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Financial information

Responsible investing

The University of York is committed to continuing our progress to make our activities more sustainable, aligning to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In 2019, the University committed to divest from fossil fuel companies. This programme of divestment has been completed and the University no longer holds investments in fossil fuel companies. 

Building on this, in 2024 the University confirmed it holds no investment in companies that primarily make or sell weapons and defence-related products or services. In addition to this, the University does not hold investments in companies whose primary activity is tobacco, gambling, predatory lending or adult entertainment.

The University is a responsible investor and has committed to this in its most recent statement on responsible investment.

To find out more, see the University of York Statement on Responsible Investment (PDF , 103kb), which acts as the University's ethical investment policy.

Endowment investments

The University of York classifies its endowments inline with the Statement of Recommended Practice - Accounting for further and higher education 2019. Permanent (restricted and unrestricted) endowments are invested with a long term focus and details of those permanent endowment investments are detailed in the annual publication of endowment investment funds. The University is a responsible investor and the investment of endowments follows the University Ethical Investing Policy.

The University may also receive expendable endowments or donations which the University will invest alongside its own cash investments.

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The University reports on expenses for each of its members of University Executive Board (UEB). Specific expenses relating to each member are included under their profile on the University web pages. Click through to each individual board member for their individual expenses reports.

Annual reports and financial statements

The University publishes its reports and financial statements annually. The accounts since 2017/18 are below. Earlier years are available from the University Library.