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Siân Beynon-Jones
Senior Lecturer


  • PhD (Edinburgh)
  • MSc (Edinburgh)
  • BSc (Dundee)

Siân Beynon-Jones is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology. She discovered sociology via an undergraduate degree in Molecular Genetics, during which she became frustrated with conversations that positioned proteins as the sole agents of social change. After graduating in 2003, she undertook a taught MSc in Science and Technology studies at the University of Edinburgh, which allowed her to pursue her interest in the sociology of scientific and medical knowledge-making. Following this degree she was awarded an ESRC PhD studentship at Edinburgh (2005-2009). Her doctoral research explored how expertise is constructed by Scottish health professionals who are involved in abortion provision, and considered the implications of this for women who seek to end their pregnancies.


Siân first joined the department in 2009 as a Research Fellow, working with Nik Brown on an EU FP7 project concerning the dynamics of policy-making about xenotransplantation. In 2011 she was awarded a three year Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship at York to develop her research around experiences with abortion provision, focussing in particular on the meaning(s) of ‘time’ and ‘timing’ in this context. Siân took up a permanent post in the department in 2014 as an Anniversary Research Lecturer and has continued to explore temporality, law and reproduction through a range of funded research projects.

Contact details

Dr Siân Beynon-Jones
Senior Lecturer
SATSU, Department of Sociology LMB/213
University of York
YO10 5GD

Tel: +44(0)1904 32 3064