Terms of reference

The purpose of Senate is to oversee University academic policy and regulatory matters, on behalf of Council. 


The remit of Senate under the following core, agenda-aligned headings is:

(a) Strategic development, planning, performance monitoring and resourcing: items for consideration and/or decision

  1. To oversee and advise the Vice-Chancellor and President and Council on the academic implications of teaching, learning and students, research, knowledge exchange and partnerships matters, including initiatives stemming from the University Strategy.
  2. To advise UEB and Council on, and review and monitor, the student academic experience and student life generally (eg resources, support and engagement) through a range of internal and external evidence sources.

(b) Policy and regulatory matters

  1. To approve academic and related University Ordinances and academic Regulations and Policies (which for good reason cannot be delegated to one of Senate’s committees), from student admission through to student continuation, progression, assessment and award, student discipline and misconduct.  
  2. To receive and test assurance on the quality of the University’s academic assessment, standards and awards, the student academic experience and student life, and to onwardly provide such assurance to Council and other relevant bodies.  
  3. To receive and test assurance on the effectiveness of academic risk management and academic governance, and to onwardly provide such assurance to Council and other relevant bodies.


On behalf of Council, Senate is principally an advisory body to:

  1. Council
  2. The Vice-Chancellor and President and other University leaders
  3. Its own subcommittees in relation to aspects of University Strategy, policy and regulation within the scope of Senate’s terms of reference.

Senate is also the approving authority in relation to several important academic and related matters which cannot be delegated to one or more of its subcommittees, including the final ratification of awards granted and revoked, and academic honorary titles, and academic Ordinances of the University.

Further information will be set out in a Scheme of Delegated Approvals (SoDA) for Senate, its committees, and other key groups and role-holders.

Senate has no direct budgetary control or financial decision-making authority.


Senate reports to Council:

  • Frequently: through summaries of the minutes of each of its termly meetings to the next Council meeting.
  • Annually: in areas of academic business subject to Senate consideration and review, which may take the form of annual report(s) or presentation(s).
  • Periodically: via other policies, reports, plans and progress updates which it reviews and/or recommends for Council approval, consideration or information within the business cycle and its terms of reference, whether required by external or internal regulation.

Contact us

Chair: Professor Charlie Jeffery
Vice-Chancellor and President


For agendas and minutes: Richard Harrison
Deputy University Secretary


Contact us

Chair: Professor Charlie Jeffery
Vice-Chancellor and President


For agendas and minutes: Richard Harrison
Deputy University Secretary
