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Ros Williams
PhD Student


  • PhD in Sociology (in progress), University of York
  • MA in Social Research (Distinction), University of Warwick
  • BA(hons) Sociology with a Specialism in Gender Studies (First Class), University of Warwick.

After studying at the University of Warwick, Ros worked and travelled before moving to York to undertake her doctoral research. She has an interest in the broad span of classical and contemporary social theory and its potential applications to the bioeconomies.

Funded by the White Rose DTC, her research is based in the Science and Technology Studies Unit (SATSU). As part of the “Rethinking the social production, locus and impact of bioscience” network, her own research focuses on the social, political and economic dimensions of the biotechnology industries with an emphasis on umbilical cord blood banking.

When she’s not working, Ros is a musician who plays acoustic guitars, bass and (occasionally) banjo. She plays in a Shropshire-based covers band and a jazz trio, and gigs at private and commercial events around the West Midlands area.

Ros Williams

Contact details

Ros Williams
PhD Student
Department of Sociology
University of York
North Yorkshire
YO10 5DD