Library, Learning, Archives and Wellbeing
Our student community is at the heart of our institution. We want to offer all our students an outstanding and valuable experience, but most of all, we want them to enjoy their time at York.
The Library, Learning, Archives and Wellbeing teams work to enhance all aspects of student life and experience at the University. They deliver a range of proactive and responsive services to students, staff, academics and researchers, as well as collaborative learning experiences in inspirational environments.
We aim to provide an engaging, supportive and empowering environment with open access to the knowledge, data and skills needed to address the important questions of a changing world and enable our students to graduate as active, well-informed citizens and leaders.
Our teams
Director of Library, Learning, Archives and Wellbeing: Kirsty Lingstadt, University Librarian (kirsty.lingstadt
PS Executive Assistant: Camille Bainbridge (chief-academic-services-officer
- Content and Open Research
- Engagement and Customer Experience
- Archives and Research Collections
- Student Life and Wellbeing
- Digital Education
- Academic and Digital Skills
- White Rose Libraries
Content and Open Research
Assistant Director of Content and Open Research: Sarah Thompson (s.thompson
Team responsibilities:
- The teams in Content Services acquire and manage all the library’s content and collections, both physical and digital, both purchased and open access. They are responsible for reading lists, acquisitions and interlibrary loans, subscriptions, metadata and lifecycle management.
- The Open Research team provides guidance, training and advocacy on open access publication, open research practices, research data management and copyright. Support is available through individual appointments, departmental meetings and training workshops delivered in partnership with Building Research and Innovation Capacity (BRIC).
Engagement and Customer Experience
Assistant Director of Engagement and Customer Experience: Jackie Knowles (jackie.knowles
Team responsibilities:
- The Faculty Librarian Team works to ensure that the academic and student voices are heard, that the Library collections are developed to reflect teaching and research needs and are responsible for information literacy teaching within departments.
- Customer Services are responsible for delivering front line enquiry support to visitors of the library whether they be students, staff or members of the public.
Archives and Research Collections
Keeper of Archives and Research Collections: Gary Brannan (gary.brannan
- Borthwick Institute for Archives
- University Rare Books Library
- University Art Collection
- York Minster Library partnership
Team responsibilities:
- Cares for the universities archives, records and art collection.
Student Life and Wellbeing
Deputy Director of Student Life and Wellbeing: Martin Crosby (martin.crosby
Team responsibilities:
- Student Support is the first point of contact for support and advice regarding official documents and letter collection; student records; financial support and money matters; housing; targeted, under-represented student groups; and immigration and visas.
- Open Door provides support for students experiencing mental health difficulties and departmental wellbeing work.
- Colleges work with our student leaders to provide a supportive and collaborative community for every student, support student wellbeing and transitions and provide a high-quality residential provision for those who live on campus.
- Conduct and Respect coordinate support for student conduct and discipline matters and offer specialist support for students who have experienced sexual misconduct.
Digital Education
Head of Digital Education: Richard Walker (richard.walker
Team responsibilities:
- Supports departments in the design, delivery and evaluation of learning technology interventions at activity, module and programme level.
Academic and Digital Skills
Head of Academic and Digital Skills: Cecilia Lowe (cecilia.lowe
Team responsibilities:
- Provides academic skills services to all students (Maths, Statistics and Writing) via online resources, workshops, one-to-one appointments and programme-linked provision.
- Providing digital skills support to all University members, including staff, students, and researchers.
White Rose Libraries
Assistant Director of White Rose Libraries: Kate Petherbridge (kate.petherbridge
- Find out more about White Rose Libraries (whiteroselibraries.org)