Our Student Centre will be a new inspirational building at the heart of campus, the ‘home’ of student life and a gateway to the University. A co-designed digital and physical space, it will provide a place for all, no matter where you are in the world.

This project has been temporarily paused. See the dedicated Student Centre webpage for the latest update.

Project Board members:
Professor Tracy Lightfoot, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, Learning and Students
Harvey Dowdy, Technology, Estates and Facilities Director
Tom Banham, Interim Academic Registrar
Tyrrell Basson, Director of IT
Rebecca Barnfather, Principal Architect
Rachel Barson, Communications Director
Lisa Woods, Accommodation Campus and Commercial Services Director
Roger Ward, Estates Director
Adele Christie, Finance Manager, Estates and Capital 
Gary Hewitt, Strategic Planning Partner
Monica Kanwar, Health and Safety Director
Tom Piercy, Head of Fundraising Programmes

Professor Tracy Lightfoot, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, Learning and Students
Professor Karen Rowlingson, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences

Key contacts:
Gary Hewitt, Planning and Risk
Tom Banham, Interim Academic Registrar
Tyrrell Basson, IT Director
Mike Richardson, Director of Estates Development
Kirsty Lingstadt, Director of Library, Archives and Learning Spaces
Louise Morgan, Assistant Director IT (Digital), IT Services

Our Student voice - past, present and future (YUSU, GSA, alumni, School-engagement)
Our Accessibility working group
Our EDI team

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Hear Professor Tracy Lightfoot, PVC for Teaching, Learning and Students, talk about the initiative at our Strategy 2030 launch.

Other initiatives

Find out more about the other transformational initiatives that will help turn strategy into action. 

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