Rainbow Alliance - Aims

Our three core aims

To enhance the voice of the LGBTI+ community, create visibility and to positively influence University culture in respect of LGBTI+ issues.

Supporting aims:

  • Through our experience, expertise and ideas, we will positively inform and influence the University’s approach to LGBTI+ issues and provide an important way for the University to consult with staff on diverse matters and to progress key initiatives related to this area of equality.
  • We will organise networking, social and educational events aimed at bringing together LGBTI+ staff and allies.

To provide a safe, confidential and supportive environment for all staff who identify as LGBTI+

Supporting aims:

  • Through our network meetings, we encourage robust debate concerning issues that face the LGBTI+ community. We strive to present practical approaches as to how the University can support our staff to overcome such issues.
  • We raise awareness of the network through the events we organise and the guest speakers we invite onto campus. We support one another collectively and individually through the profiles that are available on our webpages.

To support the development of an inclusive culture within and beyond the University

Supporting aims:

  • We will develop a culture that provides opportunity for staff to network both inside and outside of the University, recognising the importance of intersectionality and fostering support and collaboration between University groups and networks.
  • By developing lasting relationships with external organisations at a local, regional and national level we will enhance the professional and peer opportunities available to our staff.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680