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Jack Denham
PhD Student


  • PhD - Sociology (in progress), University of York
  • MA - Social Research Methods (Distinction), University of York
  • BA Hons - Sociology With Criminology (First Class), University of York

After completing an undergraduate degree in Sociology and Criminology Jack moved straight on to complete a methods MA at the University of York followed by his current PhD study in the areas of Sociology, Criminology and Cultural Studies.

Supported by an ESRC 1+3 award (as part of the White Rose DTC), his research addresses the celebration of criminal personalities and in particular, the cultures and fan groups pertaining to the notion of ‘criminal celebrity’ and the circulation of criminal artefacts as part of a deviant culture industry. The project is supervised by Dr Ruth Penfold-Mounce and Dr David Beer.

You can track the progress of Jack’s PhD and related activities through his blog.

Jack also works with the Centre for URBan Research (CURB) organising many seminars and conferences at York and across the UK.

Contact details

Jack Denham
PhD student
Department of Sociology
University of York
North Yorkshire
YO10 5DD

Tel: Tel: +44(0) 7449 9963296