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Dr Dan Horsfall

BA (Hons), MRes, PhD 

  • Senior Lecturer in Comparative Social Policy
  • Admissions Tutor (BA Social Policy / Applied Social Policy)
  • British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow (2012-2015)
  • Deputy Chair of the Board of Examiners (SPSW)

Visit Dr Daniel Horsfall's profile on the York Research Database to see a full list of publications and browse his research related activities.


Areas of expertise

  • Comparative Social Policy
  • Comparative Methods
  • The Policy Process
  • The Political Economy of Welfare States
  • Global Health and Patient Mobility


Dan completed his PhD in 2011 before joining the Department first as a Teaching Fellow, then as Research Fellow, working with Dr Neil Lunt. Dan was awarded postdoctoral funding for a three-year project by the British Academy. This project explored the political economy of welfare states in the 21st century. Alongside Professor John Hudson, Dan produced an edited book ‘Social Policy in an era of Competition’, which captures the broad nature of his postdoctoral research.

Since completion of the British Academy’s postdoctoral fellowship, Dan has continued to explore issues relating to the political economy of welfare states, as well as the emerging issues related to patient mobility, globalisation, and health.

Dan is a convenor of the second year modules ‘Comparative Social Policy; and ‘The Policy Process’. He also teaches on the Masters programme and various research methods courses.


Research interests

  • The shift from welfare states to competition states
  • The use of qualitative, quantitative, and fuzzy-set methods for use in comparative analysis
  • Comparative and International Social Policy
  • Global Health
  • Patient Mobility
  • The role of housing markets in entrenching the competition state

PhD supervision

Dan is interested in supervising PhD s on any of the research areas above. He is currently co-supervisor to Anette Bonifant-Cisners, whose thesis seeks to ‘Understand Policy Change: The Obesity Prevention Agenda in Mexico’.


Selected publications

Horsfall, D. G. (ed.) & Hudson, J. R. (ed.) (2017) Social policy in an era of competition: From global to local perspectives. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Finch, N. L., Horsfall, D. G. & Hudson, J. R (2017). Changing labour markets, changing welfare across the OECD: The move towards a social investment model of welfare as a response to competition in Social policy in an era of competition: From global to local perspectives. Horsfall, D. & Hudson, J. (eds.). Bristol: The Policy Press, p. 33-52 20

Horsfall, D. G. & Pagan, R. (2017) “Jumping the Queue?: How a Focus on Health Tourism as Benefit Fraud Misses Much of the Medical Tourism Story. Social policy review 29: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2017. Vol. 29, p. 219-242 24.

Lunt, N., Horsfall, D. G. & Hanefeld, J. (2016). Medical tourism: A snapshot of evidence on treatment abroad.  

Horsfall, D. G. & Lunt, N. (2015). Medical tourism by numbers. In Handbook on Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility. Lunt, N., Horsfall, D. & Hanefeld, J. (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 25-36 12

Lunt, N. (ed.), Horsfall, D. G. (ed.) & Hanefeld, J. (ed.) (2015). Handbook on Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Hanefeld, J., Lunt, N., Smith, R. D. & Horsfall, D. G. (2015). Why do medical tourists travel to where they do? The role of networks in determining medical travel. Social Science & Medicine Volume 124, January 2015, Pages 356-363

Lunt, N., Horsfall, D. G., Smith, R. D., Exworthy, M., Hanefeld, J. & Mannion, R. (2014). Market size, market share and market strategy: three myths of medical tourism. Policy and Politics Volume 42, Number 4, October 2014, pp. 597-614(18).

Lunt, N., Jin, K. N., Horsfall, D. G. & Hanefeld, J. (2014). Insights on medical tourism: markets as networks and the role of strong ties. Korean Journal of Social Science Volume 41, Issue 1, pp 19–37.

Horsfall, D. G. (2013). A fuzzy set ideal-type approach to measuring the competition state. Policy and Society, Volume 32, 2013 - Issue 4: Innovative Methods for Policy Analysis: QCA and Fuzzy Sets.

Horsfall, D. G. (2013). There and back again: convergence to the competition state plan. Policy Studies, Volume 34, 2013 - Issue 1, pp.53-72.

Horsfall, D. G. (2010). From competition state to competition states? Policy Studies, Volume 31, 2010 - Issue 1: UNDERSTANDING COMPETITION STATES, pp.57-76.

Conference papers

Horsfall, D (Co-written with Lunt, N). (October 2012). Medical Tourism: What is it? Where does it Happen? And Who is involved? Keynote address to the Daejeon International Medical Tourism Conference 2012, Daejeon, Korea.

Horsfall, D. (July 2012). Housing: The Sturdy Pillar under the Competition State? Paper to the 2012 EASP/SPA conference, York.

Horsfall, D. (July 2012). The Chinese competition state. Paper accepted for the 2012 EASP/SPA conference, York.

Horsfall, D. (2009). Comparing competition states across the OECD. Paper to the ESPANET conference, 2009, Dublin.

Horsfall, D. (2009). A comparative approach to the competition state. Paper to the University of York department of Politics seminar series.

Horsfall, D. (2008). From competition state to competition states? Paper to the PAC conference, 2008, York.





Contact details

Dr Dan Horsfall
Senior Lecturer in Comparative Social Policy Admissions Tutor
School for Business and Society

Tel: 01904 32 1206