Accessibility statement

Professor Stephen Andrew Linstead
Professor of Management Humanities


My background includes undergraduate and Masters degrees in English Literature from the universities of Keele and Leeds, and a further Masters in Organization Development and PhD from what is now Sheffield Hallam University. More recently I was awarded a D.Litt from Durham University. I have held Chairs in Wollongong (NSW), Sunderland, Essex and Durham before moving to York. I also spent 2 years as a Visting Scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.



Departmental roles

Management and the Humanities Theme Leader

University roles


School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

Telephone: +44 (0) 1904 325036
Room: CL/A/119H

Subject Group

Work Management and Organisation

Feedback & Support hours

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