Adverse weather conditions and travel problems

The University is open and running as normal.  While we expect students to make every reasonable effort to attend classes and exams as normal, your safety is paramount and if you have reason to believe this will be put at risk you should not travel.

Please follow police and travel organisations' advice.

You should let your departmental office know if you are delayed because of the weather. If you do not have the contact details for the departmental office, please email and we will forward the message to your department.

Missing exams

If you will miss an exam (see the exam timetable for dates and times of exams) due to being unable to return to University because of the weather conditions, please keep a copy of the travel advice you have followed.

You should complete an exceptional circumstances claim form as soon as you are aware you are going to miss the exam. The form you will need to complete, which should be submitted to your department, can be found on the exceptional circumstances page.

The full procedure for submitting exceptional circumstances is described on the exceptional circumstances policy page.

Each Department has specific arrangements for the submission of the exceptional circumstances claim form and you should consult your departmental webpages or contact your departmental office to confirm these if you are unsure.


We recommend that you allow extra time for travelling in order to arrive by the beginning of the semester.

If travelling by car

  1. Check the advice of your local police authority on their website before travelling
  2. Check weather forecasts and AA advice for your intended route
  3. Ensure you have a fully charged mobile phone with you before setting out
  4. Let a friend or family member know when you are leaving and notify them of your safe arrival
  5. Carry basic safety equipment including: additional cold weather protection (sleeping bag), a spade, a torch and a flask of a warm drink

If travelling by rail, air or bus

Check with the rail provider, airline or bus company that your train, flight or bus is operating before leaving home.

On campus

On arrival at the University be aware that while every effort has been made to keep car parks and main thoroughfares open, many pathways are untreated so please exercise caution.

Frozen lake

It is extremely dangerous to go onto the ice and you must not do so for any reason.