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Monastic Research Bulletin

The Monastic Research Bulletin has now been discontinued as digital publishing and social media have overtaken its functions. The MRB was a newsletter which aimed to provide a point of contact between individuals interested in a variety of monastic studies (historical, archaeological, art historical, literary etc).

The Bulletin contains news of academic research in progress, descriptions of new projects, information about the sources for monastic history in national and local repositories, details of theses completed and current, and an annual bibliography of publications on monasticism in Britain. The complete run of the Bulletin is available on this website.

Readers may be interested in The Monastic Estate by Peter Clery (Phillimore 2015), which would have been the subject of a notice in MRB. This flyer gives information about the book and how to obtain it - The Monastic Estate flyer (PDF , 329kb).

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Print copies

Print copies of the Bulletin are also available.

We have copies of Issue 2 (1996) to the present year.

Copies cost £5 + 50p P&P.

Please send cheques, made payable to the University of York, to:

Borthwick Publications
Borthwick Institute for Archives
University of York
YO10 5DD

If you would like to pay by card, please contact us.

Indexes and bibliography