What we do
Here's what we can help you with and where to go for the things that we can't.
We supply equipment for teaching. presentations, conferences and events, and we provide training and briefing sessions for staff who need to use AV equipment. Behind the scenes, we upgrade and maintain the audio visual equipment in teaching rooms.
Our services include
- Supplying rooms and conferences with audio visual equipment.
- Maintaining the Replay lecture capture system hardware*.
- Giving advice and information on loaned audio visual equipment.
- Providing audio visual support at events and conferences.
*Have a question about Replay lecture capture? There are some helpful pages with advice for students and instructions for staff.

Our opening hours
Semester time:
Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm
Other times:
Monday to Thursday, 8.30am - 5pm.
Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm
There is no on-call service outside these hours. However, subject to prior arrangement, AV technicians are available to work outside these hours (this may incur additional charges).
What we don't do
Unfortunately, we can't help you with the following, but we know who you need to ask. Follow the links below:
- Room bookings are managed through the Room Bookings Team.
- Digital Signage content is scheduled by Internal Communications who can be emailed at communications-support
@york.ac.uk - Flipcharts and pads should be acquired in advance from the Rapid Response Team using the AV Booking Form.
- Phones and conference calls are managed by Unified Communications.
- Lighting and heating in rooms are controlled by Estates and Campus Services.
- Requests for adding or moving furniture should be directed to Facilities Helpdesk.
- PC login details: Unless booking via York conferences, contact IT Services for a login.
- Nimlock display board bookings can be made using the Facilities Helpdesk Form.
- Conferences and events are managed by York Conferences and Events.