LGBT+ History Month 2022

News | Posted on Tuesday 25 January 2022

To celebrate this year's LGBT+ History Month, we're holding a range of events during February and flying the Progress Pride flag beside Central Hall.

The LGBT+ Pride flag flies beside Central Hall.

Every February, LGBT+ History Month aims to increase the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The month raises awareness of the LGBT+ community's history, lives and experiences in education, culture and society; this year’s national theme is Politics in Art. We welcome students, staff and the public to join in with our events and conversations.

What's on?

You'll find details below of the events that we're organising; you can also find them on our Equality and Diversity Events Calendar - and if you subscribe to this calendar, or to individual events, the details will be added to your own calendar so you don't miss things that you're interested in!

Related activities and news

Last summer, we announced that our newest college would be named after the LGBT activist David Kato, formerly a Protective Fellow on the Human Rights Defenders Programme at the Centre for Applied Human Rights (CAHR). This followed on from the naming of Anne Lister College, in honour of the famous LGBT+ diarist.

Looking back...

Please take time to revisit last year's series of staff and student profiles highlighting what LGBT+ History Month means to members of our community, and if you haven't been on campus for a while, remind yourself of its brightest spot - our All Inclusive Crossing point, which incorporates the colours of the Progress Pride Flag.


Changing the Conversation: Sexual Violence in the Trans Community

Thursday 10 February, 12pm - 4pm (online)

Dark blue speech bubble ona white background. Text is:

This event is taking place as part of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week (SASVAW), and is led by the University of York Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) - we're grateful to them for allowing us to include it in the LGBTHM listings too. 

Find out more and book your tickets

Find other SASVAW events

Join the Conversation: LGBT+ Inclusion and belonging in Higher Education

Thursday 17 February, 3pm - 4.20pm (online)

Yellow and Black graphic showing both LGBT and Transgender pride flags. Text shows

Inclusive-Learning@York are hosting this discussion event, for students and staff, focused on LGBT+ experiences and representation within higher education, with some interesting insights from a series of guest staff and student contributors.

Find out more and book your tickets

The Log Books: We are family - stories of LGBTQ+ people feeling at home

Wednesday 23 February, 3.30pm - 4.30pm (online)

Black text on a multi-coloured background reads 'The Log Books. Season 3. Listen wherever you get your podcasts'

There are lots of ways of thinking about family, from making babies to lifelong friendships. In this talk, Tash Walker and Adam Zmith, the producers of The Log Books podcast, will share stories from the archive at Switchboard - the LGBT+ Helpline and dozens of interviews. Exploring the theme of family this LGBT History Month, expect stories from the pioneers of gay adoption, the unstoppable lesbians seeking sperm in the 90s, parents wanting to support their LGBTQ+ kids, and about the importance of chosen family.

The talk will include a Q&A. Please note that the event will be recorded for those unable to attend and published on the University's Equality Office YouTube channel.

Find out more and book your tickets

Listen to the Log Books podcast

Escaping persecution - LGBT+ stories of asylum, past and present

Wednesday 23 February, 6.30pm - 7.30pm (online)

The logo of Time to Be Out, showing a line drawing of two joined hands on a background of multi-coloured concentric circles.

Across the world and across the centuries, LGBT+ people have often suffered persecution for being who they are. In among the stories of pain, there are narratives of hope and joy as people escape persecution and build new lives for themselves.

Time to be Out is a York-based charity which works with LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees to support them on their way to living freely. This talk will focus on some of the barriers faced and overcome in these stories, and how we can all make a difference.

The talk will include a Q&A. Please note that the event will be recorded for those unable to attend and published on the University's Equality Office YouTube channel.

Book your tickets

Queering International Development: Addressing heteronormativity in Development Policy and Practice

Thursday 24 February, 12.30pm - 2pm, online

In this roundtable event, scholars and development practitioners will present their work in relation to LGBTQI inclusion in International Development and discuss the challenges in addressing heteronormativity in development policy, practice and research in different regions of the world. Everyone is welcome to attend, and there will be an opportunity for audience members to ask questions and join the discussion.

Register to attend online

Echo & Release: An LGBTQ+ History Month Event

Friday 4 March, 12 noon - 2pm Humanities Research Centre and online

Echo & Release is a celebration of LGBTQ+ history through academic talks, poetry readings, film and photography. The event is open to all, in-person and on Zoom. Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided to those attending in person.

Book to attend in-person or online

Find more events

There are other LGBT+ History Month events taking place within the city and across the country:

York events

Events elsewhere

Resources and related links

Watch again

We have some recordings from previous LGBT+ History Month and other related awareness day events, that are available for you to watch again via the University's Equality Office YouTube channel:

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680