Staff listening exercise

The University of York Staff Race Equality Forum (SREF) provides opportunities for peer networking, support and development among Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) staff, and supports the promotion of an equal and inclusive University community.


In 2019, the then Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Saul Tendler initiated a proactive listening exercise with members of the University Staff Race Equality Forum (SREF) to understand their experiences and feedback ideas on how the University can increase BAME recruitment and support progression.

Following feedback from this exercise, an action plan was created and delivered in collaboration between the SREF Steering Group, Equality and Diversity Office and Human Resources with support from Professor Saul Tendler and Vice Chancellor, Professor Charlie Jeffery.


In 2022, SREF conducted the second listening exercise with its members, with the attendance of the Vice Chancellor, Professor Charlie Jeffery, and the Chief Operating Officer, Dr Joss Ivory.

The feedback from members highlights the importance of listening to and supporting our international community and fostering a more inclusive culture at the University. Over the next few years, SREF will continue to work with relevant departments to deliver the objectives.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680