Formal stage

If informal action does not succeed in resolving the report, or would not be appropriate given the nature and/or seriousness of the report, then formal action will be needed.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

A student may wish to make a formal report directly, using Report and Support, the University's online mechanism for reporting serious misconduct including harassment, hate crime and sexual violence.

If a formal report is received through Report and Support, an appropriate staff member will make contact to establish what steps have been taken so far, including establishing whether the informal procedure has been attempted in the first instance, if appropriate. 

In cases which are referred to Regulation 7: Student Discipline, a formal investigation will be carried out by an authorised member of staff, who has not had involvement in the informal procedures.

Information gathered  as part of the informal fact finding process, may be used as part of a formal investigation under Regulation 7: Student Discipline, to avoid duplication of process as far as possible.

The decisions will be based on the rules of  natural justice and the balance of evidence, and may take into consideration accounts of witnesses, or any other evidence available. 

Under Regulation 7, a finding will be made as to whether a student’s behaviour has constituted student misconduct, and if a case is found, sanctions may be applied, including but not limited to financial fines, restorative solutions, and suspension or termination of studies.

Where a reported student wishes to contest a decision made following a formal investigation, a written appeal can be submitted within fourteen days of the date of the decision, as identified within the Regulation 7 process.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680