York Pride week: 1-7 June 2020

News | Posted on Tuesday 2 June 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic York Pride 2020 has been cancelled. However, the University will continue to mark the week of York Pride and express its support for the LGBTQ+ community.

York Pride raises awareness of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans (LGBT) issues throughout the year by promoting equality and diversity and working towards the elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.

The University has a strong tradition of marking York Pride each year with a rainbow flag raising event on campus to kick start the start celebrations, followed by a joint staff and student presence within the York Pride parade, marching from the Minister to the Knavesmire, and then a rainbow themed stand at the racecourse.

LGBT+ themed quiz

In place of its usual termly social gathering the LGBTI+ Matters Staff Network will be hosting an online LGBT+ themed quiz on Friday 5 June, please email equality@york.ac.uk to take part.

Keep an eye out for other local and national virtual events being held to celebrate Pride this year, such as the York LGBT Forum and the LGBT Foundation online events calendars, as well as York’s very own weekly LGBT+ radio show called Pride Vibe.

Also see:

We recognise that while these unprecedented times are challenging for everyone, the restrictions placed on our normal day to day lives are likely to have a different and disproportionate impact on members of our LGBTQ+ community. 

Support for students 

Support for staff

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Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680