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Germaine Stockbridge
PhD Sociology Student


Germaine was born in Hamburg, Germany where she completed her Abitur. Due to a curiosity for new places she decided to study in England, a place she had not visited before moving there. Germaine started her BA in Sociology with Social Psychology at the University of York in 2009 with the goal to learn as much as possible about people’s minds. Initially surprised by critiques of mainstream psychology’s focus on the brain that she had initially taken for granted, Germaine gained insights into social interaction and conversation analysis. She graduated in Summer 2012 with a new understanding of and continuing great passion for the subject and embarked on her doctoral research straight after.

Her research explores how people experience coincidences in everyday life. The research project is supervised by Prof Robin Woffitt and funded by the pharmaceutical company Bial. 

Germaine has worked for the Mount School in York teaching German for 2 years whilst studying, combining her interests in languages (she speaks 4), people and education.

Supervisor: Prof Robin Wooffitt

Germaine Gunther

Contact details

Germaine Stockbridge
PhD Student
Dept of Sociology
University of York
North Yorkshire
YO10 5DD