All gender toilets

We commit to working together to create a University community where diversity is recognised, valued and celebrated.

A positive message

Designating all gender toilets on campus is a positive and welcoming message to trans1 and non-binary individuals and provides facilities that are inclusive. Single gender facilities will also be available across campus for those who prefer them.

The provision of all gender toilets on campus has been led by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Disability and Accessibility Group, Estates Services, the Equality and Diversity Office and supported by (formerly) YUSU and the GSA (now the University of York Students' Union). A wide range of staff2 and students3 have been involved in the development of appropriate signage for these facilities.

What are all gender toilets?

All gender toilets are facilities for all which do not have gendered signage and which do not require the person using them to define into a gender. Some all gender toilets provide additional facilities eg accessible toilets, baby changing facilities, or showers.

Who uses all gender toilets?

The simple answer is anyone!

Trans and non-binary individuals may not feel comfortable using gendered facilities due to others' reactions and also because gendered toilets may not meet their needs.

Individuals should not be restricted to using accessible toilets, because this can suggest that being trans or non-binary is a disability.

From an equality perspective, gender-neutral facilities are more inclusive to other members of staff and students (including for example, parents with young children4).

Will all toilet facilities on campus become all gender toilets?

No, gendered toilet facilities will continue to be available.

Where are all gender toilets provided?

The University will provide All Gender Toilets in new buildings on campus.

If you would like to discuss the provision of all gender toilets in your department or building, please contact the Facilities Helpdesk at in the first instance.

1 'Trans' is used as an umbrella term. It includes trans men and women, non-binary people and dual-role people. (Equality Challenge Unit)
2 The LGBTI Matters network, INCLUDE staff network, and Equality Champions
3 YUSU and GSA LGBTQ networks and the YUSU Disabled Students' Network
4 Equality Challenge Unit - Trans staff and students in HE and colleges: improving experiences

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680