Visit Professor Neil Lunt's profile on the York Research Database to see a full list of publications and browse his research related activities.
My undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are in politics (University of Durham) and political philosophy (University of York). I have a PhD in social policy (Massey University, New Zealand) and my thesis explored the emergence of social science knowledge.
Following a stint during 1991 as research assistant in education policy, I joined the Social Policy Research Unit, within the School for Business and Society here at York. Between 1992 and 1996 I was a research fellow on various externally funded projects focused on the organisation and delivery of health and social services, and disability employment policy.
Between 1997 and 2006 I spent a decade in New Zealand based at Massey University (Auckland) teaching policy studies. I returned to York in January 2007.
I was Provost of James College 2007-2013. I oversaw the MPA (CASPPER) Programme 2014-2024.
I was a member of the REF assessment sub-panel (Unit 20 Social Policy and Social Work) for the REF 2021.
My current leadership roles focuses on the development and delivery of collaborative and TNE activities with overseas partners.
Lunt, N. and Exworthy, M. (2024) NHS Dentistry in Britain: A long overdue check up, World Medical & Health Policy. 1–9.
Hanefeld, J., Modisenyane, M., Jo, V., Smith, R. D., Walls, H. and Lunt, N. (2024) Bilateral health agreements of South Africa: an analysis of issues covered, Health Policy and Planning. .39, 7, 722–730,
Meers, J., Colliver, K., Hudson, J. R. and Lunt, N. (2024) “Sticking plaster” support: The Household Support Fund and localised assistance in the UK welfare state Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. 32, 1, 26-46.
Colliver, K., Hudson, J. R., Lunt, N. and Meers, J. (2024) Passing the buck from Whitehall to town hall: local government responses to the cost-of-living crisis in England, Social Policy Review 36: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy. Policy Press, p. 7-26.
Lunt, N. (2023). The global challenge of cancer governance. World Medical & Health Policy, 1–10.
Exworthy, M., Lunt, N., Tuck, P. & Mistry, R. (2023) From commodification to entrepreneurialism: how commercial income is transforming the English NHS, Public Money & Management, DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2023.2243775
Mortley, N. K. and Lunt, N. (2023) COVID-19 and Implications for Migration in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) Journal. 1, 1-2, 67-89.
Hudson, J. and Lunt (2022) The contested jurisdiction of Social Policy in UK universities since 1972, Journal of Social Policy, 10.1017/S0047279422000320
Lunt, N. (2022) 'Medical Tourism', in Key Concepts in Medical Sociology (Third Edition) (Eds Monaghan, L. and Gabe, J.), Sage.
Lunt, N. and Fung, K. (2021) Scoping the literature on Patient travel abroad for cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Open Access https://onlinelibrary.wiley.
Bainbridge, L. and Lunt, N. (2021) Place, Strengths and Assets : A Case Study of how Local Area Coordination is Supporting Individuals and Families Under Conditions of Austerity. British Journal of Social Work. ISSN 1468-263X (In Press)
Duke, S., Richardson, A., May, C., Lund, S., Lunt, N. and N. Campling (2021) Evaluation of the usability, accessibility and acceptability for a family support intervention (Family-Focused Support Conversation) for end of life care discharge planning from hospital: a participatory learning and action research study, International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances
Lunt, N. (2019) Asset-based and strengths-based community initiatives in the UK, Global Social Security Review, Winter, 63-75.[Korean]
Lunt, N. (2019) The United Kingdom’s Somali populations as medical nomads, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Ormond, M. and Lunt, N. (2019) Transnational medical travel: patient mobility, shifting health system entitlement and attachments, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Shaw, I. F. & Lunt, N. (2018) Forms of Practitioner Research, British Journal of Social Work, 48, 1, 141–157,
Lunt, N. & Fung, K. W., (2018) Chinese medical tourists are 'dying to survive', East Asia Forum, 28 August 2018.
Park, S. and Lunt, N. (2018) Productive Resistance within the Korean Public Sector: Exploring Organisational Culture. Public Organiz Rev 18, 279–297. Available to download here
Lunt, N. (2017) The Entrepreneurial State: Service exports in healthcare and criminal justice, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 33, 1, 18-35, DOI: 10.1080/21699763.2017.1288159
Lunt, N. (2017) 'Exporting healthcare services: a comparative discussion of UK, Turkey and South Korea', in Horsfall, D. & Hudson, J. (eds.). Social policy in an era of competition: From global to local perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press, 103-116.
Hudson, J. and Lunt, N., with Hamilton, C., Mackinder, S., Meers, J. and Swift, C. (2016) 'Nostalgia Narratives? Pejorative Attitudes to Welfare in Historical Perspective: Survey Evidence from Beveridge to the British Social Attitudes Survey', Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 24, 3, 227-243.
Lunt, N., Horsfall, D. and Hanefeld (2016) Medical tourism: a snapshot of evidence on treatment abroad, Maturitas, 88, 37–44. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.03.001
Kilkey, M. and Lunt, N. (2015) 'Angry doctors are just the latest victims of globalisation' The Conversation, 21 October.
Lunt, N., Horsfall, D. and Hanefeld, J. (Eds)(2015) The Handbook of Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (pp. 504).
Lunt, N., Horsfall, D. and Hanefeld, J. (2015) ‘The shaping of contemporary medical tourism and patient mobility’, in Lunt et al (Eds.) The Elgar Handbook of Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility (pp. 3-15).
Horsfall, D. and Lunt, N. (2015) ‘Medical tourism by numbers’, in Lunt et al (Eds.) The Elgar Handbook of Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility (pp.25-36).
Horsfall, D. and Lunt, N. (2015) ‘Medical tourism and the internet’ in Lunt et al (Eds.) The Elgar Handbook of Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility (pp. 174-183).
Lunt, N. (2015) ‘Networks and supply chains: the nature of medical tourism markets’ in Lunt et al (Eds.) The Elgar Handbook of Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility pp. 184-192).
Lunt, N. and Horsfall, D. (2015) ‘Outcomes and medical tourism’, in Lunt et al (Eds.) The Elgar Handbook of Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility (pp. 461-472).
Lunt, N., Exworthy, M., Hanefeld, J. and Smith, R. (2015) 'International patients within the NHS: A case of public sector entrepreneurialism', Social Science & Medicine, 124, 338-345 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.04.027. Available online via ScienceDirect.
Park, S. & Lunt, N. (2015). Confucianism and Qualitative Interviewing: Working Seoul to Soul, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 16(2), Art. 7,
Lunt, N. and Shaw, I. F. (2015) Developing good practitioner research: An agenda for research commissioners, agencies and practitioners, China Journal of Social Work, 8, 1: 3-16. DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2015.1009140
Hanefeld, J., Lunt, N., Smith, R. and Horsfall, D (2015) 'Why do medical tourists travel to where they do? The role of networks in determining medical travel', Social Science & Medicine. 124, 356-63, DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.05.016
Shaw, I. F., Lunt, N. and Mitchell, F. (2014) Practitioner research in social care: a review and recommendations, London: NIHR School for Social Care Research. (Methods Review; no. 18), 56 pp
Lunt, N., Jin, K.N., Horsfall, D. and Hanefeld, J. (2014) 'Insights on Medical Tourism: Markets as networks and the role of strong ties', Korean Journal of Social Science. 41:19–37, DOI: 10.1007/s40483-014-0012-7.
Hanefeld, J., Smith, R., Horsfall, D. and Lunt, N. (2014) 'What do we know about medical tourism - a review of the literature with discussion of its implications for the UK NHS as an example of a public health care system', Journal of Travel Medicine.21(6), 410-7, DOI: 10.1111/jtm.12147
Lunt, N. and Mannion, R. (2014) 'Editorial: Patient mobility in the global marketplaces: a multidisciplinary perspective', International Journal of Health Policy Management. DOI 10.15171/ijhpm.2014.47.
Lunt, N. (2014) Medical tourism in Asia goes under the knife, East Asia Forum, 13th February 2014. Available online via East Asia Forum.
Lunt, N., Smith, R. D., Mannion, R., Green, S.T., Exworthy, M., Hanefeld, J., Horsfall, D., Machin, L. and King, H. (2014) 'Implications for the NHS of inward and outward medical tourism: a policy and economic analysis using literature review and mixed-methods approaches', Health Services and Delivery Research, 2(2). DOI: 10.3310/hsdr02020. Available online via NIHR.
Lunt, N. (2014) 'Panacea, problem or perish: social policy language in New Zealand', in Daniel Béland and Klaus Petersen (eds) Analyzing Social Policy Concepts and Languages, Bristol: Policy Press.
Lunt, N. and Horsfall, D. (2014) 'How medical value travel impacts upon national health systems' in Encyclopedia of Health Economics (1st Edition) (Editor in Chief Culyer, A.), Elsevier.
Lunt, N. and Jin, K. N. (2013) 'Developments in medical tourism', China Health Review, 4, 4, 12-19.
Lunt, N., Hanefeld, J., Smith, R.D., Exworthy, M., Horsfall, D. and Mannion, R. (2013) Market Size, Market Share and Market Strategy: Three Myths of Medical Tourism, Policy & Politics. doi:10.1332/030557312X655918. Available online.
Lunt., N. Hanefeld, J., Horsfall, D. and Smith, R. (2013) The UK National Health Service and International Patients, chapter in M. Smith and L. Puczkó (eds) Health, Tourism and Hospitality: Spas, Wellness and Medical Travel, Routledge.
Hanefeld J, Horsfall D, Lunt N, Smith R (2013) Medical Tourism: A Cost or Benefit to the NHS? PLoS ONE, 8(10): e70406. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070406. Available online via PLoS ONE.
Horsfall, D., Lunt, N., King, H., Hanefeld, J., Smith, R.D. (2013) 'The Impact of the Internet on Medical Tourism', in Medical Tourism and Transnational Health Care, Tomas Mainil, David Botterill & Guido Pennings (Eds), Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 223-239.
Lunt, N., Mannion, R. and Exworthy, M. (2013) 'A Framework for Exploring the Policy Implications of UK Medical Tourism and International Patient Flows', Social Policy & Administration, 47, 1, 1–25. Available online.
Lunt, N. and Horsfall, D. (2013) 'New Zealand: Sickness and Invalid's Benefit'. In Lindsay, C. and Houston, D. (eds), Disability Benefits and Employment Policy: Fit for Work, Fit for Purpose?, Palgrave Macmillan.
Shaw, I. and Lunt, N. (2012) 'Constructing practitioner research', Social Work Review, 36, 3, 197-208.
Hanefeld, J., Lunt, N., Horsfall, D. and Smith, R. (2012) Letter. Cosmetic surgery advertising. Discussion on ban of advertising for cosmetic surgery needs to consider medical tourists, BMJ 2012; 345:e7997. Available online.
Smith, R.D., Legido-Quigley, H., Lunt, N. and Horsfall, D. (2012) 'Medical Tourism the European way', in Risks and Challenges in Medical Tourism: Understanding the global market for health services, Hodges, J.R., Turner L. and Kimball A. (eds), ABC Clio, pp. 37-55.
Smith, R., Lunt, N., Hanefeld, J. (2012) 'Comment: The implications of PIP are more than just cosmetic', Lancet, Published Online 2 February 2012.
Lunt, N., Green, S.T., Mannion, R. and Horsfall, D. (2012) 'Quality, Safety and Risk in Medical Tourism', in Medical Tourism: The Ethics, Regulation, and Marketing of Health Mobility, Hall, M.C. (ed), Routledge, pp. 31-46.
Mannion, R., Brown, S., Beck, M. and Lunt, N. (2011) 'Managing cultural diversity in healthcare partnerships: the case of LIFT', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 25(6), 645-657.
Lunt, N. and Horsfall, D. (2011) 'How medical value travel impacts upon national health systems', Chapter prepared for The Encyclopaedia of Health Economics, A.J. Culyer (ed), Elsevier.
Lunt, N., Smith, R., Exworthy, M., Green, S. T., Horsfall, D. and Mannion, R. (2011) Medical Tourism: Treatments, Markets and Health System Implications: A scoping review. Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD. Available online.
Lunt, N., Machin, L., Green, S. and Mannion, R. (2011) 'Are there implications for quality of care for patients who participate in international medical tourism?', Expert Rev. Pharmoeconomics Outcomes Res, 11, 2, 1-4.
Shaw, I and Lunt, N. (2011) 'Navigating practitioner research', British Journal of Social Work, 41 (8), 1548-1565. Available online.
Lunt, N., Ramian, K., Shaw, I., Fouché, C. and Mitchell, F. (2011) 'Networking practitioner research: synthesizing the state of the ‘art’', European Journal of Social Work. 15, 2, 185-203. Available online.
Lunt, N. and Carrera, P. (2011) 'Advice for prospective medical tourists: systematic review of consumer sites', Tourism Review, 66, 1/2, 57-67.
Fouché, C and Lunt, N. (2011) "A 'framework of opportunity' for practitioner research" In Practitioner Research in Teacher Education: Theory and Best Practices, Saleh, I.M. and Khine, M.S. (eds.), Peter Lang International.
Lunt, N. and Carerra, P. (2010) 'Medical tourism: assessing the evidence on treatment abroad', Maturitas: an International journal of mid-life health, 66, 27-32.
Lunt, N., Shaw, I. and Fouché, C. (2010) 'Practitioner research and co-production', Public Money & Management, 30, 4, 235-242.
Mitchell, F., Lunt, N. and Shaw I. (2010) 'Practitioner research in social work: a knowledge review', Evidence & Policy, 6, 1, 7-31
Evans, M. and Lunt, N. eds (2010) Policy Studies 31, 1, Special Issue: Understanding Competition States.
Lunt, N. (2010) 'Winning hearts and minds for the Competition State', Policy Studies, 31, 1, 23-37
Fouché, C. and Lunt, N. (2010) 'Nested mentoring relationships: reflections on a practice project for mentoring research capacity among social work practitioners', Journal of Social Work, 10, 4, 391-406.
Lunt, N. (2010) 'Welfare reform and the reshaping of New Zealand citizenship', in A. Nevile (ed) Human Rights and Social Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Values and Citizenship in OECD Countries, Edward Elgar (pp. 138-153).
Carrera, P. and Lunt, N. (2010) A European perspective on medical tourism: the need for a knowledge base, International Journal of Health Services, 40, 3, 469-484.
Lunt, N. and Fouché, C. (2010) 'Practitioner research, ethics and research governance', Ethics & Social Welfare, 4, 3, 219-235.
Lunt, N., Hardey, M. and Mannion R. (2010) 'Nip, Tuck and Click: Medical tourism and the emergence of web-based health information', Open Medical Informatics Journal, Volume 4, 1-11, doi: 10.2174/1874431101004010001 .Reprinted in: IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics (2011) Section 7: Education and Consumer Informatics, ‘Best Paper Selection’, ISSN 0943-4747, ISBN 978-3-7945-2844-8.
Lunt, N. (2009) 'The rise of a social development agenda in New Zealand', International Journal of Social Welfare, 18, 1, 3-12.
Lunt, N., Shaw, I.F. and Mitchell, F. (2009) Practitioner Research in CHILDREN 1st: Cohorts, Networks and Systems, Report prepared for The Institute for Research and Innovation in the Social Services. Details of the project, full report and executive summary: Available online [PDF].
Lunt, N. and Fouché, C. (2009)'Action research for developing social workers' research capacity', Educational Action Research, 17, 2, 225-237
Fouche, C. and Lunt, N. (2009) 'Using groups to advance social work practice-based research', Social Work with Groups: A journal of community and clinical practice, 32, 47-63.
Lunt, N. (2009) 'Transnational Families, Older People and Social Policy: The case of New Zealand', International Journal of Social Welfare, 18, 243-251.
Mitchell, F., Lunt, N. and Shaw, I. (2008) ‘Practitioner Research in Social Services: A literature review’, Report Prepared for the Institute for Research and Innovation in the Social Services, York: University of York. Read a summary of this review: Practitioner Research in Social Services: A literature review (PDF , 97kb)
Lunt, N. (2008) 'Boats, planes and trains: British migration, mobility and transnational experience', Migration Letters, 5, 2, 151-165.
Lunt, N. (2008) 'From welfare state to social development: winning the war of words in New Zealand', Social Policy and Society, 7, 4 405-418
Lunt, N., Fouché, C. and Yates, D. (2008) Growing Research in Practice: Report of an Innovative Partnership model, Wellington : Families Commission:
Lunt, N., O’Brien, M. and Stephens, B. (2008) ‘‘New Welfare New Zealand: The context for social security reform’, in Lunt, N., O’Brien, M. and Stephens, R. (eds) New Welfare New Zealand, Melbourne: Thomson Press. Read the review: New Zealand, New Welfare (PDF , 128kb)
Lunt, N. (2008) ‘Unemployment and youth unemployment’, in Lunt, N., O’Brien, M. and Stephens, R. (eds) New Welfare New Zealand, Melbourne: Thomson Press.
Lunt, N. (2008) New measures to reduce sickness and invalid’s benefit rolls’, in Lunt, N., O’Brien, M. and Stephens, R. (eds) New Welfare New Zealand, Melbourne: Thomson Press.
Lunt, N., O’Brien, M. and Stephens, B. (2008) ‘What lies ahead’, in Lunt, N., O’Brien, M. and Stephens, R. (eds) New Welfare New Zealand, Melbourne: Thomson Press.
Beddoe, L., Fouché, C., Harington, P., Light, G., Lunt, N., & Yates, D. (2007). Growing research in practice: the story so far. Social Work Review, 39-50.
Lunt, N. (2006) ‘ Pacific Islands’, in Fitzpatrick et al (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Social Policy, London: Routledge.
Lunt, N. (2006) ‘Global Social Policy’, in Fitzpatrick et al (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Social Policy, London: Routledge.
Lunt, N. (2006) ‘ New Zealand’, in Fitzpatrick et al (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Social Policy, London: Routledge.
Lunt, N. with McPherson, M. and Browning, J. (2006) Les Familles et Whānau sans Frontières: New Zealand and Transnational Family Obligation, Wellington, New Zealand : Families Commission.
Lunt, N. (2006) 'Employability and New Zealand welfare restructuring', Policy & Politics 34, 3, 473-494.
Lunt, N. (2006) ‘Sickness and Invalid's Benefits: New developments and continuing challenges’, Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 27, March, 77-99.
Lunt, N. (2006) ‘The lingering death of social policy’, Sociology, 40, 2, 381-386.
Lunt, N. (2005) ‘Close encounters with the Third Way: Reflections on British and New Zealand social policy’, The 2004 HJ Dellar Memorial Public Social Policy Lecture, published as CSISJ Working Paper, University of Hull (ISBN 1 903 704 31 6).
Lunt, N. (2005) 'Disability and Employment: Global and national policy influences', in Roulstone, A. and Barnes, C. (Eds) Working Futures? Disabled people, policy and social inclusion. Bristol, Policy Press.
Lunt, N. (2005) 'Politics and the metaphorical imagination', Politics, 25(2), 73-9.
Lunt, N. and Trotman, I. (2005) 'Towards a stagecraft of New Zealand evaluation' [pdf], Australasian Journal of Evaluation, 5, 1,3-10.
Lunt, N., Davidson, C. and McKegg, K. (Eds) (2003) Evaluating Policy and Practice: A New Zealand Reader , Auckland, Pearson Education.
Lunt, N. (2003) ‘Disabled people within the labour market: evidence from the United Kingdom and New Zealand’, New Zealand Journal of Disability Studies, 10. 5-30.
Lunt, N. and Davidson, C. (2003) ‘Evaluation matters’, in Lunt, N., Davidson, C. and McKegg, K. (eds) Evaluating Policy and Practice: A New Zealand Reader, Auckland, Pearson Education.
Lunt, N. (2003) ‘Knowledge for policy: the emergence of evaluation research within New Zealand, in Lunt, N., Davidson, C. and McKegg, K. (eds) Evaluating Policy and Practice: A New Zealand Reader, Auckland, Pearson Education.
Lunt, N., Spoonley, P. and Mataira, P. (2002) ‘Past and present: reflections on citizenship within New Zealand’, Social Policy & Administration, 36, 4, 346-362.
Lunt, N. and Davidson, C. (2002) ‘Increasing research capacity: some supply-side consideration’, Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 18, 1-17.
Lunt, N. (2001) ‘The road to somewhere: evidence, public policy and the public’, Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 16, 199-203.
Lunt, N. and Davidson, C. (2000) ‘Journey to the centre of the (academic) universe’, Politics, 20, 1-14.
Atkin, K. Lunt, N. and Thompson, C. (Eds)(1999) Evaluating Community Nursing, London : Bailliere Tindall. Pp. 222.
Lunt, N. (1999) ‘Academic re (presentations) of social policy’, in McKay, B. (ed) Unmasking Whiteness, Brisbane: Queensland Studies Centre, Griffith University.
Lunt, N. (1999) ‘Biculturalism and the academic discipline of social policy’, Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, July, 12, 1-15.
Lunt, N. and Pernice, R. (1999) ‘New Zealand disability employment policy’, Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, July 12, 16-35.
Lunt, N. and Thornton, P. (1998) ‘Working opportunities for disabled people’, in Wheelock, J and Vail, J. (eds) Work and Idleness: the political economy of full employment, Boston, MA: Kluwer.
Thornton, P. and Lunt, N. (1998) ‘Integration of disabled people in the workforce: decisive factors in the United Kingdom?’ in Kloss, S. et al. (eds) Rehabilitation of Partially Disabled People: an international perspective, Amstersdam: Thesis Publishers.
Hirst, M., Lunt, N. and Atkin, K. (1998) ‘Were practice nurses distributed equitably across England and Wales, 1988-1995? Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 3, 1, 31-38.
Lunt, N. and Thornton, P. (1997) ‘Researching disability employment policies’ in Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (eds) Doing Disability Research, Leeds: The Disability Press.
Lunt, N., Atkin, K. and Hirst, M. (1997) ‘Staying single in the 1990s: single-handed practitioners in the new National Health Service, Social Science & Medicine, 45, 3, 341-349.
Thornton, P. and Lunt, N. (1997) Employment Policies for Disabled People in Eighteen Countries: A review, Social Policy Research Unit/ ILO/ European Communities, York.
Atkin, K. and Lunt, N. (1996) ‘The role of the practice nurse in primary health care: managing and supervising the practice nurse resource’, Journal of Nursing Management, 4, 84-92.
Baldwin, S. and Lunt, N. (1996) Charging Ahead: Local authority charging policies for community care, JRF/ Policy Press: Bristol.
Lunt, N. and Coyle, D. (Eds.)(1996) Welfare and Policy: Research Agendas and Issues, Taylor & Francis: London.
Lunt, N., Mannion, R. and Smith, P. (1996) ‘Economic discourse and the market: the case of community care, Public Administration, 74, 3, 369-391.
Hirst, M., Atkin, K. and Lunt, N. (1995) ‘Variation in practice nursing: implications for family health service authorities’, Health & Social Care in the Community, 3, 89-97.
Atkin, K., Lunt, N., Parker, G. and Hirst, M. (1994) ‘The role and self perceived training needs of nurses employed in general practice: observations from a national census of practice nursing’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20: 46-52.
Lunt, N., McKenzie, P. and Powell, L. (1993) ‘ “The right track”: Teacher training and the new right - change and review’, Educational Studies, 19, 2, 143-161.
I have particular interests in comparative dimensions of public sector reform and welfare restructuring (South Korea, Australasia, Singapore, China). My sector interests include health, social services and employment services. I have a number of methodological (policy analysis, case study, action research and practitioner research) and theoretical (attitudes and values, Confucianism, critical realism) interests. I am keen to supervise PhD candidates on these and related topics.
Recently completed students include Dr Ka Wo Fung: Incentives and healthcare in Hong Kong [now an academic in Taiwan]; Dr Eunkyung Shin: South Korean social policy development and decentralisation [Dr Shin was based at the OECD, Paris]; Dr Sunghee Park: Aligning incentives and performance in the Korean civil service [Dr Park was based at he United Nations, New York, the Korean Presidential Office, and is now on Korean Embassy posting]; Dr Blaise Fofung.
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