The University aims to provide a working and learning environment which is fair, welcoming and inclusive and where staff and students can fulfil their potential. The establishment of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champions in each department is an important initiative for the University in support of this aim. The Equality and Diversity Office works closely with the network of Equality Champions to support them in their role.
The main roles and requirements of Equality Champions include:
Equality Champions:
Equality Champions embed EDI within their area of work by promoting and communicating equality, diversity and inclusivity information about key events, news, training opportunities, issues, policy developments and best practice.
Equality champions feed into broader cultural change and raise awareness of EDI issues by engaging with the Equality Champion Network, staff networks, the E and D Office and other relevant EDI structures/groups, such as the Equality,Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC). Equality Champions also support the development of resources to highlight and share good EDI practice across the University.
Equality Champions engage with a broad range of EDI initiatives by liaising with others who are involved in key EDI initiatives, in order to provide mutual support, ensure a joined-up approach and provide an opportunity for learning across all aspects of EDI.
*The above is an online version fo the Equality Champions' ToR, for the complete version please contact