Accessibility statement

Copyright licences

Library, Archives & Learning Services are responsible for the administration of a number of copyright licences held by the University.

Licensing agencies collect revenues for rights-holders by charging a licence fee, per user or per transaction.

Authorised users may copy and re-use protected material under the terms of the licence. In most cases, all staff and students of the University are 'authorised users'.

Copies made under licence should incorporate a terms of use statement, and it may be necessary to log each instance of copying for audit purposes.

Copyright Licensing Agency Higher Education Licence

The CLA licenses the distribution of reading material to students in photocopied or digital form. Module leaders and tutors are encouraged to use the Library's Digitisation Service, in order to ensure compliance with licence terms. 

"The Licence grants permission (subject to terms and conditions) to copy extracts from text and still images from most printed books, journals and magazines published in the UK and many published overseas, and from many digital publications.

All income from licence fees, less a small administration fee, is then paid back to rightsholders (publishers, authors and visual creators).

  • You can make copies for registered students and members of staff, in connection with a specific course or module.
  • You can copy up to one chapter from a book, or one article from a magazine or journal - or 10% of the total publication, whichever is the greater.
  • You should make copies only from publications owned or subscribed to by your HEI - or from 'copyright fee paid' copies obtained from, for example, the British Library.
  • Digital copies must be protected by 'Secure Authentication', and not placed on the public internet.
  • All digital copies should incorporate a Copyright Notice, stating the Course of Study [module] for which the copy has been made.
  • Digital copies... are subject to cyclical reporting and management requirements.

The current licence is effective until 31 July 2019."

Adapted from CLA Higher Education Licence: Quick Guide for Academic Staff (2018)

For more information, see the Library's guide to Making copies for students.

Further limits to the CLA HE Licence

  • Not all publishers have authorised the CLA to collect royalties on their behalf. The CLA maintains a database of excluded titles (Check Permissions here), and a directory of publishers and territories covered by the Licence.
  • The licence does not cover printed music, maps, newspapers or unpublished works such as dissertations and manuscripts.
  • Although any edition of a textbook may be copied, creating a substitute text comprising chapters taken from different editions is prohibited.
  • Where an item is photocopied, the number of copies made should not exceed the number of students and tutors on the course concerned.

Universities can copy small extracts from material which is excluded from the CLA Licence, under the provision of a 2014 amendment to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988:

Copying and Use by…  Educational Establishments


Over a period of 12 months, an institution can copy a maximum of 5% of a copyright work to distribute to students and staff for the purposes of instruction. Bear in mind that this exception may not be sufficient to copy a book chapter or journal article in its entirety, and a copy of another extract from the same work used for a different module will be in breach of copyright.

University of York staff are advised not to rely on this exception to copy course reading.  When a work is excluded from the CLA Licence, it may be possible to obtain permission directly from the rights-holder: the Library's Reading List team provides a Permissions Clearance Service for lecturers.