinions and be a voice for and represent students. I have so many ideas and opinions to share, being someone who is confident and loves speaking to people I have been privileged to interact with many different people and York students.

What are you involved with at York, and what are you interested in outside of your studies? 

I am involved and have been involved in many different things. As a member of the student expert panel I planned and organised two middle ground panel discussion events.

I and the core 4 team (my friends) organised the university of York’s 1st ever multicultural fashion show to showcase, celebrate and appreciate the different beautiful cultures we have in York. 

As an avid sport player, I am vice-president of the Campus East Women rugby club, I also enjoy playing rugby, particular for the University of York’s women’s rugby team. 

I am music lover and play the piano, drums, trumpet and sing. I also have my own radio show, and post content and videos on my Instagram. I go by the name of Phoebzsaidwhat.