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The Collaborative Care in Screen Positive Elders (CASPER) Research Programme

The aim of the CASPER research programme is to examine how best to treat older people (aged 65+) who suffer from low mood and depression. There are three randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and a cohort study included in the programme.

The CASPER trial examined a treatment called Collaborative Care for older people with subthreshold (low severity) depression. We recruited older people into the trial and followed them up for 12 months. The full report can be found at We are currently carrying out an extended follow-up with participants from the CASPER Trial.

The CASPER Plus Trial examined Collaborative Care for older people who meet the criteria for a formal diagnosis of depression. We recruited older people into the trial and followed them up for 18 months. We are currently writing up the results of this trial. More information can be found on the HTA project page We are currently carrying out an extended follow-up with participants from the CASPER Plus Trial.

The SHARD Trial examined a self-help booklet for older people with subthreshold (low severity) depression. We recruited older people into the trial and followed them up for 12 months. We are currently writing up the results of this trial. 

The CASPER cohort

We also recruited older people who were not experiencing depression or low mood and followed them up as part of a cohort. The cohort consists of around 10,000 participants. Members of the CASPER cohort were invited to participate in the ReQol study run by the University of Sheffield and an exploratory study on Mental Health Literacy, Depression and Older People run by the University of York. 


Funded by


In collaboration with

 University of York