University gains three more Athena Swan Awards

News | Posted on Sunday 17 May 2020

The University is delighted to have added three new Athena SWAN Bronze awards to its awards tally.

The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, the Department of Economics and Related Studies, and the Department of Philosophy have all received awards in recognition of the thorough and bold work being undertaken in all three departments to identify and address issues of gender inequality. Congratulations go to all those involved within the departments in pursuing this critical agenda.

The new awards bring the University’s Athena SWAN awards total to 19 (including three Gold and three Silver awards), reflecting the great strides taken at York over the past decade and more towards creating an environment that enables participation, progression and success for all our staff and students.

Professor Deborah Smith, Athena SWAN Steering Group Chair 2016-2020 said: “I am delighted that the hard work and commitment to break down barriers and build equality in these departments have been justly rewarded with these new awards. Together with our other awards, they signify the strength of the University’s commitment to putting equality at the heart of what we do.”

Professor Kiran Trehan, PVC for Partnerships and Engagement and current Chair of the Athena SWAN Steering Group said: “These new awards are so important and reflect the courageous and dedicated engagement our staff have with difficult issues. The University’s Athena SWAN agenda remains a significant priority and we will continue to build and share our knowledge and experience to help build a better society for all.”

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