Disability History Month 2023

News | Posted on Wednesday 15 November 2023

Disability History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the lives and achievements of disabled people.

Disability History month 2023 runs from Thursday 16 November until Saturday 16 December and the theme is Disability, Children and Youth.

Our actions

The Disability Inclusion Framework outlines our approach to disability equality, which includes the physical estate, e-accessibility and culture and good practice.  There are also a list of achievements made since the framework was created.


On campus

Exploring Disability History in the Library and Archives

  • Thursday 30 November 2023, 10am to 3pm
  • Yorkshire Room, Ground Floor, Raymond Burton Library

Join staff from Archives and Research Collections in this drop-in session for Disability History Month and Explore Your Archives Week 2023. We'll have an exhibition of treasures from our collections which you can use to research the history of disability, and you can find out more about our new Disability History Research Guide, which is available now on the Borthwick Institute website. The event is free and open to all, so just drop in!

Disability Representation in Past, Present and Future Stories

  • Wednesday 6 December 2023, 6pm to 7pm 
  • Anna Bramwell-Dicks, School of Arts and Creative Studies

Supporting students with disabilities at medical school and as they enter the workforce

  • Wednesday 13 December, 3pm to 4pm
  • Online via Microsoft teams (Meeting ID: 367 334 468 582, Passcode: Mp5CYj)

Supporting students with disabilities in higher education and transitioning into work in the NHS - overcoming practicalities, where the system doesn't work, and any suggestions about what we need to change or do better.

Speaking at this event:

  • Dr Emily Burns – with a focus on physical disabilities
  • Dr Shane Clark – explaining how the Foundation Programme supports disabled students
  • Dr Soraya Mayet – to talk about psychiatry training
  • Dr Sam Stokes – giving a student perspective

City-wide events

York Disability Week

  • Saturday 25 November to Sunday 3 December 2023  

There is a programme of events planned during this week, including art exhibitions, workshops and forums. Find out more on the York Disability Week website.   #YorkDisabilityWeek23 #YDW2023

Disability related research at York


“My ears don't work, but the little grey cells are firing well on all pistons” the journey of a deaf immunologist. Allison is a Professor of Immunology in Hull York Medical School. Allison has been profoundly deaf since childhood, and was recently profiled by the British Society of Immunology. Read Allison's journey that highlights the challenges that deaf scientists face. 

Reading List: This has been created for Disability History Month by the University Library.

Blog post, Working in HE and autism: Richard, a member of staff at the University of York and has written a blog about his experiences of working in HE before and after a diagnosis of autism.

Watch again:

Support for students

University services

Free tools and apps for studying

In addition to our support services, there are a range of options and free tools to help make studying more accessible for everyone. Find out more with our Accessibility Skills Guide and the Learning Technology Practical Guide or come to the next Introduction to digital accessibility tools and features (staff and students only) session for a guided tour through the tools available to you.

Support for staff

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680