Equality, diversity and inclusion events
We mark a number of religious and EDI related awareness dates each year with events that aim not just to acknowledge but also to celebrate each theme.
Use the calendar below to check details of forthcoming dates and look for upcoming events.
Celebrating diversity
Our aim is to offer a series of Celebrating diversity events to mark the various national awareness dates throughout the calendar year. We want to offer events that raise awareness of the historical and present day barriers and experiences often faced by particular minoritised groups, as well as highlighting some of the ongoing work and initiatives taking place to remove such challenges across the institution in these areas of EDI.
Events that contribute to the series are run by staff and students across the University in departments, central services, colleges, the Students Unions and our staff networks. They are all free to attend, with the majority of them being open to both staff and students, and some also open to members of the public.
Diversity Events and Celebrations Working Group
The Celebrating Diversity Events Series is overseen by the University’s Diversity Events and Celebrations Working Group (DECWG), a group that meets on a termly basis in order to discuss upcoming events and to take a joined up approach in promoting University activities.
Membership of this group is broad and includes representatives from the University of York Students' Union, the Equality and Diversity Office, the Events Team, Communications and the Centre for Applied Human Rights.
For more information about the DECWG contact equality
If you would like to contribute an event or activity to the Celebrating diversity events series, you can do so in one of two ways, either by contacting us at equality@york.ac.uk or by completing this event form.
Submitting an event to the series means that we can help you promote your event to as diverse an audience as possible and connect it to other related events and activities taking place across the University. For an example, see our Black History Month 2022 webpage.
When you submit your event, please:
- Provide a page that we can link to, eg:
- a web page on your own departmental site
- a page in the University's Events section
- a Facebook or Eventbrite page
- Confirm the event with us at least one week before the themed month/week/day begins so that we can promote it in advance.
If one of the above is not possible or if you would like to discuss further please get in touch with us at equality
Further information and resources
- Inclusive and accessible events - good practice guidance - advice on making your event as inclusive and accessible as possible
- Find recordings of earlier EDI events in the University's EDI YouTube channel and the York Ideas YouTube channel.
We encourage you to use one of our 'Celebrating Diversity' badges as part of the publicity for your event, as an indicator that your event is inclusive and open to all, as well as helping us to create a consistent visual identity for all the University's EDI events.
Celebrating diversity calendar
Click on an event to see more details. If you'd like to subscribe so that you see the events in your own calendar, use the + Google Calendar button at the bottom right corner.