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Richard Rowland


Richard Rowland joined the department in 2001, after teaching for more than a decade at the University of Oxford.

He has edited plays by Marlowe (for the Oxford University Press Complete Works), by Chapman and Jonson (for Penguin), and he has edited the two-part Elizabethan history play Edward IV for the Revels series. He has published several articles on the playwright Thomas Heywood, and has recently completed a monograph, Thomas Heywood’s Theatre, 1599-1639: Locations, Translations and Conflict (Ashgate, 2010).

He also works on the reception and reinvention of ancient drama: he has published on Tony Harrison’s adaptations of Greek and medieval texts, and is currently working on a cultural history of the Trachiniae of Sophocles, from ancient Greece and Rome through to the War on Terror.

Contact details

Dr Richard Rowland
Department of English and Related Literature
University of York
Y010 5DD

Tel: 44 1904 323339