Find out more about unconscious bias in student recruitment, progression, and retention.

The University of York Strategy 2020-2030 explains our commitment to tackling bias in everything we do, and outlines our future aspirations for our student body:

“We graduate and maintain ties with a diverse student body who become leaders and champions of the principles of Inclusion, Collaboration, Internationalism and Sustainability that guide the University.”

“We will not accept gaps in continuation, progression and award across the diversity of our student cohorts at any stage in the student lifecycle and will act to close such gaps where they appear.”

“We remove digital poverty as a barrier for access as well as for success.”
(University Strategy, 2020-2030)

Our students are a wide and diverse group, from different backgrounds, with different life experiences and identities. In 2021/22, some of our student equality characteristics looked like this:

  • Gender:  57.5% female, 42.5% male, 0.1% other
  • Disability: 83.3% not disabled, 16.7% disabled
  • Ethnicity:  64.3% non-BAME, 34% BAME, 1.7% not known
  • Sexual Orientation: 66.5% heterosexual, 18% Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Other

Being aware of and responsive to diversity can help us to attract and engage students, and help them feel included throughout their studies and beyond. In this section, we look at what colleagues across the University are doing to support student recruitment, progression, and retention, taking account of the diversity of the student body and the sorts of employment they may move into beyond university.  

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

Jess Penn and Nick Glover: inclusive learning

Jess Penn and Nick Glover talk about about the work of the Inclusive Learning team, including our toolkit for staff on inclusive practice in learning and teaching, and some of the projects we have led on such as decolonising and diversifying the curriculum, research on the Award Gap at the University, and developing inclusive learning communities.

Liz Wands-Murray: Health Sciences

Liz Wands-Murray talks about the work undertaken in Health Sciences to diversify the curriculum and equip students to engage with a diverse range of people in their careers.  

Dr Jillian Barlow: GenerationResearch

Dr Jillian Barlow explains the work being undertaken in Biology to encourage students from marginalised and non-traditional backgrounds to pursue a career in science through the GenerationResearch Project.

Complete your learning

Now that you've learnt more about unconscious bias in student recruitment and progression, you can go to the LMS and complete the quiz to demonstrate you have completed the learning. 

You might also like to complete an action plan to record anything that you intend to take back to your department or service area for discussion.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680