The Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past works with museums, archives, heritage sites, the media, artists and community organisations to explore the many ways that the past is presented in society. We ask questions about how the histories we tell impact our identities, shape our present and inform the future.
Through collaborations and partnerships, the Institute draws together researchers, students, practitioners and communities to make and research diverse and inclusive public histories.
Our MA in Public History gives you the chance to get industry experience promoting history to a public audience. This could be a museum, historic house, archive, period reconstruction, or TV, film or web production company.
Student blogs
Find out about some of the amazing work our students have done during their placement and internship opportunities.
Posted on Thursday 16 January 2025
We were incredibly proud to welcome back students of the MA in Public History Class of 24 for their graduation on Friday 10th January.
Posted on Monday 25 September 2023
IPUP is collaborating on a new history podcast that traces the story of York from the end of the last Ice Age to the present day.
Posted on Tuesday 27 June 2023
Congratulations to our alumni Kelly Bosomworth (Public History, 2022/23), who has been awarded a Collaborative Doctoral Award at Nottingham Trent University in partnership with the Women's Library at LSE.
Researching how the Great War is being remembered in Yorkshire during the centenary.
Unveiling the Public Secret: Race in colonial and independent Jamaica
Explaining how and why racism in Jamaica was suppressed in national narratives.
A 3-5 year project which will critically assess the various heritage values that apply to York's historic environment.
Find out all you need to know about this year's IPUP conference, Commemorating the Second World War in the ‘young 21st century’, in partnership with the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Bonn.
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month (GRTHM) is celebrated in June every year. It began in the UK in 2008. It aims to celebrate and increase knowledge and awareness of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities’ history, heritage and culture.