Kai Tsao 


As the Equality and Diversity Coordinator, I support the anti-racism and race equality work at the University. With the Head of Equality and Diversity Maria Ayaz, I lead the agenda of Race Equality Coordination Group (RECG). I am a member of the Staff Race Equality Forum (SREF) Steering Group, as well as the Co-Chair of SREF Operations Team. 

I am a feminist and a Taiwanese immigrant. My activism is grounded in lived experiences, including that of my own, and shaped by my academic background in gender, sexualities, critical pedagogy and intersectionality. Having lived in the UK with various communities that advocate social justice, I am aware of my own privileges as well as the challenges faced by people experiencing structural racism. I joined the SREF aiming to make a meaningful impact on shaping an inclusive culture – not only within the University but also in collaboration with diverse communities and the sector. My aspirations for an anti-racist university are that we foster an empathetic culture in which we actively listen and learn with differences; and, importantly, we critically reflect upon who we are: our values, practice and power on structural and individual levels in order to engage with cultural change.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680