Ramadan - 2 April to 2/3 May 2022

News | Posted on Wednesday 6 April 2022

The month of Ramadan is the holiest month of the Islamic year and will take place between the 2 April and 2/3 May this year (depending on the moon sightings).

Purpose and significance

  • To attain nearness and closeness to God through devotion and commitment to fasting and prayers.
  • To experience and appreciate those who are less fortunate than themselves.
  • A time of charity and generosity - this is especially encouraged during this month.
  • It is also a time for community and family spirit and providing support. Families within a household will pray and eat together and support each other.

Key points

  • The dates of Ramadan in 2022 are 2 April to 2/3 May.
  • Muslims abstain from any food or drink between dawn and sunset of each day of this month. The times of the fast for each day are approximately 4am to 8pm. This means that Muslims fast over this period for approximately 16 hours a day.
  • During this time Muslims try to follow a normal study day or work routine as far as possible, but have responsibilities for devotion to extra prayers and readings to their daily religious commitments.
  • The end of Ramadan is marked by the festival of Eid ul Fitr.
  • Students and staff are expected to take personal responsibility for managing their commitment to Ramadan.
  • Managers, colleagues and staff supporting students are advised to demonstrate empathy, sensitivity and understanding to balance supporting students and members of staff to manage their Ramadan commitments during our current working from home circumstances.

#SafeRamadan at home: practical advice for students and staff

Individual students and members of staff will manage their own observance of Ramadan - this may vary due to health and other personal circumstances, but please do consider the following practical points:

  • Flexible working: members of staff and students may request flexibility around their study, research or working arrangements, for example, to work shorter days or working weeks during Ramadan.
  • Breaks: members of staff and students observing Ramadan are encouraged to take regular breaks for rest and reflection (perhaps around prayer times).
  • Prayers: students and members of staff may wish to offer prayers during the day (there may be up to two prayers that may impact upon timings of a working or studying day).
  • Annual leave: there will also be leave requests, so members of staff can observe Ramadan or celebrate Eid at home.
  • Meetings and events: meeting organisers may wish to consider timing over this period to enable as many students or members of staff as possible to attend.
  • Communication: members of staff and students may give advance notice that they will be fasting to a manager, academic supervisor or colleagues. They might also want to share Ramadan with colleagues by having a conversation or sharing what they are doing for it, what food they are preparing, and what the month means for them.

Sources of information

Support for students

  • York Islamic Society (ISOC)
  • Meal collection arrangements - if you're on a Meals in Advance, catered accommodation or College Night package, please complete the form to let the team know that you're observing Ramadan, and they'll contact you to discuss meal collection arrangements.

Support for staff


Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680