Accessibility statement

German-speaking countries



German/Austrian universities

  • they are much larger than York and therefore classes can also be larger
  • most universities are now offering BA-Studiengänge and MA-Studiengänge
  • students are much more independent and responsible for their own learning
  • the seminar is the most common class form and requires preparation and participation from students

Types of classes

  • Hauptseminar: advanced seminar
  • is usually assessed by Hausarbeit (10-15 pages or more)
  • sometimes the presentation of a Referat will be required
  • Vorlesung: lecture, can vary between 1 - 3 hpw
  • usually you sit a closed exam (Klausur) at the end to obtain credits
  • Proseminar: seminar, usually examined by closed exam
  • Übung: Practical class, tutorial, usually examined by closed exam
  • times of classes listed as '10 - 12' start at 10.15 and end at 11.45
  • this is called the "Akademisches Viertel"
  • the class begins 'cum tempore' (with time)
  • information on classes can be obtained online and from a Vorlesungsverzeichnis
  • most classes take place within the normal working day (exceptions possible)


Studying in Germany - Braunschweig

Technische Universität Braunschweig

  • known as Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig
  • founded in 1745
  • a large university (15,000 students)
  • largest faculties (Fachbereiche) are engineering, architecture and IT
  • Languages and Linguistics (Fachbereich 9) play a smaller role
  • there are more students than in York in Linguistics
  • FB 9: courses in aspects of linguistics of German and English
  • Sprachenzentrum: DaF and French and other languages
  • FB 9 and some of the accommodation is situated in Bienroderweg
  • the FB is about 10 mins by bus from the centre

Local tutor (academic support)

Jun-Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Heinze
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Englisches Seminar
Abteilung Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
Bienroder Weg 80
38106 Braunschweig

Raum 220
Sprechstunde (in der Vorlesungszeit):
Donnerstag, 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Tel.: +49-(0)531-391 8714
Fax: +49-(0)531-391 8713


International Office


Mail address:
Technische Universität Braunschweig
International Office
Postfach 3329
38023 Braunschweig

Phone: +49 531 391 4331
Fax: +49 531 391 4332

Visitor Address:
Bültenweg 74/75
38106 Braunschweig

Travel and Arrival

By air:

  • Hannover-Langenhagen
  • Airports in Berlin
  • Hamburg
  • Leipzig/Halle
  • Frankfurt Rhein/Mai

By train:
Braunschweig is a major stop on the Inter-City Express (ICE) routes

  • Hamburg/Bremen - München/Basel
  • Stuttgart - Berlin

From the train station to the university (TU-Gelände Forumsplatz) you can take Bus 419 or 439, stop Pockelsstraße (Naturhistorisches Museum).


The university website for international students can be found here:

Exchange students:

Accommodation will also be provided for you and the application form and further information can be found here:

Deadlines for applications for accommodation

  • winter semester: ca. 15 July
  • summer semester: ca. 1 December


Emergency Contacts

British Embassy Berlin - Consular Section
Wilhelmstr. 70-71
10117 Berlin

Tel +49 (0) 30 / 20457-0
Fax +49 (0) 30 / 20457-579

Opening hours
Monday - Friday 0900 - 1200 and 1400 - 1600hrs


Studying in Germany - Erfurt

The library at Universität Erfurt

  • original university founded in 1392, which Martin Luther attended
  • closed in 19th century (1816)
  • after 1945 a Pädagogische Hochschule was founded
  • after unification became Universität Erfurt
  • courses in general linguistics, linguistics of German, English and French
  • courses in DaF
  • situated about 10 mins by tram from centre
  • accommodation on campus
  • system of mentoring or academic parenting

Academic Coordinator

Anprechpartnerin im Internationalen Büro

Information for exchange students

Semester dates, application, registration, turoring system, support programme, curriculum planning, etc.:

Online Application

Application for accommodation

Application Deadlines

June 15 for the following winter semester and by November 30 for the
following summer semester. (Please note: All applications for the year will be finalised here in York by the middle of May and sent to Germany in one pack, so even if you are applying to go to university in Germany in the summer semester your application will be sent by the summer deadline in your second year.)

Website of the Internationales Büro

Internationales Büro

  • Manuela Linde (Leiterin des Büros)
    Universität Erfurt
    Internationales Büro
    Nordhäuser Str. 63
    99089 Erfurt

    Tel.: +49 (0)361 737 5031
    Fax: +49 (0)361 737 5039
    E-mail: or
    Office hours: Mon-Thu 13:00-15:00 and by appointment

    Verwaltungsgebäude Erdgeschoss
    Eingang rechts neben dem Studentencafé "Klause"

Travel and Arrival

By air:  Leeds-Bradford - Berlin
You can fly to Berlin or Frankfurt and then travel to Erfurt by train or rental car (only about €50+/day).

The Internationales Büro gives some further detailed advice on how to get to Erfurt.

Semesterdaten und Vorlesungsverzeichnis:

Emergency Contacts

  • British Embassy Berlin - Consular Section
    Wilhelmstr. 70-71
    10117 Berlin

    Tel: +49 (0)30 204570
    Fax: +49 (0)30 20457579
    Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00


Studying in Germany - Regensburg

Universität Regensburg

  • a modern university with its origins in the 1960s, like York
  • has a broad range of subjects and 12 faculties
  • Philosophische Fakultät IV: courses on linguistics of German and French
  • Zentrum für Sprache und Kommunikation: Lehrgebiet Deutsch als Fremdsprache
  • good open-access library
  • campus about 10 mins by bus from centre

Local tutor (academic support)

Prof. Johannes Helmbrecht
Fürnrohrstr. 2
D-93051 Regensburg.


International office

Your contact within the International Office is:

Susanne Gschnaidner (responsible for exchange students)
Universität Regensburg
Akademisches Auslandsamt
Universitätsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg
Verwaltungsgebäude Zi. 0.12

Tel. + 49 (0)941 943 2382
Fax + 49 (0)941 943 3882
Office hours: Tue, Thu 13.30 - 15.30, Fir 9.30 - 11.30

Travel and Arrival

By car:
A3 Cologne - Frankfurt/Main - Regensburg - Vienna
A83 Munich - Regensburg - Dresden
Munich 85km (direct coach service to Regensburg airport)

By air:
The following airports are connected by fast trains:

  • Airport Frankfurt/Main: 335 km
  • Airport Nuremberg: 110 km
  • Airport Munich/Erding: 85 km

7 times a day direct bus connection to and from the International Airport "Franz Josef Strauss" near Munich/Erding.

By train:
You can easily and comfortably reach Regensburg by ICE-, EC-, IC und IR-trains. Regensburg is situated on the following international lines:

  • Amsterdam/Brussels-Vienna-Budapest Zurich/Paris-Prague

and on the national lines from:

  • Berlin/Dresden
  • Hamburg/Hannover
  • Dortmund/Cologne
  • Frankfurt
  • Karlsruhe/Stuttgart
  • Munich.


Please find the registration details for Regensburg on the International Office website here:
Term Dates:

On the website of the Akademisches Auslandsamt you will find all kinds of useful information, forms and checklists which help you prepare for your time in Regensburg. (follow links for exchange students).

Emergency Contacts

British Consulate-General
Bürkleinstrasse 10
80538 München

Tel (0049) - (0)89 211090
Fax (0049) - (0)89 21109 166

Office Opening hours are:
Monday - Friday 08.30-12.00
Monday - Thursday 13.00-17.00
Friday 13.00-15.30


Studying in Austria – Graz

  • 2nd oldest university in Austria
  • Founded in 1585
  • approx.32.000 students
  • 6 faculties and 76 departments
  • Well known Centre for German as a Foreign language
  • Large choice of modules

International Office

Institutional ERASMUS coordinator

Diana Afrashteh
Büro für internationale Beziehungen
Universitätsplatz 3
A-8010 Graz

ERASMUS coordinators

Registration/Portal for nominated students


Studying in Austria – Vienna

  • Oldest university in Austria, one of the oldest in Euope
  • Largest German speaking university
  • Founded in 1365
  • approx. 90.000 students
  • 15 faculties and 4 centres
  • Centre for German as a Foreign language
  • Very large choice of modules

Office for Incoming ERASMUS+ students

Institutional ERASMUS coordinator

Karin Krall

International Office

Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien;


ERASMUS coordinator

Department for English language

Viola, Lotti

Map of Germany and Austria‌‌‌

Who to contact

Year Abroad coordinators:

Year Abroad Administrators:

  • Dan Peacock/Rachel O'Brien
    Postal address:
    Department of Language & Linguistic Science
    University of York
    YO10 5DD, UK