Dipl.Ing. (Cologne, 1989); PhD Engineering (Glasgow, 1992); Chair of Optoelectronics (St
Andrews, 2000); Chair of Photonics (York, 2012)
Summary of expertise
- Photonic Crystals & Nanostructures
- Optical Biosensors
- Semiconductor Nanofabrication
- Metasurfaces
Departmental roles
- Head of Photonics group
- Head of Nanocentre Cleanroom
- Director, White Rose Industrial Physics Academy (WRIPA)
Research Group: Condensed Matter Physics | Physics of Life | Photonics
I love playing with light and working out how the control of light can provide interesting solutions. In my group, we create photonic resonances and interesting photonic fields and use them to enhance the emission of light or interact with biomolecules for advanced sensing and imaging. We work closely with Prof Steve Johnson’s team on the development of photonic biosensors, and with Dr Christina Wang’s research on 2D material light emitters.
We run our own nanofabrication facility in the Nanocentre, Helix House, where we make the structures for controlling light, mainly 1-D and 2-D periodic structures such as gratings and photonic crystals that are crafted to nanometre precision using electron-beam lithography.
EPSRC Programme Grant August 2017-December 2022, “Resonant and shaped photonics” with St Andrews
Wellcome Trust, October 2020-September 2024, “Photonic hyperspectral no-label spot (Phenospot)”
EPSRC, October 2020-September 2023, “2D-IR spectroscopy for serum diagnostics” with York Chemistry
EPSRC Programme Grant, July 2021 – June 2026, “Mid- Infrared Silicon Photonic Sensors for Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring (MISSION)” with Southampton
EPSRC Healthcare Impact partnership, August 2021- July 2024, “Immunodiagnostix (IDX) – An ultrasensitive, low-cost photonic biosensor”
InnovateUK, April 2022 - March 2024, “Digital control of microbes for resilient supply chains (ARGUS)” with Procter & Gamble
Research group(s)
Dr Christopher Reardon, Experimental Officer
Dr Richard John, Research Technician
Dr Donato Conteduca, Postdoctoral researcher (Resonant Photonics)
Dr Isabel Barth, Postdoctoral researcher (Phenospot)
Dr Lisa Miller, Postdoctoral Researcher (Phenospot)
Dr Soheila Kharratian, Postdoctoral researcher (2D IR Spectroscopy)
Dr Kezheng Li, Postdoctoral researcher (MISSION)
Dr Pin Dong, Postdoctoral researcher (MISSION)
Dr Casper Kunstmann, Postdoctoral researcher (IDX)
Dr Callum Silver, Postdoctoral researcher (IDX)
Dr Nyasha Suliali, Postdoctoral researcher (ARGUS)
Manuel Deckart, PhD student
Josh Male, PhD student
Shrishty Bakshi, PhD student
Sam Blair, PhD student
Minahil Khan, PhD student
Katie Thornton, PhD student