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After studying at the Universities of Kent and York (1969-1975) I held a number of posts in UK institutions, Including the Universities of Glamorgan and Strathclyde, before coming to York In January 1998 as Professor of Women’s Studies. I was Director of the Centre for Women’s Studies until March 2016 when I began ‘phased retirement’ and now work part time. I continue to be active in research and supervising PhD students.
My main research interests are in feminist theory, interactionist sociology, sexuality, and intimate relationships. In recent years I have increasingly been focusing on gender and sexuality in East Asia and, in particular, working with colleagues in Hong Kong on the impact of political activism on personal lives and relationships.
Jackson, S. and S. Scott (eds) (1996) Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, New York: Columbia University Press.
Jackson, S. and J. Jones (eds) (1990) Contemporary Feminist Theories. Edinburgh University Press. 1998.
Jackson, S. Heterosexuality in Question. (1999) London: Sage.
Jackson, S. and S. Scott (eds) (2002) Gender: A Reader. London: Routledge.
Jackson, S., Liu, J and Woo, J (eds) (2008) East Asian Sexualities: Modernity, Gender and New Sexual Cultures, London: Zed Books.
Jackson, S. and S. Scott (2010) Theorizing Sexuality. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Rahman, M. and S. Jackson (2010) Gender and Sexuality: Sociological Approaches. Cambridge: Polity.
Selected journal articles:
Jackson, S. (2006) ‘Gender, sexuality and heterosexuality: the complexity (and limits) of heteronormativity’ Feminist Theory, 7 (1): 105-121.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. (2007) ‘Faking like a woman: towards an interpretive theorization of sexual pleasure, Body and Society, 13 (2): 95-116
Jackson, S. and Rees, A. (2007) ‘The appalling appeal of nature: the popular influence of evolutionary psychology as a sociological problem’, Sociology, 41 (5): 917-930.
Jackson, S. (2010) ‘Self, time and narrative: re-thinking the contribution of G.H. Mead’
Life Writing 7 (2): 123-136.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. (2010) ‘Rehabilitating interactionism for a feminist sociology of sexuality’, Sociology, 44 (5): 811-826.
Jackson, S. (2011) ‘Heterosexual hierarchies: a commentary on class and sexuality’ Sexualities, 14 (1): 12-20.
Jackson, S., Ho, P.S.Y. and Na J.N. (2013) ‘Reshaping tradition? Women negotiating the boundaries of tradition and modernity in Hong Kong and British families’, The Sociological Review, 61 (4) 2013: 667-688.
Jackson, S. and Ho, P.S.Y. (2014) ‘Mothers, daughters and sex: the negotiation of young women’s sexuality in Hong Kong and Britain’, Families, Relationships and Societies, 3 (3): 387-405.
Jackson, S. (2015) ‘Modernity/modernities and personal life: reflections on some theoretical lacunae’, Korean Journal of Sociology, 49 (3): 1-20
Jackson, S., Ho P.S.Y. and Na, J.N. (2017) ‘A tale of two societies: the doing of qualitative comparative research in Hong Kong and Britain’, Methodological Innovations,
10 (2): 1-20, DOI: 10.1177/2059799117703117
Ho, P.S.Y., Jackson, S. and Kong, S.S-T (2017) ‘Speaking against silence: finding a voice in Hong Kong Chinese families through the Umbrella Movement’, Sociology, online first publication 4 September 2017, DOI: 10.1177/0038038517726644
Ho, P.S.Y., Jackson, S and Lam, J. (2018) ‘Talking politics, performing masculinities: Stories of Hong Kong men before and after the Umbrella Movement. Sex Roles. Online pre-publication 15 February 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-017-0887-z.
Ho, P.S.Y., Jackson, S., Cao, S and Kwok, C. (2018) ‘Sex with Chinese characteristics: Sexuality research in/on 21st century China. Journal of Sex Research. Online pre-publication 9 March 2018. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2018.1437593
Authored books
Jackson, S. The Social Construction of Female Sexuality. London: Women’s Research and Resources Centre, pp. 40, 1978.
Jackson, S. Childhood and Sexuality. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 184, 1982. (Translated into Dutch as Kinderen en Sexualiteit. Amsterdam: Anthos, pp. 176 1984.)
Jackson, S. Christine Delphy. London: Sage, pp. 185, 1996.
Jackson, S. Heterosexuality in Question. London: Sage, pp. 206, 1999.
Jackson, S. and S. Scott, Theorizing Sexuality. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 190, 2010. Translated into Turkish as Cinselliği Kuramlaştirmak, Ankara: Nota Bene, 2012.
Rahman, M. and S. Jackson, Gender and Sexuality: Sociological Approaches. Cambridge: Polity, pp. 200, 2010
Edited Books
Jackson, S. (overall editor) with K. Atkinson, D. Beddoe, T. Brewer, S. Faulkner, A. Hucklesby, R. Pearson, H. Power, J. Prince, M. Ryan & P. Young Women's Studies: A Reader. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf; New York: New York University Press, pp. 525, 1993.
Jackson, S. and S. Moores (eds) The Politics of Domestic Consumption: Critical Readings. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf , pp. 351, 1995. (includes substantial co-authored editorial introduction – see under book chapters)
Jackson, S. and S. Scott (eds) Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 390, 1996. (includes substantial co-authored introduction – see under book chapters)
Jackson, S. and J. Jones (eds) Contemporary Feminist Theories. Edinburgh University Press, pp 271, 1998. (includes short co-authored editorial introduction plus two single authored chapters – see under book chapters)
Jackson, S. and S. Scott (eds) Gender: A Reader. London: Routledge, pp 465, 2002(includes substantial co-authored editorial introduction – see under book chapters)
Jackson, S., Liu, J and Woo, J (eds) East Asian Sexualities: Modernity, Gender and New Sexual Cultures, London: Zed Books, pp 242, 2008. (includes substantial co-authored introduction, see under book chapters).
Chapters in books
Jackson, S. ‘Girls and sexual knowledge’, in D. Spender and E. Sarah (eds) Learning to Lose. London: The Women’s Press, pp.131-145, 1980 (Second edition 1988).
Jackson, S. ‘Masculinity, femininity and sexuality’, in S. Friedman and E. Sarah (eds) On the Problem of Men.. London: The Women’s Press, pp.21-29, 1982.
Jackson, S. ‘Constructing female sexuality’, in M. Evans (ed.) The Woman Question. London: Fontana, pp.154-164, 1982.
Jackson, S. Introduction to V. Hey, S. Laws and A. Eagan, Seeing Red: The Politics of Pre-Menstrual Tension. London: Hutchinson, pp.7-15, 1985.
Jackson, S. ‘Demons and innocents: western ideas on children's sexuality in historical perspective’, in M. E. Perry (ed.) Handbook of Sexology Volume 7: Childhood and Adolescent Sexology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp.23-50, 1990.
Jackson, S. ‘Love and romance as objects of feminist knowledge’, in K. Lubelska, M. Kennedy and V. Walsh (eds) Making Connections: Women's Studies, Women's Movements. Women's Lives. London: Taylor & Francis, pp.39-50, 1993.
Jackson, S. ‘Women and the family’, in D. Richardson and V. Robinson (eds) Introducing Women's Studies. London: Macmillan, pp.177-200, 1993.
Jackson, S. ‘Women and heterosexual love: complicity, resistance and change’, in L. Pearce and J. Stacey (eds), Romance Revisited. London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 49-62. 1995.
Jackson, S. ‘Gender and heterosexuality: a materialist feminist analysis’ in M. Maynard and J. Purvis (eds) (Hetero)sexual Politics. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 11-26. 1995.
Jackson, S. ‘Childhood’ in D. Levinson (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Marriage and the Family. New York: Macmillan, pp. 91-95, 1995.
Jackson, S. and Moores, S. ‘Introduction’, in The Politics of Domestic Consumption: Critical Readings, Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf, pp. 1-21, 1995.
Jackson, S. ‘The social context of rape: scripts and motives’, in P. Searles and R. J. Berger (eds) Rape and Society: Readings in the Problem of Sexual Assault, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, pp.16-27, 1995. (Republication of 1978 journal article)
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexuality as a problem for feminist theory’, in L. Adkins and V. Merchant (eds) Sexualizing the Social, London: Macmillan, pp. 15-34, 1996.
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexuality and feminist theory’, in D. Richardson (ed.) Theorising Heterosexuality: Telling it Straight. Buckingham: Open University Press, pp. 21-38, 1996.
=Jackson, S. and S. Scott ‘Sexual skirmishes and feminist factions: twenty-five years of feminist debate on sexuality’, in Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1-31, 1996.
Jackson, S. ‘The social construction of female sexuality’, in S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds) Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 62-73, 1996. (Reprint of extract from 1978 pamphlet).
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexuality, power and pleasure’, in S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds) Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 175-179, 1996. (Reprint of 1995 journal article)
Jackson, S. and M. Rahman, ‘Up against nature: sociological thoughts on sexuality’, in J. Gubbay and C. Middleton (eds) The Student Companion to Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 203-211, 1997
Jackson, S. ‘women, marriage and family relationships, in Richardson, D, and Robinson, V. (eds) Introducing Women’s Studies, second edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp.323-348, 1997.
Jackson, S. ‘Feminist social theory’, in S. Jackson and J. Jones (eds) Contemporary Feminist Theories. Edinburgh University Press, pp.12-33, 1998
Jackson, S. ‘Theorising gender and sexuality’, in S. Jackson and J. Jones (eds) Contemporary Feminist Theories. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 131-146, 1998
Jackson, S. ‘Telling stories: narrative, memory and experience in feminist theory and research’, in C. Griffin K. Henwood and A. Phoenix (eds) Standpoints and Differences: Essays in the Practice of Feminist Psychology. London: Sage, pp.45-64, 1998
Jackson, S. ‘Sexual politics: gay politics, lesbian politics and the problem of heterosexuality’, in T. Carver and V. Mottier (eds) The Politics of Sexuality: Identity, Gender, Citizenship. London: Routledge/ECPR, pp 86-78 1998
Jackson, S. ‘Marxism and feminism’ in A. Gamble, D. Marsh and A. Tant (eds) Marxism and Social Science. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 11-35, 1999
Jackson, S. ‘Families, Households and Domestic Life’ in S. Taylor (ed.) Sociology: Issues and Debates. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 158-179, 1999
Jackson, S. Scott, S. ‘Risk anxiety and the social construction of childhood’ in D. Lupton (ed.) Risk and Sociocultural Theory: New Directions and Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 86-107, 1999.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Childhood’ in G. Payne (ed.) Social Divisions. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp.152-167, 2000
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Sexuality’ in G. Payne (ed.) Social Divisions. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 169-184, 2000.
Jackson, S. ‘For a sociological feminism’ in J. Eldridge J. MacInnes, S. Scott, C. Warhurst and A. Witz (eds), For Sociology. Durham: sociologypress, pp. 91-106, 2000.
Jackson, S. ‘Domestic consumption’ in C. Kramarae and D. Spender (eds) The Routledge International Enclyclopedia of Women, Vol, 2. New York: Routledge, pp. 1062-1063, 2000.
Jackson, S. ‘Romance’ in C. Kramarae & D. Spender (eds) The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women, Vol. 4. New York: Routledge, pp.1766-1777, 2000.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Putting the body’s feet on the ground: towards a reconceptualisation of gendered and sexual embodiment’, in K. Backett-Milburn and L. McKie (eds) Constructing Gendered Bodies. London: Palgrave, pp. 9-23, 2001.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Embodying orgasm: gendered power relations and sexual pleasure’, in E. Kaschak and L. Tiefer (eds) A New View of Women’s Sexual Problems. New York: The Haworth Press, pp. 99-110, 2001. (Published simultaneously as a journal special issue)
Scott, S., Jackson S. and Backett-Milburn, K. ‘swings and roundabouts: risk anxiety and the everyday worlds of children’, in A. Jones (ed.) Touchy Subjects.
Jackson, S. ‘Marxisme et féminisme’, in J. Bidet et E. Kouvélakis (eds) Dictionnaire Marx Contemporain. Paris: PUF. 2001.
Jackson, S. ‘Theoriser le genre: l’héritage de Beauvoir’, in C. Delphy & S. Chaperon (eds) Cinquantenaire du deuxième sexe. Paris: Éditions Syllepse, pp. 195-203, 2002.
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexuality, heteronormativity and gender hierarchy: some reflections on recent debates’, in J. Weeks, M. Waites and J. Holland (eds) Sexualities and Society. Cambridge: Polity, pp. 69-83, 2003. (Edited reprint of the final chapter of Heterosexuality in Question, 1999).
Jackson, S and Scott, S. ‘Whatever happened to feminist critiques of monogamy?’ in H. Graham, A. Kaloski. A. Neilson & E. Robertson (eds) The Feminist Seventies. York: Raw Nerve Books, pp. 27-42, 2003.
Jackson, S. ‘Sexuality, heterosexuality and gender hierarchy: getting our priorities straight’, in C. Ingraham (ed.) Thinking Straight: New Work in Critical Heterosexuality Studies. New York: Routledge, pp.15-39, 2005.
Jackson, S. ‘Sexual literacy and the antinomies of late modernity’ in T. Hoikkala, P. Hakkarainen. and S. Laine (eds) Beyond Health Literacy: Youth Cultures, Prevention and Policy. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Society, pp. 89-102, 2005.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Childhood’ in G. Payne (ed.) Social Divisions, 2ndedn. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 316-132, 2006
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Sexuality’ in G. Payne (ed.) Social Divisions, 2ndedn. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 233-250, 2006.
Jackson, S. ‘Feminist theory’, in A. Harrington, B. Marshall and H-P. Müller (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, New York: Routledge, pp. 194-198, 2006
Jackson, S. ‘Social constructionism’, in A. Harrington, B. Marshall and H-P. Müller (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, New York: Routledge, pp. 555-557, 2006.
Jackson, S. ‘Socialization’, in A. Harrington, B. Marshall and H-P. Müller (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Theory, New York: Routledge, pp. 574-577, 2006
Jackson, S. ‘Sex and sexuality’ in J. Scott (ed.) Sociology: The Key Concepts, London: Routledge, pp. 149-152, 2006.
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexuality, sexuality and gender: re-thinking the intersections’ in D. Richardson, J. McLaughlin and M. Casey (eds) Intersections between Feminist and Queer Theory. London: Palgrave, pp. 38-58, 2006.
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexuality’ in G. Ritzer (ed.) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol 5Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 2111-2115, 2007
Jackson, S. ‘Rethinking the self: constructions of gender and sexuality in late modernity’, in M. Kimmel (ed.) The Sexual Self: The Construction of Sexual Scripts. Nashville TN: Vanderbilt University Press, pp. 3-15, 2007.
Jackson, S. ‘Families, domesticity and intimacy: changing relationships in changing times’, in D. Richardson and V. Robinson (eds) Introducing Women's and Gender Studies, third edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 125-143, 2008
Jackson, S., Liu, J and Woo, J. ‘Introduction: reflections on gender, modernity and east asian sexualities’, in S. Jackson, Liu Jieyu and Woo Juhyun (eds) East Asian Sexualities: Gender, Modernity and New Sexual Cultures. London: Zed Books, pp. 1-30, 2008.
Jackson, S. ‘The desire for Freud’, in D. Cameron and J. Scanlon (eds) The Trouble & Strife Reader. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2009. (Reprint of earlier article in Trouble & Strife)
Jackson, S. ‘The amazing deconstructing woman’, in D. Cameron and J. Scanlon (eds) The Trouble & Strife Reader. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2009. (Reprint of earlier article in Trouble & Strife)
Jackson, S. ‘Ignorance is bliss when you’re just seventeen’, in D. Cameron and J. Scanlon (eds) The Trouble & Strife Reader. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2009. (Reprint of earlier article in Trouble & Strife)
Jackson, S. ‘Questioning heterosexual families: childhood and love in The Dialectic of Sex’, in M. Merck and S. Sandford (eds) Further Adventures of The Dialectic of Sex: Critical Essays on Shulamith Firestone. New York: Macmillan 2010.
Jackson, S. ‘Materialist feminism, pragmatism and the sexual self in global late modernity’ in A. G. Jónasdóttir, V. Bryson, and K. B. Jones (eds) Sexuality, Gender and Power: Intersectional and Transnational Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Putting the interaction back into sex: für eine interpretive soziologie der verkörperten lust’, in R. Keller and M. Meuser (eds) Körperwissen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag/Springer, 2011.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Western feminist debates on sexuality’, in Liu Jieyu, Zhu Ying and Yachien Huang (eds) Women’s Studies in the West. Beijing: People’s University Press, 2011. (In Chinese)
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Childhood’ in G. Payne (ed.) Social Divisions, 3rd edn. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 164-181, 2013
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Sexuality’ in G. Payne (ed.) Social Divisions, 3rd edn. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 182-199, 2013.
Jackson, S. ‘Love, social change and everyday heterosexuality’, in A. Jónasdóttir and A. Ferguson (eds) Love: A Question for Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Routledge pp. 33-47, 2014
Jackson, S. and Ho, P.S.Y. ‘Scripting sexual practice in differing social contexts: young women negotiating mothers’ expectations in Hong Kong and Britain’, in T.S. Weinberg and S. Newmahr (eds) Selves, Symbols and Sexualities. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, pp. 45-55, 2014.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Sociology of the body and the relationship between sociology and biology’, in J. Holmwood and J. Scott (eds) Handbook of Sociology in Britain, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 563-587, 2014.
Jackson, S. ‘Families, domesticity and intimacy; changing relationships in changing times’, in D. Richardson and V. Robinson (eds) Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies, 4th edition, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘A sociological history of researching childhood and sexuality: continuities and discontinuities’ in D. Egan, M. Renold and J Ringrose (eds) Children, Sexuality and the Sexualisation of Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 pp. 39-55, 2015.
Jackson, S., Ho, P.S.Y. and Na, J. N. ‘Interviewing across cultures: talking to mothers and daughters in Hong Kong and Britain’, In G. Griffin (ed.) Cross-Cultural Interviewing: Feminist Experiences and Reflections. London: Routledge, pp. 30-44, 2016.
Jackson, S. ‘For a feminist sociological imagination: personal reflections on C. Wright Mills.’, in G. Oakes (ed.) Anthem Companion to C. Wright Mills, New York: Anthem Press, pp. 259-278, 2016.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Towards a practice theoretic analysis of sexuality’, in A. King, A. C. Santos and I. Crowhurst (eds) Sexualities Research: Critical Interjections, Diverse Methodologies and Practical Applications. London: Routledge 2017
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘La riabilitazione dell’interazionismo per uno sociologia feminista della sessualità’, in Cirus Rinaldi (ed.) I Copioni Sessuali: Storia, analisi e applicazioni. Milano: Mondadori Università, pp. 127-144, 2017
Jackson, S. ‘Why “heteronormativity” is not enough: a feminist sociological perspective on heterosexuality’, in J. Messerschmidt, P. Martin, M Messner and R. Connell (eds) Gender Reckonings. New York: NYU Press, pp.134-155, 2018
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Jackson, S. ‘The social context of rape’, Women's Studies International Quarterly, 1(1) 1978, pp. 27-38.
Jackson, S. ‘How to make babies: sexism and sex education’, Women's Studies International Quarterly, 1(4) 1978, pp. 341-352.
Jackson, S. and Rushton, P. ‘Victims and villains: images of women in cccounts of family violence’, Women's Studies International Forum, 5 (1) 1982, pp. 7-28.
Jackson, S. ‘Towards an historical sociology of housework: a materialist feminist analysis’, Women’s Studies International Forum, 15 (2) 1992. pp.153-172.
Jackson, S. ‘Even sociologists fall in love’, Sociology, 27 (2) 1993, pp. 201-220.
Jackson, S. ‘Childhood and sexuality in historical perspective’, Child and Adolescent Clinics of North America, 20 (3) 1993, pp. 355-367.
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexuality, Power and Pleasure’, Feminism and Psychology, 5 (1) 1995, pp. 136-140.
M. Rahman and Jackson, S., ‘Liberty, equality and sexuality: essentialism and the discourse of rights’, Journal of Gender Studies, 6 (2) 1997, pp. 117-129
Jackson, S. and S. Scott ‘Gut reactions to matters of the heart: reflections on rationality, irrationality and sexuality’, Sociological Review, 45 (4) 1997, pp. 551-575.
S. Scott, Jackson, S. and K. Backett- Milburn ‘Swings and Roundabouts: Risk Anxiety and the Everyday Worlds of Children’, Sociology, 32 (4) 1998, pp. 689-705
Jackson, S. ‘Feminist Sociology and Sociological Feminism: Recovering the Social in Feminist Thought’, Sociological Research Online, 4 (3) 1999
Jackson, S. ‘Theoriser le genre: l’héritage de Beauvoir.’ Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 20 (4) 1999, pp. 9-28.
Backett-Milburn, K., Scott, S., Jackson, S. and Harden, J. ‘Scary faces, scary places: children’s perceptions of risk and safety’. Health Education Journal, 59, 2000, pp.12-22 .
Harden, J., K. Backett-Milburn, K., Scott, S. and Jackson, S. ‘Can’t talk, won’t talk?: methodological issues in researching children’, Sociological Research Online, 5 (2), 2000
Jackson, S. ‘Why a materialist feminism is still possible (and necessary)’, Women’s Studies International Forum, 24 (2-3), 2001, pp. 283-293.
Jackson, S and Scott, S. ‘Embodying orgasm: gendered power relations and sexual pleasure’, Women & Therapy, 24 (1/2) 2001. pp. 99-110. (Simultaneously published as edited book – see above).
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘The personal is still political: heterosexuality, feminism and monogamy ’, Feminism and Psychology, 14 (1) 2004 pp. 151-157
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Sexual antinomies in late modernity’, Sexualities, 7 (2) 2004 pp. 241-256
Jackson, S. ‘Gender, sexuality and heterosexuality: the complexity (and limits) of heteronormativity’ Feminist Theory, 7 (1) 2006 pp. 105-121.
Jackson, S. ‘Män och kvinnor som har sex med varann – heteronormativeten och makten’, Socialistisk Debatt, 1/2007 pp. 11-34.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Faking like a woman: towards an interpretive theorization of sexual pleasure, Body and Society, 13 (2) 2007 pp.95-116
Jackson, S. and Rees, A. ‘The appalling appeal of nature: the popular influence of evolutionary psychology as a sociological problem’, Sociology, 41 (5) 2007 pp. 917-930.
Jackson, S. ‘Self, time and narrative: re-thinking the contribution of G.H. Mead’, Life Writing 7 (2) 2010, pp 123-136.
Jackson, S. and Scott, S. ‘Rehabilitating interactionism for a feminist sociology of sexuality’, Sociology, 44 (5) 2010, pp. 811-826.
Jackson, S., Ho, P.S.Y. and Na J.N. ‘Reshaping tradition? Women negotiating the boundaries of tradition and modernity in Hong Kong and British families’, The Sociological Review, 61 (4) 2013 pp. 667-688.
Jackson, S. and Ho, P.S.Y. ‘Mothers, daughters and sex: the negotiation of young women’s sexuality in Hong Kong and Britain’, Families, Relationships and Societies, 3 (3) 2014, pp. 387-405.
Jackson, S. ‘Modernity/modernities and personal life: reflections on some theoretical lacunae’, Korean Journal of Sociology, 49 (3) 2015, pp. 1-20
Jackson, S., Ho P.S.Y. and Na, J.N. ‘A tale of two societies: the doing of qualitative comparative research in Hong Kong and Britain’, Methodological Innovations, 10 (2) 2017, pp.1-20, DOI: 10.1177/2059799117703117
Ho, P.S.Y., Jackson, S. and Kong, S.S-T, ‘Speaking against silence: finding a voice in Hong Kong Chinese families through the Umbrella Movement’, Sociology, online first publication 4 September 2017, DOI: 10.1177/0038038517726644
Ho, P.S.Y., Jackson, S and Lam, J. ‘Talking politics, performing masculinities: Stories of Hong Kong men before and after the Umbrella Movement. Sex Roles, Online pre-publication 15 February 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-017-0887-z.
Ho, P.S.Y., Jackson, S., Cao, S and Kwok, C. ‘Sex with Chinese characteristics: Sexuality research in/on 21st century China. Journal of Sex Research, Online pre-publication 9 March 2018. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2018.1437593
Translated, invited and other contributions to peer reviewed journals
Jackson, S. ‘Récents débats sur l'héterosexualité: une approche féministe matérialiste’, Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 17 (3) 1996, 5-26. (Translation of 1995 book chapter)
Jackson, S. ‘A conventional affair’ (invited short contribution to a symposium on the Clinton-Lewinsky controversy), Sexualities, 2 (2), 1999, pp. 250-252.
Jackson, S. Invited contribution to ‘Controverses’ on the work of Christine Delphy, Travail, genre et sociétés, 4, 2000, pp. 170-179.
Hird, M. ‘Theorising the end of gender: A conversation with Stevi Jackson’ (interview with me conducted by Myra Hird) International Journal of Feminist Politics, 3 (2) 2001. pp. 263-274.
Jackson, S. ‘A Dysfunction of our own’, online rapid response contribution to British Medical Journal, January 2003, available at
Jackson, S. ‘Ordinary Sex’ (invited short contribution to 10th anniversary issue) Sexualities, 11 (1) 2008, pp. 37-40.
Jackson, S. ‘Pourquoi un féminisme matérialiste est (encore) possible – et nécessaire’, Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 28 (3) 2009, pp.16-33 (Translations of 2001 article selected for inclusion in a special issue: Théories Anglophones du genre’)
Jackson, S. ‘Heterosexual hierarchies: a commentary on class and sexuality’, invited contribution, Sexualities, 14 (1), 2011 12-20.
Jackson, S. ‘Journeying through family diversity: the perils of sociological travellers’ tales’, Families, Relationships and Societies, 1 (3) 2012, pp. 435-447
Jackson, S. ‘Genre, sexualité et hétérosexualité: la complexité (et les limites) de l’hétéronormativité’, Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 34 (2), 2015, pp. 64-81. (Translations of 2006 article selected for inclusion in a special issue: Penser hors de la francophonie)
In Press
=Jackson, S. and Ho P.S.Y. ‘Travelling conversations: cross-cultural collaboration and the globalization of sexuality studies’, Sexualities. Invited contribution to 20th anniversary issue.
Contributions to other journals and magazines
Jackson, S. ‘The desire for Freud: psychoanalysis and feminism,’ Trouble & Strife , 1 1983. pp.32-41.
Jackson, S. ‘The amazing deconstructing woman: the perils of postmodern feminism’, Trouble & Strife , 25 1992. pp.25-31.
Jackson, S. ‘Christine Delphy’, Sociology Review, 2 (4) 1993. pp.13-14.
Jackson, S. ‘Straight talking: the debate on feminism and heterosexuality’, Trouble & Strife, 32 1996. pp. 31-28.
Jackson, S. ‘Ignorance is bliss when you're just seventeen: child beauty queens and teen magazines’, Trouble & Strife 33 1996 pp. 50-60.
Jackson, S. ‘Taking liberties: gender politics and gay rights’, Trouble & Strife, 34 1997 pp. 36-43.
Bond, J. (adopted as a pseudonym) ‘Barking back’ column on women’s agency, Trouble & Strife, 40 1999/2000 pp. 65-68.
Jackson, S. ‘Gendering the genitals: what happens when a child’s sex is ambiguous at birth? Trouble & Strife, 41, 2000 pp. 44-55.
Jackson, S. ‘Mother/daughter relationships: cultural differences and modernity’, Discover Society, No 9, 3 June 2014. 1500 words. Available at:
Jackson, S. ‘Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and feminism’, Discover Society, No. 30, March 2015. Available at:
Jackson, S and Scott, S. ‘Trans and the contradictions of gender’, Discover Society, No. 33, June 2017. Available at:
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