Discussion papers by year

Paper no. Title Author(s) Paper

Persuasion in physician agency

Elias Carroni, Giuseppe Pignataro, Luigi Siciliani

(Abstract), 2301 (PDF , 439kb)2301 (PDF , 439kb) [Paper with full text]

23/02 Reduced-Form Allocations for Multiple Indivisible Objects under Constraints  Xu Lang and Zaifu Yang (Abstract), 2302 (PDF , 705kb) [Paper with full text]
23/03 Stable Matching Mechanisms under Distributional Constraints Yao Cheng and Zaifu Yang Superseded by 23/05, see below
23/04 Conflicting Objectives in Kidney Exchange Jorgen Kratz (Abstract), 2304 (PDF , 688kb) [Paper with full text]
23/05 Stable Matching Mechanisms under Distributional Constraints Yao Cheng and Zaifu Yang (Abstract), 2305 (PDF , 514kb) [Paper with full text]
23/06 Proper Exclusion Right, Priority and Allocation of Positions Yao Cheng, Zaifu Yang, and Jingsheng Yu (Abstract), 2306 (PDF , 548kb) [Paper with full text]
Paper no. Title Author(s) Paper

Beyond reasonable doubt: the impact of politically
independent jurors on jury trials in the US

Alessandra Foresta

(Abstract), 2201 (PDF , 1,096kb) [Paper with full text]

22/02  An Efficient and Strategy-Proof Multi-Item Ascending Auction under Financial Constraints  Zaifu Yang and Jingsheng Yu  (Abstract), 2202 (PDF , 464kb) [Paper with full text]
22/03 Density forecast comparison in small samples Laura Coroneo, Fabrizio Iacone and Fabio Profumo (Abstract), 2203 (PDF , 565kb) [Paper with full text]
22/04 Lady Justice: The impact of female judges on trials' verdicts in US Alessandra Foresta (Abstract), 2204 (PDF , 2,266kb)  [Paper with full text]
22/05 Equivalence of Alternative Specifications of Nonlinear Panel Data Models Peter Simmons (Abstract), 2205 (PDF , 241kb)  [Paper with full text]
22/06 Efficient audits by pooling independent projects:
Separation vs. conglomeration

Anna Maria C. Menichini
Peter Simmons

(Abstract), 2206 (PDF , 497kb) [Paper with full text]
22/07 The Socially Optimal Loan Auditing with Multiple Projects Peter Simmons
Nongnuch Tantisantiwong
(Abstract),  [Paper with full text]
Paper NumTitleAuthor(s)Paper

Britain has had enough of experts? Social networks and the Brexit referendum

Giacomo De Luca, Thilo R. Huning, Paulo Santos Monteiro

(Abstract), 2101 (PDF , 4,017kb) [Paper with full text]

21/02  Risky Gravity  Luciana Juvenal, Paulo Santos Monteiro  (Abstract), 2102 (PDF , 930kb)[Paper with full text] 
21/03 Testing for equal predictive accuracy with strong dependence Laura Coroneo, Fabrizio Iacone (Abstract), 2103 (PDF , 581kb) [Paper with full text]
21/04 Reduced-Form Allocations for Multiple Indivisible Objects under Constraints  Xu Lang, Zaifu Yang (Abstract), 2104 (PDF , 816kb) [Paper with full text]
21/05 Reduced-Form Allocations for Multiple Indivisible Objects under Constraints: A Revision  Xu Lang, Zaifu Yang (Abstract), 2105 (PDF , 621kb) [Paper with full text] 
21/06 Predicting the COVID-19 epidemic: is a regional approach preferable?

Laura Coroneo, Fabrizio Iacone, Giancarlo Manzi, Silvia Salini

(Abstract), 2106 (PDF , 787kb) [Paper with full text] 
21/07 Generalized Cumulative Offer Processes

Inacio Bo, Jorgen Kratz, Makoto Shimoj

(Abstract), 2107 (PDF , 538kb) [Paper with full text] 
21/08 Consumption, Wealth, Frugality, and Long-Run Growth

Zaifu Yang, Rong Zhang

(Abstract), 2108 (PDF , 578kb) [Paper with full text] 
Paper NumTitleAuthor(s)Paper

Value-based clinical trials: selecting trial lengths and recruitment rates in different regulatory contexts

Andres Alban, Stephen E. Chick, Martin Forster

(Abstract), ‌2001 (PDF , 976kb) [Paper with full text]

20/02  How to better align the U.K.’s corporate tax structure with national objectives  Peter Spencer, Peter Smith, Paulo Santos Monteiro (Abstract),2002 (PDF , 765kb) [Paper with full text] 
Estimation and Inference in Heterogeneous Spatial Panel Data Models with a Multifactor Error Structure
Jia Chen, Yongcheol Shin, Chaowen Zheng  (Abstract2003 (PDF , 1,482kb) [Paper with full text] 
Coronametrics: The UK turns the corner
Adam Golinski, Peter Spencer (Abstract2004 (PDF , 717kb) [Paper with full text]
Epidemic policy under uncertainty and information
Martin Forster and Emanuela Randon (Abstract2005 (PDF , 702kb) [Paper with full text]
Modeling the Covid-19 Epidemic Using Time Series Econometrics
Adam Golinski and Peter Spencer (Abstract2006 (PDF , 925kb) [Paper with full text]
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on global fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions

L. Vanessa Smith, Nori Tarui, and Takashi Yamagata

(Abstract2007v2 (PDF , 3,339kb) [Paper with full text]
A Universal Dynamic Auction for Unimodular Demand Types: An Efficient Auction Design for Various Kinds of Indivisible Commodities

Satoru Fujishige and Zaifu Yang

(Abstract2008 (PDF , 678kb)  [Paper with full text]
Analysis of Systematic Risk around Firm-specific News in an Emerging Market using High Frequency Data

Shabir A.A. Saleem, Peter N Smith, Abdullah Yalaman

(Abstract2009 (PDF , 2,226kb)  [Paper with full text]
Testing the predictive accuracy of COVID-19 forecasts

Laura Coroneo, Fabrizio Iacone, Alessia Paccagnini, Paulo Santos Monteiro

(Abstract2010 (PDF , 594kb) [Paper with full text]
Paper Num Title Author(s) Paper

Cost-Effective Clinical Trial Design: Application of a Bayesian Sequential Stopping Rule to the ProFHER Pragmatic Trial.

M. Forster, S. Brealey, S. Chick, A. Keding, B. Corbacho, A. Alban, A. Rangan

(Abstract), ‌1901 (PDF , 701kb) [Paper with full text]

19/02 Generational Bias and Tax Policy Alan Krause (Abstract), ‌1902 (PDF , 445kb) [Paper with full text]
19/03 Nonparametric Homogeneity Pursuit in Functional-Coefficient Models Jia Chen, Degui Li, Lingling Wei, Wenyang Zhang (Abstract), ‌1903 (PDF , 737kb) [Paper with full text]
19/04 Triage in Kidney Exchange
Jörgen Kratz (Abstract), ‌1904 (PDF , 615kb) [Paper with full text]
19/05 Estimating the term structure with linear regressions: Getting to the roots of the problem Adam Golinski, Peter Spencer (Abstract), ‌1905 (PDF , 803kb) [Paper with full text]
19/06 Does higher Institutional Quality improve the Appropriateness of Healthcare Provision? Giacomo De Luca, Domenico Lisi, Marco Martorana, Luigi Siciliani (Abstract), ‌1906 (PDF , 1,360kb) [Paper with full text]

New Evidence on the Historical Growth of Government in Europe: The Role of Labor Costs

Mickael Melki, Andrew Pickering (Abstract), ‌1907 (PDF , 1,076kb) [Paper with full text]

Child Socio-Emotional Skills: The Role of Parental Inputs

Gloria Moroni, Cheti Nicoletti, Emma Tominey (Abstract), ‌1908 (PDF , 834kb) [Paper with full text]

The Origins and Dynamics of Agricultural Inheritance Traditions

Thilo R. Huning, Fabian Wahl (Abstract), ‌1909 (PDF , 1,195kb) [Paper with full text]

The Gender Earnings Gap in British Workplaces: A Knowledge Exchange Report. 

Tim Butcher, Karen Mumford, Peter N. Smith (Abstract), ‌1910 (PDF , 1,251kb) [Paper with full text]

Markovian Core, Indivisibility, and Successive Pareto-Improvements

Satoru Fujishige, Zaifu Yang (Abstract), ‌1911 (PDF , 436kb) [Paper with full text]
19/12 A Conic Approach to the Implementation of  Reduced-Form Allocation Rules Xu Lang, Zaifu Yang (Abstract), ‌1912 (PDF , 641kb) [Paper with full text]
Efficient Sequential Assignments with Randomly Arriving Multi-Item Demand Agents
Dinard van der Laan, Zaifu Yang (Abstract), ‌1913 (PDF , 592kb) [Paper with full text]
A Real-time Density Forecast Evaluation of the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters
 Laura Coroneo, Fabrizio Iacone, Fabio Profumo  (Abstract), ‌1914 (PDF , 861kb) [Paper with full text]
The (non) impact of education on marital dissolution
Edith Aguirre (Abstract), ‌1915 (PDF , 562kb) [Paper with full text]
Domestic violence and women’s earnings: Does frequency matter?
Edith Aguirre (Abstract), ‌1916 (PDF , 615kb) [Paper with full text]
The Rehabilitation of Glidepath Investing
Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith, Stephen Thomas (Abstract), 1917 (PDF , 1,842kb) [Paper with full text]
Predicting interest rates in real-time
Alberto Caruso, Laura Coroneo (Abstract), 1918 (PDF , 1,070kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Paper NumTitleAuthor(s)Paper

Evaluation of Individual and Group Lending under Asymmetric information

Peter Simmons, Nongnuch Tantisantiwong

(Abstract), ‌1801 (PDF , 792kb) [Paper with full text]

18/02  Locally Optimal Three-Bracket Piecewise Linear Income Taxation Alan Krause (Abstract), ‌1802 (PDF , 425kb) [Paper with full text]
18/03 Hospital Competition under Pay-for-Performance:  Quality, Mortality and Readmissions Domenico Lisi, Luigi Siciliani, Odd Rune Straume (Abstract), 1803 (PDF , 480kb) [Paper with full text]

Free-Riding in Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: Theory and Evidence

Paolo Pertile, Simona Gamba, Martin Forster (Abstract), 1804.pdf (PDF , 512kb) [Paper with full text]
Fiscal Deficits as a Source of Boom and Bust under a Common Currency
Giovanni Ganelli, Neil Rankin
(Abstract), 1805 (PDF , 533kb) [Paper with full text]
Labour policy and multinational firms: the "race to the bottom" revisited
Anindya Bhattacharya, Debapriya Sen
(Abstract), 1806 (PDF , 614kb) [Paper with full text]
On Public Education Spending under Nonlinear Income Taxation
Alan Krause
(Abstract), 1807 (PDF , 394kb) [Paper with full text]

An Experimental Comparison of Two Exchange Mechanisms,An Asset Market versus a Credit Market

Enrica Carbone, John Hey, Tibor Neugebauer (Abstract), 1808 (PDF , 1,571kb) [Paper with full text]

Efficient Ascending Menu Auctions with Budget Constrained Bidders

Zaifu Yang, Jingsheng Yu (Abstract), ‌1809 (PDF , 420kb) [Paper with full text]

Voter Turnout and Intergenerational Redistribution

Michael Klien, Mickael Melki, Andrew Pickering

(Abstract), ‌1810 (PDF , 2,105kb) [Paper with full text]

Giving to Varying Numbers of Others

Matthew Robson, John Bone

(Abstract), ‌‌1811 (PDF , 2,050kb) [Paper with full text]

Rehabilitating the Random Utility Model. A comment on Apesteguia and Ballester (2018)

Anna Conte, John D. Hey

(Abstract), ‌‌‌1812 (PDF , 2,069kb) [Paper with full text]

The uncovered set and the core: Cox's (1987) result revisited

Anindya Bhattacharya, Victoria Brosi, Francesco Ciardiello

(Abstract), ‌‌‌1813 (PDF , 627kb) [Paper with full text]

A New Semiparametric Estimation Approach for Large Dynamic Covariance Matrices with Multiple Conditioning Variables

Jia Chen, Degui Li, Oliver Linton (Abstract), ‌‌‌1814 (PDF , 620kb) [Paper with full text]
18/15 Estimating Latent Group Structure in Time-Varying Coefficient Panel Data Models Jia Chen (Abstract), 1815 (PDF , 804kb) ‌‌‌[Paper with full text]

Explaining Divorce Gaps in Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills of Children

Gloria Moroni (Abstract), 1816 (PDF , 959kb) [Paper with full text]

Equilibrium  in  the  Assignment  Market  under  Budget Constraints

Gerard van der Laan, Dolf Talman, Zaifu Yang

(Abstract), 1817 (PDF , 428kb) [Paper with full text]

A Life Cycle Model with Housing Tenure, Constrained Mortgage Finance and a Risky Asset under Uncertainty

Zhechun He, Peter Simmons

(Abstract), 1818 (PDF , 706kb) [Paper with full text]

Patronage and power in rural India: a study based on interaction networks

Anindya Bhattacharya, Anirban Kar, Sunil Kumar, Alita Nandi

(Abstract), 1819 (PDF , 464kb) [Paper with full text]

Efficiency, Stability, and Commitment in Senior Level Job Matching Markets

Ning Sun and Zaifu Yang

(Abstract), 1820 (PDF , 405kb) [Paper with full text]
Paper NumTitleAuthor(s)Paper

Real Rigidities and Optimal Stabilization at the Zero Lower Bound in New Keynesian Economies

Adiya Belgibayeva, Michal Horvath

(Abstract), 1701 (PDF , 475kb) [Paper with full text]

17/02 Inequality and the Size of Government Weijie Luo, Andrew Pickering, Paulo Santos Monteiro (Abstract), 1702 (PDF , 1,374kb) [Paper with full text]
17/03 Who does better for the economy? Presidents versus parliamentary democracies

Richard McManus, F Gulcin Ozkan

(Abstract), 1703 (PDF , 1,578kb) [Paper with full text]
17/04 Testing for Alpha in Linear Factor Pricing Models with a Large Number of Securities

M. Hashem Pesaran, Takashi Yamagata

(Abstract), 1704 (PDF , 1,834kb) ‌[Paper with full text]
17/05 Does the Stochastic Specification Matter?

Konstantina Mari 

(Abstract), 1705 (PDF , 1,955kb) ‌[Paper with full text]
17/06 Decumulation, Sequencing Risk and the Safe Withdrawal Rate: Why the 4% Withdrawal Rule leaves Money on the Table

Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith, Stephen Thomas

(Abstract), 1706 (PDF , 1,100kb) [Paper with full text]

Housing and Financial Asset Allocations of Heterogeneous Homeowners

 Zhechun He (Abstract), 1707 (PDF , 586kb) [Paper with full text]

The response of parental time investments to the child’s skills and health

Cheti Nicoletti, Valentina Tonei (Abstract), 1708 (PDF , 718kb) [Paper with full text]

The Credibility of Commitment and Optimal Nonlinear Savings Taxation

Jang-Ting Guo, Alan Krause (Abstract), 1709 (PDF , 461kb) [Paper with full text]

European spreads at the interest rate lower bound

Laura Coroneo and Sergio Pastorello

(Abstract), 1710 (PDF , 1,935kb)[Paper with full text]

Mother’s health after childbirth: does delivery method matter?

Valentina Tonei

(Abstract), 1711 (PDF , 750kb) ‌[Paper with full text]

Inequality Aversion, Self-Interest and Oneness: A Ugandan Lab-in-the-Field Experiment

Matthew Robson

(Abstract), 1712 (PDF , 2,696kb) ‌[Paper with full text]

Efficient Kidney Exchange with Dichotomous Preferences

Yao Cheng, Zaifu Yang

(Abstract), 1713 (PDF , 631kb) ‌[Paper with full text]

Supplements A, B and C to “Efficient Kidney Exchange with Dichotomous

Yao Cheng, Zaifu Yang

(Abstract), 1714 (PDF , 753kb) ‌[Paper with full text]

Procyclical endogenous taxation and aggregate instability

Mauro Bambi, Siritas Kettanurak

(Abstract), 1715 (PDF , 779kb) [Paper with full text]

The Selection of Economics Lecturers into the 2014 UK Research Excellence Framework Exercise: Outputs and Gender.

Richard McManus, Karen Mumford, Cristina Sechel

(Abstract), ‌1716 (PDF , 2,164kb) [Paper with full text]

Pay, Rank and Job Satisfaction amongst Academic Economists in the UK.

Karen Mumford, Cristina Sechel

Temporarily Unavailable

Inequality and Growth in the 21st Century

Weijie Luo

(Abstract), 1718 (PDF , 921kb) [Paper with full text]

Efficient audits by pooling projects

Anna Maria C. Menichini, Peter J. Simmons

(Abstract), 1719 (PDF , 481kb) [Paper with full text]

Rebel with(out) a cause? Inter-generational smoking dependence in Chinese households.

Ricardo Gonçalves, Peter Simmons, Yuanyuan Xie,

(Abstract), 1720 (PDF , 664kb)1719 (PDF , 481kb) [Paper with full text]
Paper NumTitleAuthor(s)Paper

Time-varying Consumption Tax, Productive Government
Spending, and Aggregate Instability

Mauro Bambi, Alain Venditti

(Abstract), 1601 (PDF , 775kb) [Paper with full text]
16/02 Sibling spillover effects in school achievement  Cheti Nicoletti and Birgitta Rabe  (Abstract), 1602 (PDF , 540kb) [Paper with full text]

Capital, Economic Growth and Relative Income Differences
in Latin America*

 Osvaldo Lagares (Abstract), 1603 (PDF , 1,125kb) [Paper with full text]

The Family Peer Effect on Mothers' Labour Supply

Cheti Nicoletti, Kjell G. Salvanes and Emma Tominey (Abstract), 1604 (PDF , 547kb) [Paper with full text]

Financial supervision to fight fiscal dominance? The gold standard in Greece and South-East Europe between economic and political objectives and fiscal reality, 1841-1939

 Matthias Morys (Abstract), 1605 (PDF , 838kb) [Paper with full text]

An Exploration of a Strategic Competition Model for the European Union Natural Gas Market

Zaifu Yang, Rong Zhang, and Zongyi Zhang (Abstract), 1606 (PDF , 639kb) [Paper with full text]

The International Impact of Financial Shocks: A Global VAR and Connectedness Measures Approach

Donal Smith (Abstract), 1607 (PDF , 801kb) [Paper with full text]

Rationalizable Persuasion

Makoto Shimoji (Abstract), 1608 (PDF , 613kb) [Paper with full text]

Polarization and Corruption in America

Mickael Melki and Andrew Pickering  (Abstract), 1609 (PDF , 979kb) [Paper with full text]

 Continuous Time ARMA Processes: Discrete Time Representation and Likelihood Evaluation.

Michael Thornton and Marcus Chambers  (Abstract), 1610 (PDF , 521kb) [Paper with full text]

Reducing sequence risk using trend following investment strategies and the CAPE

Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas (Abstract), 1611 (PDF , 1,316kb)[Paper with full text]

The Political Economy of Foreign Aid Effectiveness

Ieva Skarda (Abstract), 1612 (PDF , 890kb) [Paper with full text]

Sovereign Debt: Election Concerns and the Democratic Disadvantage

Amrita Dhillon, Andrew Pickering, Tomas Sjöström

(Abstract), 1613 (PDF , 401kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

A Theory of Marriage with Mutually Consented Divorces

Ning Sun and Zaifu Yang

(Abstract), 1614 (PDF , 362kb) [Paper with full text]

Local institutional structure and clientelistic access to employment: the case of MGNREGS in three states of India

Anindya Bhattacharya, Anirban Kar, Alita Nandi 

(Abstract), 1615 (PDF , 1,212kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Paper NumTitleAuthor(s)Paper
 15/01 Semiparametric Dynamic Portfolio Choice with Multiple Conditioning Variables

Jia Chen, Degui Li, Oliver Linton and Zudi Lu

(Abstract), 1501 (PDF , 590kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/02 Does Money Impede Convergence?

John D Hey and Daniela Di Cagno

(Abstract), 1502 (PDF , 1,495kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/03 Portfolio Choice Under Ambiguity

Enrica Carbone, Xueqi Dong and John Hey

(Abstract), 1503 (PDF , 782kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/04 Inequality and the composition of taxes

Andrew Pickering and Sheraz Rajput

(Abstract), 1504 (PDF , 416kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/05 Data envelopment analysis, endogeneity and the quality frontier for public services

David J. Mayston

(Abstract), 1505 (PDF , 519kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/06 Size Matters: Tail Risk, Momentum and Trend Following in International Equity Portfolios

Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas

(Abstract), 1506 (PDF , 369kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/07 Carry and Trend Following Returns in the Foreign Exchange Market

Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas

(Abstract), 1507 (PDF , 468kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/08 Convexity, Quality and Efficiency in Education David J. Mayston (Abstract), 1508 (PDF , 462kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
15/09 A Bayesian Decision-Theoretic Model of Sequential Experimentation with Delayed Response Stephen Chick, Martin Forster and Paolo Pertile (Abstract), 1509 (PDF , 999kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

The 10th Royal Economic Society Women’s Committee Survey: The Gender Balance of Academic Economics in the UK

 M. Mitka, K. Mumford and C. Sechel (Abstract), 1510 (PDF , 1,053kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Optimal Conventional Stabilization Policy in a Liquidity Trap When Wages and Prices are Sticky ()

Adiya Belgibayeva, Michal Horvath (Abstract), 1511 (PDF , 478kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

The End of the Flat Tax Experiment in Slovakia

Michal Horvath (University of York), Matus Senaj, Zuzana Siebertova, Norbert Svarda (all Council for Budget Responsibility, Slovakia) (Abstract), 1512 (PDF , 769kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Do People Disinvest Optimally?

John D Hey and Konstantina Mari (Abstract), 1513 (PDF , 849kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Autocorrelation robust inference using the Daniell kernel with fixed bandwidth

Javier Hualde and Fabrizio Iacone (Abstract), 1514 (PDF , 499kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Comparing predictive accuracy in small samples

Laura Coroneo and Fabrizio Iacone (Abstract), 1515 (PDF , 513kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Late-Stage Pharmaceutical R & D and Pricing Policies under Two-Stage Regulation

Sebastian Jobjornsson, Martin Forster, Paolo Pertile and Carl-Fredrik Burman (Abstract), 1516 (PDF , 525kb)‌ [Paper with full text]‌

New Semiparametric Estimation Procedure for Functional Coefficient Longitudinal Data Models

 Jia Chen, Degui Li and Yingcun Xia (Abstract), 1517 (PDF , 685kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌

Semiparametric Model Averaging of Ultra-High Dimensional Time Series

Jia Chen, Degui Li, Oliver Linton and Zudi Lu (Abstract), 1518 (PDF , 721kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌

Estimating the Impact of House Prices on Household Labour Supply in the UK

Zhechun He (Abstract),  1519 (PDF , 776kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌

Intergenerational Mobility and the Timing of Parental Income

Pedro Carneiro, Italo Lopez Garcia, Kjell G. Salvanes and Emma Tominey (Abstract), 1520 (PDF , 1,255kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌

On Redistributive Taxation under the Threat of High-Skill Emigration

Alan Krause (Abstract), 1521 (PDF , 318kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌

Collateral Constraints and the Interest Rate

Donal Smith (Abstract), 1522 (PDF , 577kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

TIPS Liquidity Premium and Quantitative Easing

Laura Coroneo (Abstract), 1523 (PDF , 1,147kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

QML Estimation of the Spatial Weight Matrix in the MR-SAR Model

Saruta Benjanuvatra and Peter Burridge (Abstract), 1524 (PDF , 537kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Get ready for the Fed lift-off: The role of macroprudential policy

F. Gulcin Ozkan and D. Filiz Unsal (Abstract), 1525 (PDF , 1,517kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Changing Social Preferences and Optimal Redistributive Taxation

Jang-Ting Guo and Alan Krause (Abstract), 1526 (PDF , 601kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Decentralised Random Competitive Dynamic Market Processes

Satoru Fujishige and Zaifu Yang (Abstract), 1527 (PDF , 362kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Expansionary contractions and fiscal free lunches: too good to be true?

Richard McManus, F. Gulcin Ozkan, Dawid Trzeciakiewicz (Abstract), 1528 (PDF , 833kb)  [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Adopting income groups' weights in multidimensional inequality measures; Empirical case of Indonesia

Suska (Abstract), ‌ [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Are costs differences between specialist and general hospitals compensated by the prospective payment system?

Francesco Longo, Luigi Siciliani and Andrew Street
(Abstract), 1530 (PDF , 1,268kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌
Paper NumTitleAuthor(s)Paper
14/01 On a simple quickest detection rule for health-care technology assessment Daniele Bregantini and Jacco J.J. Thijssen (Abstract), 1401 (PDF , 565kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/02 European Equity Investing through the Financial Crisis: Can Risk Parity, Momentum or Trend Following Help to Reduce Tail Risk? Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas (Abstract), ‌1402 (PDF , 547kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/03 Optimal Price-Setting in Pay for Performance Schemes in Health Care Søren Rud Kristensen, Luigi Siciliani and Matt Sutton (Abstract), 1403 (PDF , 1,449kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/04 Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough: a quickest detection approach to HTA Daniele Bregantini (Abstract), 1404 (PDF , 381kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/05 How to Efficiently Allocate Houses under Price Controls?

Tommy Andersson, Zaifu Yang, and Dongmo Zhang

(Abstract), 1405 (PDF , 240kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/06 An Efficient and Incentive Compatible Dynamic Auction for Multiple Complements

Ning Sun, Zaifu Yang

(Abstract), 1406 (PDF , 426kb)‌‌‌‌ ‌[Paper with full text]

Household Asset Holding Diversification in Australia

Francesco Mariotti, Karen Mumford, and Yolanda Pena-Boquete

(Abstract), 1407 (PDF , 1,485kb)‌‌‌‌‌ [Paper with full text]‌

How to share it out: The value of information in teams

Alex Gershkov, Jianpei Li and Paul Schweinzer

(Abstract), 1408 (PDF , 660kb)‌‌‌‌ [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌

When Growth Beats Value: Removing Tail Risk From Global Equity Momentum Strategies

Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas

(Abstract), ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ 1409 (PDF , 428kb)‌[Paper with full text]‌

Polarization and Government Debt

Mickael Melki and Andrew Pickering

(Abstract), 1410 (PDF , 458kb)‌‌‌‌ [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Ideological Polarization and the Media

Mickael Melki and Andrew Pickering

(Abstract), ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ 1411 (PDF , 321kb)‌[Paper with full text]‌

Rational Addictive Behavior under Uncertainty

Zaifu Yang and Rong Zhang

(Abstract), 1412 (PDF , 1,235kb)‌‌‌‌ [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Revenue Comparison of Discrete Private-Value Auctions via Weak Dominance

Makoto Shimoji

(Abstract), 1413 (PDF , 557kb)‌‌‌‌ [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

The intergenerational transmission of liberal professions: nepotism versus abilities

Carmen Aina and Cheti Nicoletti

(Abstract), 1414 (PDF , 481kb)[Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

On the Consequences of Generically Distributed Investments on Flexible Projects in an Endogenous Growth Model

Mauro Bambi, Cristina Di Girolami, Salvatore Federico and Fausto Gozzi

(Abstract), 1415 (PDF , 1,433kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Endogenous Growth with Addictive Habits

Emmanuelle Augeraud-Veron and Mauro Bambi

‌(Abstract), 1416 (PDF , 564kb)‌ [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

How did we get to where we are now? Reflections on 50 years of macroeconomic and financial econometrics

Michael Wickens

(Abstract), 1417 (PDF , 582kb) [Paper with full text]‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

A Comparative Analysis of Macroprudential Policies

Yaprak Tavman

(Abstract)1418 (PDF , 528kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/19 Specification Testing in Nonstationary Time Series Models Jia Chen, Jiti Gao, Degui Li and Zhengyan Lin (Abstract), 1419 (PDF , 582kb) [Paper with full text] 1419 Supplementary Appendix (PDF , 347kb)
14/20 Housework share between partners: Experimental evidence on gender identity Katrin Auspurg, Maria Iacovou and Cheti Nicoletti (Abstract), 1420 (PDF , 857kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/21 What’s in it for the firms? Living wage adoption as signal of ethical practice Paul Schweinzer and Joanna K. Swaffield (Abstract), 1421 (PDF , 433kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/22 Who is afraid of austerity? The redistributive impact of fiscal policy in a DSGE framework Richard McManus, F. Gulcin Ozkan and Dawid
(Abstract), 1422 (PDF , 585kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/23 Towards a quantitative theory of automatic stabilizers: the role of demographics Alexandre Janiak and Paulo Santos Monteiro (Abstract), 1423 (PDF , 1,080kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/24 Self-defeating austerity at the zero lower bound Richard McManus, F. Gulcin Ozkan and Dawid Trzeciakiewicz (Abstract), 1424 (PDF , 790kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
14/25 Piecewise Linear Income Tax Reforms Alan Krause (Abstract), 1425 (PDF , 928kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Semiparametric GEE Analysis in Partially Linear Single-Index Models for Longitudinal Data

 Jia Chen, Degui Li, Hua Liang and Suojin Wang (Abstract), 1426 (PDF , 1,734kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Time Bounds for Iterative Auctions: A Unified Approach by Discrete Convex Analysis

 Kazuo Murota, Akiyoshi Shioura and Zaifu Yang (Abstract), 1427 (PDF , 595kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Default and Risk Premia in Microfinance Group Lending

P Simmons and N Tantisantiwong (Abstract), 1428 (PDF , 619kb) [Paper with full text]

Discussion paper series 2013

Work and Play Pave the Way: The Importance of Part Time Work in a Lifecycle Model
(Abstract1301 (PDF , 865kb) [Paper with full text]
Ricky Kanabar & Peter Simmons

The Labor Share and the Size of Government
(Abstract1302 (PDF , 332kb) [Paper with full text]
François Facchini, Mickael Melki & Andrew Pickering

Does Sequentiality Impede Convergence?
(Abstract) ‌1303 (PDF , 1,596kb) [Paper with full text]
John D. Hey and Daniela Di Cagno

A Competitive Partnership Formation Process
(Abstract) ‌1304 (PDF , 161kb) [Paper with full text]
Tommy Andersson, Jens Gudmundsson, Dolf Talman and Zaifu Yang

An OLG model of global imbalances
(Abstract) ‌‌1305 (PDF , 256kb) [Paper with full text]
Sara Eugeni

On a Fundamental Property of Talman-Yang's Auction under Price Control
(Abstract) ‌‌1306 (PDF , 142kb) [Paper with full text]
Zaifu Yang and Dongmo Zhang

Testing for optimal monetary policy via moment inequalities
(Abstract) ‌‌1307 (PDF , 551kb) [Paper with full text]
Laura Coroneo, Valentina Corradi and Paulo Santos Monteiro

"We're all in this together"? A DSGE interpretation
(Abstract) ‌‌1308 (PDF , 548kb) [Paper with full text]
Richard McManus

Austerity versus Stimulus: A DSGE Political Economy Explanation
(Abstract) ‌‌1309 (PDF , 655kb) [Paper with full text]
Richard McManus

To Have and to Hold: A Dynamic Cost-Benefit Analysis of Temporary Unemployment Measures
(Abstract) ‌‌1310 (PDF , 1,068kb) [Paper with full text]
Kuno J.M. Huisman and Jacco J.J. Thijssen

Maternity Leave and the Responsiveness of Female Labor Supply to a Household Shock
(Abstract) ‌‌1311 (PDF , 285kb) [Paper with full text]
Emma Tominey

Revisiting Jansen et al.’s Modified Cournot Model of the European Union Natural Gas Market
(Abstract) ‌‌1312 (PDF , 473kb) [Paper with full text]
Zaifu Yang, Rong Zhang, and Zongyi Zhang

Computing a Walrasian Equilibrium in Iterative Auctions with Multiple Differentiated Items
(Abstract) ‌‌1313 (PDF , 265kb) [Paper with full text]
Kazuo Murota, Akiyoshi Shioura, and Zaifu Yang

On the use of monetary and macroprudential policies for financial stability in emerging markets
(Abstract) ‌‌1314 (PDF , 585kb) [Paper with full text]
F. Gulcin Ozkan and D. Filiz Unsal

Chance versus choice: eliciting attitudes to fair compensations
(Abstract) ‌‌1315 (PDF , 1,061kb) [Paper with full text]
John Bone, Paolo Crosetto, John D Hey and Carmen Pasca

The Gender Balance of Academic Economics 2012: Royal Economic Society Women’s Committee Survey
(Abstract) ‌‌1316 (PDF , 598kb) [Paper with full text]
L.C. Blanco, M. Mitka, K.Mumford and J. Roman

Equilibrium, Auction, Multiple Substitutes and Complements
(Abstract) ‌‌1317 (PDF , 270kb) [Paper with full text]
Akiyoshi Shioura and Zaifu Yang

Modeling US bank CDS spreads during the Global Financial Crisis with a deferred filtration pricing model
(Abstract) ‌‌1318 (PDF , 1,596kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Spencer

Efficiency in strategic form games: A little trust can go a long way
(Abstract) ‌‌1319 (PDF , 270kb) [Paper with full text]
Jianpei Li and Paul Schweinzer

The Long and Winding Road: Valuing Investment under Construction Uncertainty
(Numerical analysis updated after the government's release of a new report on HS2 on 29/10/2013)
(Abstract) ‌‌1320 (PDF , 309kb) [Paper with full text]
Jacco J.J. Thijssen

Political Competition, Political Donations, Economic Policy and Growth
(Abstract) ‌‌1321 (PDF , 303kb) [Paper with full text]
John Maloney and Andrew Pickering

The US Economy, the Treasury Bond Market and the Specification of Macro-Finance Models
(Abstract) 1322 (PDF , 439kb) ‌‌‌[Paper with full text]
Peter Spencer

The behavior of the hazard rate in the Gaussian structural default model under asymmetric information
(Abstract) ‌‌1323 (PDF , 267kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Spencer

An Easy-To-Use Toolkit for Solving Optimal Stopping Problems
(Abstract) ‌1324 (PDF , 264kb) [Paper with full text]
Jacco J.J. Thijssen

Unretirement in England: An Empirical Perspective
(Abstract1325 (PDF , 462kb) [Paper with full text]
Ricky Kanabar

To defer or not defer? State Pension in a Lifecycle Model
(Abstract1326 (PDF , 697kb) [Paper with full text]
Ricky Kanabar and Peter Simmons

The Parental Co-Immunization Hypothesis
(Abstract1327 (PDF , 597kb) [Paper with full text]
Miguel Portela and Paul Schweinzer

Three musketeers: A dynamic model of capital inflow (FDI), the real wage rate and the net migration flow with empirical application
(Abstract1328 (PDF , 1,115kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Simmons & Yuanyuan Xie

Financial Markets Around the Great Recession: East Meets West
(Abstract1329 (PDF , 394kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Simmons & Yuanyuan Xie

School inputs and skills: Complementarity and self-productivity
(Abstract1330 (PDF , 417kb) [Paper with full text]
Cheti Nicoletti & Birgitta Rabe

An Efficient Multi-Item Dynamic Auction with Budget Constrained Bidders
(Abstract1331 (PDF , 150kb) [Paper with full text]
Dolf Talman and Zaifu Yang

To Block or not to Block? Network Competition when Skype enters the Mobile Market
(Abstract1332 (PDF , 260kb) [Paper with full text]
Bipasa Datta and Yu-Shan Lo

Who Becomes the Winner? Effects of Venture Capital on Firms’ Innovative Incentives - A Theoretical Investigation
(Abstract1333 (PDF , 380kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Matthew Beacham and Bipasa Datta

Discussion paper series 2012

Assessing Multiple Prior Models of Behaviour under Ambiguity 
(Abstract1201 (PDF , 1,025kb) [Paper with full text]
Anna Conte, John D. Hey

On Revealed Preference and Indivisibilities 
(Abstract) ‌ [Paper with full text]
Satoru Fujishige and Zaifu Yang

Nonlinear Income Tax Reforms 
(Abstract)  1203 (PDF , 369kb)[Paper with full text]
Alan Krause

Biases in Bias Elicitation
(Abstract1204 (PDF , 798kb) [Paper with full text]
Giancarlo Manzi and Martin Forster

Testing CAPM with a Large Number of Assets
(Abstract1205 (PDF , 705kb) [Paper with full text]
M Hashem Pesaran and Takashi Yamagata

Herbert Scarf: a Distinguished American
(Abstract1206 (PDF , 650kb) [Paper with full text]
Zaifu Yang

Optimal control of inequality under uncertainty
(Abstract1207 (PDF , 411kb) [Paper with full text]
Martin Forster, Davide La Torre, Peter Lambert

Efficient bootstrap with weakly dependent processes

(Abstract1208 (PDF , 495kb) [Paper with full text]
Francesco Bravo and Federico Crudu

Increasing returns, knowledge transfers and the optimal duration of equity joint ventures
(Abstract1209 (PDF , 1,035kb) [Paper with full text]
David Mayston and Juning Wang

Minimum wage hikes and the wage growth of low-wage workers
(Abstract1210 (PDF , 771kb) [Paper with full text]  
Joanna K. Swaffield

BREAKING INTO THE BLACKBOX: Trend Following, Stop Losses, and the Frequency of Trading: the case of the S&P500
(Abstract1211 (PDF , 200kb) [Paper with full text]  
Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas

Does habit formation always increase the agents' desire to smooth consumption?
(Abstract1212 (PDF , 317kb) [Paper with full text]

Emmanuelle Augeraud-Veron, 

Mauro Bambi

Optimal Savings Taxation when Individuals have Different CRRA Utility Functions
(Abstract1213 (PDF , 278kb) [Paper with full text]
Alan Krause

The effect of Stackelberg cost reductions on spatial competition with heterogeneous firms
(Abstract1214 (PDF , 319kb) [Paper with full text]
Matthew Beacham

Education, Risk and Efficiency in Human Capital Investment
(Abstract1215 (PDF , 298kb) [Paper with full text]
David Mayston, Juan Yang

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Intra-province Migration in Guangdong
(Abstract1216 (PDF , 589kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Simmons and Yuan Yuan Xie

Risk pooling in redistributive agreements
(Abstract)‌ 1217 (PDF , 323kb) [Paper with full text]
Bos, O., and P. Schweinzer

International Trade and Productivity: Does Destination Matter?
(Abstract)‌ 1218 (PDF , 821kb) [Paper with full text]
Yevgeniya Shevtsova

The effect of school resources on test scores in England
(Abstract)‌ 1219 (PDF , 371kb) [Paper with full text]
Cheti Nicoletti and Birgitta Rabe

Endogenising Detection in an Asymmetric Penalties Corruption Game
(Abstract)‌ 1220 (PDF , 542kb) [Paper with full text]
Dominic Spengler

Implementation without Incentive Compatibility: Two Stories with Partially Informed Planner
(Abstract)‌ 1221 (PDF , 402kb) [Paper with full text]
Makoto Shimoji and Paul Schweinzer

An Efficient Double-Track Auction for Substitutes and Complements
(Abstract)‌ 1222 (PDF , 313kb) [Paper with full text]
Ning Sun and Zaifu Yang

Two can live as cheaply as one... But three's a crowd
(Abstract)‌ 1223 (PDF , 395kb) [Paper with full text]
Christopher R. Bollinger, Cheti Nicoletti and Stephen Pudney

Self investments of adolescents and their cognitive development
(Abstract)‌ 1224 (PDF , 266kb) [Paper with full text]
Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Monfardini and Cheti Nicoletti

The Trend is Our Friend: Risk Parity, Momentum and Trend Following in Global Asset Allocation
(Abstract)‌ 1225 (PDF , 719kb) [Paper with full text]
Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas

Fuzzy Price-Quality Ratio Procurement under Incomplete Information
(Abstract)‌ 1226 (PDF , 269kb) [Paper with full text]
Thomas Giebe and Paul Schweinzer

The Meiselman forward interest rate revision regression as an Affine Term Structure Model
(Abstract)‌ 1227 (PDF , 490kb) [Paper with full text]
Adam Golinski and Peter Spencer

Trend Following, Risk Parity and Momentum in Commodity Futures
(Abstract)‌ 1228 (PDF , 360kb) [Paper with full text]
Andrew Clare, James Seaton, Peter N. Smith and Stephen Thomas

Beyond the Horizon: Attainability of Pareto Optimality when the Indefinite Future Matters
 (revised Jan 2013)
(Abstract)‌ 1229 (PDF , 317kb) [Paper with full text]
Simon P. Eveson and Jacco J.J. Thijssen

Analysing the effectiveness of public service producers with endogenous resourcing
(Abstract1230 (PDF , 293kb) [Paper with full text]
David J. Mayston

Unretirement in England: An empirical perspective
 (This paper has been superseded by discussion paper 13/25)
(Abstract1231 (PDF , 419kb) [Paper with full text]
Ricky Kanabar

Auctioning risk: The all-pay auction under mean-variance preferences
(Abstract1232 (PDF , 311kb) [Paper with full text]
Bettina Klose and Paul Schweinzer

The evolution of the mixed conjectures in the rent-extraction game
(Abstract1233 (PDF , 4,492kb) [Paper with full text]
Paulo Brito, Bipasa Datta and Huw Dixon

On the consequences of procyclical fiscal policy
(Abstract1234 (PDF , 389kb) [Paper with full text]
Richard McManus, F Gulcin Ozkan

Global financial crisis, financial contagion and emerging markets
(Abstract) ‌ [Paper with full text]
F. Gulcin Ozkan, D. Filiz Unsal

Equity Returns and the Business Cycle: The Role of Supply and Demand Shocks
(Abstract1236 (PDF , 350kb) [Paper with full text]
Alfonso Mendoza Velázquez, Peter N. Smith

Durable Consumption, Long-Run Risk and The Equity Premium
(Abstract1237 (PDF , 375kb) [Paper with full text]
Na Guo and Peter N. Smith


On the Crowding-Out Effects of Tax-Financed Charitable Contributions by the Government
(Abstract) 1101 (PDF , 293kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Alan Krause


Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Games and Spillover Stability
(Abstract)  1102 (PDF , 157kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Ruud Hendrickx, Jacco Thijssen, Peter Borm


Decentralized Market Processes to Stable Job Matchings with Competitive Salaries
(Abstract)  1103 (PDF , 328kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Bo Chen, Satoru Fujishige, and Zaifu Yang


An Ascending Multi-Item Auction with Financially Constrained Bidders
(Abstract) 1104 (PDF , 272kb)‌  [Paper with full text]
Gerard van der Laan and Zaifu Yang


Measuring and testing for gender discrimination in physician pay: English family doctors
(Abstract) 1105 (PDF , 305kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Hugh Gravelle, Arne Risa Hole, Rita Santos

11/06 The evolution of mixed conjectures in the rent-extraction game (This paper has been superseded by discussion paper 12/33)
(Abstract)  1106 (PDF , 4,081kb)‌  [Paper with full text]
Paulo Brito, Bipasa Datta, and Huw Dixon 
11/07 Equilibrium Structure of Production Economies with Uncertainty: The Natural Projection Approach
(Abstract)  1107 (PDF , 371kb)‌  [Paper with full text]
Pascal Stiefenhofer
11/08 Finiteness of the Number of Equilibria in a Production Economy with Uncertainty
(Abstract)  1108 (PDF , 284kb)‌  [Paper with full text]
Pascal Stiefenhofer
11/09 Quality competition with motivated providers and sluggish demand
(Abstract)   1109 (PDF , 314kb)‌  [Paper with full text]
Luigi Siciliani, Odd Rune Straume, Roberto Cellini
11/10 Gross Worker Flows in the United Kingdom: An Anatomical Analysis of the 2008-2009 Recession
(Abstract)  1110 (PDF , 1,155kb)‌   [Paper with full text]
Andrew Sutton
11/11 Development and Religious Polarization:  The Emergence of Reform and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism
(Abstract)  1111 (PDF , 1,888kb)‌   [Paper with full text]
Mark Koyama, Jean-Paul Carvalho
11/12 Captain MacWhirr's Problem Revisited (This paper has been superseded by discussion paper 12/21)
(Abstract)  1112 (PDF , 143kb)‌  [Paper with full text]
Paul Schweinzer and Makoto Shimoji
11/13 Valuing Voluntary Disclosure using a Real Options Approach
(Abstract)  1113 (PDF , 247kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Laura Delaney Jacco J.J. Thijssen
11/14 Voting and the macroeconomy: separating trend from cycle
(Abstract)  1114 (PDF , 283kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
John Maloney, Andrew Pickering
11/15 Does better disease management in primary care reduce hospital costs? Evidence from English primary care
(Abstract)   1115 (PDF , 399kb)‌  [Paper with full text] 
Mark Dusheiko, Hugh Gravelle, Stephen Martin, Nigel Rice, Peter Smith
11/16 Dynamic Nonlinear Income Taxation with Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting and No Commitment 
(Abstract)  1116 (PDF , 321kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Jang-Ting Guo, Alan Krause
11/17 Equilibria in Continuous Time Preemption Games with Markovian Payoffs
(Abstract)  1117 (PDF , 337kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Jacco J.J. Thijssen
11/18 Static Decisions May Be Optimal in a Life Cycle Setting
(Abstract)  1118 (PDF , 151kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
P Simmons
11/19 Royal Economic Society Women’s Committee Survey on the Gender and Ethnic Balance of Academic Economics 2010
(Abstract)  1119 (PDF , 314kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Laura C. Blanco and Karen Mumford
11/20 Housing Debt and Consumption
(Abstract)  1120 (PDF , 293kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Viola Angelini and Peter Simmons
11/21 UK Macroeconomic Volatility and the  Welfare Costs of Inflation
(Abstract) 1121 (PDF , 712kb)‌   [Paper with full text]
Vito Polito and Peter Spencer
11/22 The Explanatory and Predictive Power of Non Two-Stage-Probability Theories of Decision Making Under Ambiguity (Revised July 2012) 
(Abstract) 1122 (PDF , 860kb)‌   [Paper with full text]
John D Hey and Noemi Pace
11/23 A Cross Section of Equity Returns: The No-Arbitrage Test 
(Abstract)  1123 (PDF , 277kb)‌ [Paper with full text] 
Pongrapeeporn Abhakorn, Peter N. Smith, Michael R. Wickens
11/24 Consumption, Size and Book-to-Market Ratio in Equity Returns
(Abstract)  1124 (PDF , 911kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Pongrapeeporn Abhakorn, Peter N. Smith, Michael R. Wickens
11/25 Analysing the Research and Teaching Quality Achievement Frontier
(Abstract)  1125 (PDF , 409kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
David Mayston
11/26 The Optimal Duration of Equity Joint Ventures
(Abstract)  1126 (PDF , 236kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
David Mayston, Juning Wang
11/27 All-pay Aspects of Decision Making Under Public Scrutiny
(Abstract)  1127 (PDF , 202kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Thomas Giebe, Paul Schweinzer
11/28 UK macroeconomic volatility and the term structure of interest rates.
(Abstract)  1128 (PDF , 721kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Peter Spencer
10/01 A Non-empty Core May Not Coincide with the Uncovered Set in Spatial Voting Situations
(Abstract) 1001 (PDF , 163kb) [Paper with full text]

A Bhattacharya, V Brosi, F Ciardiello
10/02 Allocative Efficiency and an Incentive Scheme for Research
1002 (PDF , 163kb) [Paper with full text]
A Bhattacharya, H Newhouse
10/03 The Effects of Daughters on Health Choices and Risk Behaviour
1003 (PDF , 751kb) [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee, S Wu, A Oswald
10/04 Education and Body Mass Index: Evidence from ECHP
1004 (PDF , 621kb) [Paper with full text]
R Nakamura, L Siciliani
10/05 Does Export Pricing Explain 'Fear of Floating' in Small Open Emerging Market Economies?
1005 (PDF , 948kb) [Paper with full text]
M Farid
10/06 Job Insecurity: A Collective Approach
1006 (PDF , 470kb) [Paper with full text]
F Mariotti
10/07 Priming Cooperation in Social Dilemma Games
1007 (PDF , 979kb) [Paper with full text]
M Drouvelis, R Metcalfe, N Powdthavee
10/08 A Theorem on the Decentralization of the Objective Function of the Firm in GEI
(Abstract) 1008 (PDF , 319kb) [Paper with full text]

P Stiefenhofer
10/09 Preferences and labor supply effects of benefits: the case of income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
1009 (PDF , 262kb) [Paper with full text]
P Simmons, F Zantomio
10/10 Estimation of Alternative Models of Female Labour supply with Fixed Travel Costs
1010 (PDF , 301kb) [Paper with full text]
Nadia Linciano, P Simmons
10/11 A General Equilibrium Corporate Finance Theorem for Incomplete Markets: A Special Case
(Abstract) 1011 (PDF , 326kb) [Paper with full text]

P Stiefenhofer
10/12 A Geometric Separation of the Economic Activities of the Agents: The Leading Example
(Abstract) 1012 (PDF , 289kb) [Paper with full text]

P Stiefenhofer
10/13 Endogenous Incomplete Markets: A Production Model with Idiosyncratic Risk
1013 (PDF , 292kb) [Paper with full text]
P Stiefenhofer
10/14 Public debt and Financial development: A theoretical exploration
(Abstract) 1014 (PDF , 198kb) [Paper with full text]

M Ismihan, G Ozkan
10/15 Dynamic Income Taxation without Commitment: Comparing Alternative Tax Systems
1015 (PDF , 358kb) [Paper with full text]
J-T Guo, A Krause
10/16 A robust test for error cross-section correlation in panel models
(Abstract) 1016 (PDF , 179kb) [Paper with full text]

L Godfrey, T Yamagata
10/17 On the Incidence of Substituting Consumption Taxes for Income Taxes
(Abstract) 1017 (PDF , 216kb) [Paper with full text]

A Krause
10/18 Corporate Equilibrium Properties of a Centralized Objective Function GEI Model
(Abstract) 1018 (PDF , 311kb) [Paper with full text]
P Stiefenhofer
10/19 Endogenized Production Sets in a General Equilibrium Model with Incomplete Markets
(Abstract) 1019 (PDF , 325kb) [Paper with full text]
P Stiefenhofer
10/20 Endogenous Financing of Production in General Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets
(Abstract) 1020 (PDF , 432kb) [Paper with full text]
P Stiefenhofer
10/21 Timing of Parental Income and Child Outcomes: The Role of Permanent and Transitory Shocks.
(Abstract) 1021 (PDF , 674kb)[Paper with full text]
E Tominey

Robust Nonnested Testing for Ordinary Least Squares Regression When Some of the Regressors are Lagged Dependent Variables(Abstract1022 (PDF , 225kb) [Paper with full text]
L Godfrey

10/23  Optimal Dynamic Nonlinear Income Taxation under Loose Commitment
(Abstract1023 (PDF , 453kb) [Paper with full text]
J-T Guo, A Krause
10/24 Optimal Sequential Sampling Rules for the Economic Evaluation of Health Technologies
(Abstract)  1024 (PDF , 495kb) [Paper with full text] 
P Pertile, M Forster, D La Torre
10/25 The Effectiveness of Government Debt for Demand Management: Sensitivity to Monetary Policy Rules
Abstract1025 (PDF , 1,193kb)  [Paper with full text] 
Guido Ascari, Neil Rankin
09/01 Pooling Sovereignty and Subsidiarity Principle
(Abstract) 0901 (PDF , 221kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

M Giuranno
09/02 How Much Does Money Really Matter? Estimating the Causal Effects of Income on Happiness
(Abstract) 0902 (PDF , 175kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

N Powdthavee
09/03 Surviving Slavery. Mortality at Mesopotamia, a Jamaican sugar estate, 1762 - 1832
(Abstract) 0903 (PDF , 539kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
M Forster and S.D Smith
09/04 Anticipation, Free Rider Problem, and Adaptation to Trade Union: Re-examining the Curious Case of Dissatisfied Union Members
(Abstract) 0904 (PDF , 342kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee
09/05 Waiting Time Targets in Healthcare Markets: How Long Are We Waiting?
(Abstract) 0905 (PDF , 494kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
H Dixon and L Siciliani
09/06 Production in General Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets
(Abstract) 0906 (PDF , 226kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
P Stiefenhofer
09/07 Conditional and Unconditional Multiple Equilibria with Strategic Complementarities
(Abstract) 0907 (PDF , 609kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

S Borla and P Simmons
09/08 Signaling Without Common Prior: An Experiment
(Abstract) 0908 (PDF , 384kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
M Drouvelis, W Muller, and A Possajennikov
09/09 Imperfect quality information in a quality-competitive hospital market
(Abstract) 0909 (PDF , 348kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
H Gravelle and P Sivey
09/10 Destruction and distress: using a quasi-experiment to show the effects of the September 11 attacks on subjective well-being in the UK
(Abstract) 0910 (PDF , 299kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

R Metcalfe, N Powdthavee, and P Dolan
09/11 Vertical Production and Macroeconomic Persistence: the Case of an Emerging Market Economy
(Abstract) 0911 (PDF , 518kb)‌[Paper with full text]
M Farid
09/12 Horizontal Mergers in the Spokes Model
(Abstract) 0912 (PDF , 407kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

E Dargaud and C Reggiani
09/13 Optimal Differentiation and Spatial Competition: The Spokes Model with Product Delivery
(Abstract) 0913 (PDF , 531kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
C Reggiani
09/14 Does Education Reduce Blood Pressure? Estimating the Biomarker Effect of Compulsory Schooling in England
(Abstract) 0914 (PDF , 174kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee
09/15 Jobless, Friendless, and Broke: What Happens to Different Areas of Life Before and After Unemployment?
 0915 (PDF , 190kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

N Powdthavee
09/16 An Open- Economy Macro-Finance Module of International Interdependence: The OECD, US and the UK
 0916 (PDF , 647kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

P Spencer and Z Liu
09/17 Myopic, Naive, Resolute or Sophisticated? A study of how people take dynamic decisions
(Abstract) 0917 (PDF , 600kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
J Hey and L Panaccione
09/18 Inferring Social Preferences over Income Distributions through Axioms
(Abstract) 0918 (PDF , 450kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
J Hey and C Pasca
09/19 Market Shares, Consumer Ignorance and the Reciprocal Termination Charges
(Abstract) 0919 (PDF , 389kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Y Lo
09/20 Moral Judgments in Social Dilemmas: How Bad is Free Riding?
(Abstract) 0920 (PDF , 223kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
R Cubitt, M Drouvelis, S Gächter, and R Kabalin
09/21 On Rationalizable Outcomes in Private-Value First-Price Discrete Auctions
(Abstract) 0921 (PDF , 392kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
J Robles, M Shimoji
09/22 External finance, sudden stops and financial crisis:
what is different this time?
(Abstract) 0922 (PDF , 334kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

G Ozkan, F Unsal
09/23 Taxing and Subsidising Charitable Contributions
(Abstract) 0923 (PDF , 167kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

A Krause
09/24 Real Exchange Rate Misalignments: Theoretical Modelling and Empirical Evidence
(Abstract) 0924 (PDF , 570kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

M Kubota
09/25 Assessing the Real Exchange Rate Misalignments:
Is Real Undervaluation of the Currency Likely and Can It Be Sustained?
 0925 (PDF , 247kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

M Kubota
09/26 Aspirations, Expectations and Education Outcomes
for Children in Britain: Considering Relative Measures of Family Efficiency

(Abstract) 0926 (PDF , 212kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Y Li, K Mumford
09/27 Gender Gaps Across the Earnings Distribution in Britain: Are Women Bossy Enough?
(Abstract) 0927 (PDF , 267kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Y Chzhen, K Mumford
09/28 The Gender Pay Gap for Private Sector Employees in Canada and Britain
(Abstract) 0928 (PDF , 1,811kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
M Drolet, K Mumford
09/29 Royal Economic Society Women's Committee Survey on the Gender and Ethnic Balance of Academic Economics 2008
(Abstract) 0929 (PDF , 692kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
K Mumford
09/30 Gaining Power through Enlargement: Strategic Foundations and Experimental Evidence
 0930 (PDF , 347kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

M Drouvelis, M Montero, M Sefton
09/31 Saddlepoint Approximations for Optimal Unit Root Tests
 0931 (PDF , 318kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

P Marsh
09/32 Spatial and Temporal Diffusion of House Prices in the UK
(Abstract) 0932 (PDF , 661kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

S Holly, M Hashem Pesaran, T Yamagata
09/33 On Credible Coalitional Deviations by Prudent Players
(Abstract) 0933 (PDF , 226kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
A Bhattacharya, A Ziad
09/34 Stable and Efficient Networks with Farsighted Players: the Largest Consistent Set
(Abstract) 0934 (PDF , 170kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
A Bhattacharya
08/01 Jekyll and Hyde
(Abstract) 0801 (PDF , 142kb)‌ [Paper with full text]

Marie-Edith Bissey, John D Hey and Stefania Ottone
08/02 Do waiting times reduce hospital costs?
(Abstract) 0802 (PDF , 163kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Luigi Siciliani, Anderson Stanciole, Rowena Jacobs
08/03 Panel Unit Root Tests in the Presence of a Multifactor Error Structure
(Abstract) 0803 (PDF , 529kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
M. Hashem Pesaran, L. Vanessa Smith, Takashi Yamagata
08/04 The Descriptive and Predictive Adequacy of Theories of Decision Making Under Uncertainty/Ambiguity
(Abstract) 0804 (PDF , 636kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
John D Hey, Gianna Lotito and Anna Maffioletti
08/05 Competition and quality in regulated markets: a differential-game approach
(Abstract) 0805 (PDF , 322kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Kurt R. Brekke, Roberto Cellini, Luigi Siciliani, Odd Rune Straume
08/06 Multitasking, quality and pay for performance
(Abstract) 0806 (PDF , 320kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Oddvar Martin Kaarbøe and Luigi Siciliani
08/07 Oligopolistic Non-Linear Pricing and Size Economies
(Abstract) 0807 (PDF , 1,019kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Carlo Reggiani
08/08 Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation with Learning-by-Doing
(Abstract) 0808 (PDF , 221kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Alan Krause
08/09 Firm Level Volatility-Return Analysis using Dynamic Panels
(Abstract) 0809 (PDF , 403kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
L. Vanessa Smith and Takashi Yamagata
08/10 Foreign Debt and Fear of Floating: A Theoretical Exploration
(Abstract) 0810 (PDF , 170kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Michael Bleaney and F. Gulcin Ozkan
08/11 The Banking Sector, Government Bonds and Financial Intermediation: The Case of Emerging Market Countries
(Abstract) 0811 (PDF , 271kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
F. Gulcin Ozkan, Ahmet Kipici, and Mustafa Ismihan
08/12 Estimating Union Wage Effects in Great Britain During 1991-2003
(Abstract) 0812 (PDF , 331kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Georgios Marios Chrysanthou
08/13 Oil Price Shocks, Macroeconomic Stability and Welfare in a Small Open Economy
(Abstract) 0813 (PDF , 397kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Deren Unalmis, Ibrahim Unalmis and Derya Filiz Unsal
08/14 Efficient Allocations, Equilibria and Stability in Scarf's Economy
(Abstract) 0814 (PDF , 294kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
E Randon, P Simmons
08/15 Strategic Consumption Complementarities: Can Price Flexibility Eliminate Inefficiencies and Instability?
(Abstract) 0815 (PDF , 323kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
E Randon, P Simmons
08/16 I Can't Smile Without You: Spousal Correlation in Life Satisfaction
(Abstract0816 (PDF , 147kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee
08/17 Thinking About It: A Note on Attention and Well-Being Losses From Unemployment
(Abstract0817 (PDF , 89kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
P Dolan, N Powdthavee
08/18 Daughters and Left Wing Voting
(Abstract0818 (PDF , 245kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
A Oswald , N Powdthavee
08/19 Golden Rule of Public Finance: A Panacea?
(Abstract0819 (PDF , 149kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
M Ismihin , G Ozkan
08/20 Mental Health of Parents and Life Satisfaction of Children: A Within-Family Analysis of Intergenerational Transmission of Well-Being
(Abstract0820 (PDF , 175kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee, A Vignoles
08/21 Ill-Health as a Household Norm: Evidence from Other People's Health Problems
(Abstract0821 (PDF , 231kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee
08/22 What Happens to People After Moderate and Serious Disability? A Longitudinal Study of Satisfaction with Different Areas of Life
(Abstract0822 (PDF , 456kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee
08/23 The Socio-Economic Gap in University Drop Out
(Abstract0823 (PDF , 132kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
N Powdthavee, A Vignoles
08/24 Response Bias in Job Satisfaction Surveys: English General Practitioners
(Abstract0824 (PDF , 544kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
H Gravelle, AR Hole, I Hussein
08/25 A Pecking Order Analysis of Graduate Overeducation and Educational Investment in China
(Abstract0825 (PDF , 220kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
D Mayston, J Yang
08/26 Efficient M-estimators with auxiliary information
(Abstract) 0826 (PDF , 349kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
F Bravo
08/27 Measuring and testing for gender discrimination in professions: the case of English family doctors
(Abstract) 0827 (PDF , 514kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
H Gravelle, A Risa Hole
08/28 Bargaining and the Provision of Health Services
(Abstract) 0828 (PDF , 328kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Luigi Siciliani, Anderson Stanciole
08/29 DRG prospective payment system: refine or not refine?
(Abstract) 0829 (PDF , 237kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Elín J. G. Hafsteinsdóttir, Luigi Siciliani
08/30 Electing Happiness: Does Happiness Effect Voting and do Elections Affect Happiness
(Abstract) 0830 (PDF , 228kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Paul Dolan, Robert Metcalfe, Nattavudh Powdthavee
08/31 And You Think Having Children Will Make You Happy! A Case of Focusing Illusion
(Abstract) 0831 (PDF , 104kb)‌ [Paper with full text]
Nattavudh Powdthavee
07/01 Determinants of Trade Union Membership in Great Britain During 1991-2003
(Abstract) 0701 (PDF , 317kb) [Paper with full text]

Georgios Marios Chrysanthou
07/02 Optimal Waits and Charges in Health Insurance
(Abstract) 0702 (PDF , 164kb) [Paper with full text]

Hugh Gravelle and Luigi Siciliani
07/03 Naïve, Resolute or Sophisticated? A Study of Dynamic Decision Making
(Abstract) 0703 (PDF , 1,142kb) [Paper with full text]
John D Hey and Gianna Lotito
07/04 Noise and Bias in Eliciting Preferences
(Abstract) 0704 (PDF , 421kb) [Paper with full text]
John D Hey, Andrea Morone and Ulrich Schmidt
07/05 Option Pricing under Stochastic Volatility and Trading Volume
(Abstract) 0705 (PDF , 768kb) [Paper with full text]
Sadayuki Ono
07/06 Mixture Models of Choice Under Risk
(Abstract) 0706 (PDF , 345kb) [Paper with full text]
Anna Conte, John D Hey, Peter G Moffatt
07/07 Mind Coskewness: A Performance Measure for Prudent, Long-Term Investors
(Abstract) 0707 (PDF , 376kb) [Paper with full text]
Alexandros Kostakis
07/08 Option Pricing and Spikes in Volatility: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
(Abstract) 0708 (PDF , 1,073kb) [Paper with full text]
Paola Zerilli
07/09 Experimental Evidence on English Auctions: Oral Outcry vs. Clock
(Abstract) 0709 (PDF , 276kb) [Paper with full text]
Ricardo Gonçalves and John Hey
07/10 A Tax Reform Analysis of the Laffer Argument
(Abstract) 0710 (PDF , 221kb) [Paper with full text]
Alan Krause
07/11 The Asymmetric Effect of the Business Cycle on the Equity Premium
This is an extensively revised version of earlier paper No. 06/04.
(Abstract) 0711 (PDF , 503kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter N Smith, Steffen Sorensen and Mike Wickens
07/12 Choquet OK?
(Abstract) 0712 (PDF , 397kb) [Paper with full text]
John D Hey, Gianna Lotito and Anna Maffioletti
07/13 Assessing the Relation between Equity Risk Premium and Macroeconomic Volatilities in the UK
(Abstract) 0713 (PDF , 805kb) [Paper with full text]
Renatas Kizys and Peter Spencer
07/14 Measuring the Fiscal Stance
(Abstract) 0714 (PDF , 399kb) [Paper with full text]
Vito Polito and Mike Wickens
07/15 Ramsey Waits: Allocating Public Health Service Resources when there is Rationing by Waiting
(Abstract) 0715 (PDF , 228kb) [Paper with full text]
Hugh Gravelle and Luigi Siciliani
07/16 A Computational Study on General Equilibrium Pricing of Derivative Securities
(Abstract) 0716 (PDF , 246kb) [Paper with full text]
Jacco Thijssen
07/17 A Theory of Non-Exclusive Real Options with First-Mover Advantages
(Abstract) 0717 (PDF , 417kb) [Paper with full text]
Jacco Thijssen
07/18 Is the Euro Sustainable?
(Abstract) 0718 (PDF , 189kb) [Paper with full text]
Mike Wickens
07/19 The Asymmetric Outcome of Sticky Price Models
(Abstract) 0719 (PDF , 1,684kb) [Paper with full text]
Carles Ibanez
07/20 The New Keynesian Business Cycle Achievements and Challenges
(Abstract) 0720 (PDF , 275kb) [Paper with full text]
Gaurav Saroliya
07/21 The Taxation of Couples
(Abstract) 0721 (PDF , 207kb) [Paper with full text]
Patricia Apps and Ray Rees
07/22 Third Degree Waiting Time Discrimination: Optimal Allocation of a Public Sector Health Care Treatment under Rationing by Waiting
(Abstract) 0722 (PDF , 208kb) [Paper with full text]
Hugh Gravelle and Luigi Siciliani
07/23 Modelling the Dynamics of a Public Health Care System: Evidence from Time-Series Data
(Abstract) 0723 (PDF , 291kb) [Paper with full text]
Fabrizio Iacone, Steve Martin, Luigi Siciliani and Peter C Smith
07/24 Sources of Productivity Slowdown in European Countries During 1990s
(Abstract) 0724 (PDF , 311kb) [Paper with full text]
Enrico Saltari and Giuseppe Travaglini
07/25 A Two Factor Black-Karasinski Sovereign Credit Default Swap Pricing Model
(forthcoming in the Icfai Journal of Derivatives Markets)
(Abstract) 0725 (PDF , 400kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
07/26 An Extended Structural Credit Risk Model
(forthcoming in the Icfai Journal of Financial Risk Management)
(Abstract) 0726 (PDF , 230kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
07/27 Extended-Gaussian Term Structure Models and Credit Risk Applications
(Abstract) 0727 (PDF , 812kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
07/28 The Impact of the Accession of the Western Balkan Countries on Voting and Coalition Formation within the European Council of Ministers
(Abstract) 0728 (PDF , 341kb) [Paper with full text]
Eleni Mylona
07/29 Term Structure Dynamics in a Monetary Economy with Learning
(Abstract) 0729 (PDF , 325kb) [Paper with full text]
Sadayuki Ono
07/30 An Incentive Mechanism for Using Risk Adjuster to Reimburse Health Care Providers
(Abstract) [0730 (PDF , 287kb)] revised Sept 2009
Bipasa Datta and Qianhui Yan
07/31 Do People Plan?
(Abstract0731 (PDF , 253kb) [Paper with full text]
John Bone, John D Hey and John Suckling
07/32 Stochastic Volatility in a Macro-Finance Model of the US Term Structure of Interest Rates 1961-2004.
(Abstract0732 (PDF , 772kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Spencer
07/32 Paying for performance with altruistic or motivated providers.
(Abstract0733 (PDF , 321kb) [Paper with full text]
Luigi Siciliani
06/01 Quadratic Term Structure Models in Discrete Time
(Abstract) 0601 (PDF , 214kb) [Paper with full text]

Marco Realdon
06/02 Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Banks' Lending Decisions: The Case of Italy
(Abstract) 0602 (PDF , 169kb) [Paper with full text]

Mario Quagliariello
06/03 What Reduces the Impact of Managerial Entrenchment on Agency Costs? Evidence for UK Firms
(Abstract) 0603 (PDF , 161kb) [Paper with full text]

Chrisostomos Florackis and Aydin Ozkan
06/04 The Asymmetric Effect of the Business Cycle on the Relation between Stock Market Returns and their Volatility
(Abstract) 0604 (PDF , 451kb) [Paper with full text]

P N Smith, S Sorensen and M R Wickens
06/05 Competition and Resource Effectiveness in Education
(Abstract) 0605 (PDF , 225kb) [Paper with full text]

David Mayston
06/06 Income, Relative Income, and Self-Reported Health in Britain 1979-2000
(Abstract) 0606 (PDF , 344kb) [Paper with full text]

Hugh Gravelle and Matt Sutton
06/07 Sequential Bargaining in a Stochastic Environment
(Abstract) 0607 (PDF , 322kb) [Paper with full text]

Adriana Breccia
06/08 The Role of Cash Holdings in Reducing Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity: Evidence from a Financial Crisis Period in an Emerging Market
(Abstract) 0608 (PDF , 212kb) [Paper with full text]

Özgür Arslan, Chrisostomos Florackis and Aydin Ozkan
06/09 Sequential Restructuring of Debt Classes, Absolute Priority Violation and Spread Reverals Under Chapter 11
(Abstract) 0609 (PDF , 397kb) [Paper with full text]

Adriana Breccia
06/10 Partial Multihoming in Two-sided Markets
(Abstract) 0610 (PDF , 258kb) [Paper with full text]

Rattanasuda Poolsombat and Gianluigi Vernasca
06/11 Book Values and Market Values of Equity and Debt
(Abstract) 0611 (PDF , 1,784kb) [Paper with full text]

Marco Realdon
06/12 Equity Valuation Under Stochastic Interest Rates
(Abstract) 0612 (PDF , 626kb) [Paper with full text]

Marco Realdon
06/13 Is Waiting-Time Prioritisation Welfare Improving?
(Abstract) 0613 (PDF , 517kb) [Paper with full text]

Hugh Gravelle and Luigi Siciliani
06/14 Employee Training, Wage Dispersion and Equality in Britain?
(Abstract) 0614 (PDF , 331kb) [Paper with full text]

Filipe Almeida-Santos and Karen Mumford
06/15 The Target Rate and Term Structure of Interest Rates
(Abstract) 0615 (PDF , 227kb) [Paper with full text]

Marco Realdon
06/16 Valuation of the Firm's Liabilities when Equity Holders are also Creditors
(Abstract) 0616 (PDF , 612kb) [Paper with full text]

Marco Realdon
06/17 How Far Ahead Do People Plan?
(Abstract) 0617 (PDF , 356kb) [Paper with full text]

John Hey and Julia Knoll
06/18 What Price Compromise? Testing a Possibly Surprising Implication of Nash Bargaining Theory
(Abstract) 0618 (PDF , 190kb) [Paper with full text]

John Bone, John D Hey and John Suckling
06/19 Constructing Optimal Tests on a Lagged Dependant Variable
(Abstract) 0619 (PDF , 297kb) [Paper with full text]

Patrick Marsh
06/20 Data Driven Likelihood Ratio Tests for Goodness-of-Fit with Estimated Parameters
(Abstract) 0620 (PDF , 276kb) [Paper with full text]

Patrick Marsh
06/21 The Company You Keep: Qualitative Uncertainty in Providing Club Goods
(Abstract) 0621 (PDF , 286kb) [Paper with full text]

Bipasa Datta and Clive D Fraser
06/22 Do People Plan?
(Abstract) 0622 (PDF , 241kb) [Paper with full text]

John Bone, John D Hey and John Suckling
06/23 The 'weight of evidence' concerning tobacco harm: beliefs in mid-twentieth century America
(Abstract) 0623 (PDF , 390kb) [Paper with full text]

Martin Forster, Martin Walsh and Sue Bowden
06/24 From Growth Spurts to Sustained Growth
(Abstract) 0624 (PDF , 434kb) [Paper with full text]

Gonçola Monteiro and Alvaro Pereira
06/25 Pension Reform and Financial Markets in Mexico: An Econometric Analysis
(Abstract) 0625 (PDF , 445kb) [Paper with full text]

Gonçola Monteiro and Cecilia Posadas Pérez

Mortgage Refinancing and Consumption Smoothing
(Abstract) 0626 (PDF , 333kb) [Paper with full text]

Viola Angelini

06/27 Consumption and Habit Formation When Time Horizon is Finite
(Abstract) 0627 (PDF , 209kb) [Paper with full text]

Viola Angelini
05/01 Fixed Rent Contracts in English Agriculture, 1750-1850: A Conjecture
(Abstract) 0501 (PDF , 149kb) [Paper with full text]

David Stead
05/02 A Measure of Distance for the Unit Root Hypothesis
(Abstract) 0502 (PDF , 363kb) [Paper with full text]

Patrick Marsh
05/03 The Available Information for Invariant Tests of a Unit Root
(Abstract) 0503 (PDF , 325kb) [Paper with full text]

Patrick Marsh
05/04 How to Compare Taylor and Calvo Contracts: A Comment on Michael Kiley
(Abstract) 0504 (PDF , 171kb) [Paper with full text]

Huw Dixon and Engin Kara
05/05 What Price Compromise? Testing a Possibly Surprising Implication of Nash Bargaining Theory
(Abstract) 0505 (PDF , 379kb) [Paper with full text]

John Bone and John Hey and John Suckling
05/06 Are People in Groups More Farsighted than Individuals?
(Abstract) 0506 (PDF , 302kb) [Paper with full text]

John Bone and John Hey and John Suckling
05/07 Housing Debt, Employment Risk and Consumption
(Abstract) 0507 (PDF , 452kb) [Paper with full text]

Viola Angelini and Peter Simmons
05/08 Consumption Externalities, Production Externalities and Efficient Capital Accumulation under Time Non-separable Preferences
(Abstract) 0508 (PDF , 700kb) [Paper with full text]

Stephen J Turnovsky and Goncalo Monteiro
05/09 Is Bank Portfolio Riskiness Procyclical? Evidence from Italy using a Vector Autoregression
(Abstract) 0509 (PDF , 444kb) [Paper with full text]

Juri Marcucci and Mario Quagliariello
05/10 Decentralisation of Health Care and its Impact on Health Outcomes
(Abstract) 0510 (PDF , 388kb) [Paper with full text]

Dolores Jimenez and Peter C Smith
05/11 Structural Determinants of Cumulative Endogeneity Bias
(Abstract) 0511 (PDF , 412kb) [Paper with full text]

David Mayston
05/12 Correcting Market Failure Due to Interdependent Preferences: When Is Piecemeal Policy Possible?
(Abstract) 0512 (PDF , 268kb) [Paper with full text]

E Randon and Peter Simmons
05/13 Testing Joint Hypotheses when One of the Alternatives is One-Sided

Karim Abadir and Walter Distaso
05/14 Testing for a Random Walk in Random Coefficient Autoregressive Models

Walter Distaso
05/15 Semiparametric Estimation and Inference for Trending I(d) and Related Processes

Karim Abadir, Walter Distaso and Liudas Giraitis
05/16 Local Whittle Etimation, Fully Extended for Nonstationarity

Karim Abadir, Walter Distaso and Liudas Giraitis
05/17 Consistent Estimation of the Memory Parameter for Nonlinear Time Series

V Dalla, L Giraitis and J Hidalgo
05/18 Decomposition and Asymptotic Properties of Quadratic Forms in Linear Variables

R J Bhansali, L Giraitis and P Kokoszka
05/19 Two Estimators of the Long-run Variance

Karim Abadir, Walter Distaso and Liudas Giraitis
05/20 Estimation of the Long Memory Parameter by Fitting Fractionally Differenced Autoregressive Models

R J Bhansali, L Giraitis and P Kokoszka
05/21 Biases of Correlograms and of AR Representations of Stationary Series

K Abadir and R Larsson
05/22 The test for Stationarity versus Trends and Unit Roots for a Wide Class of Dependent Errors

L Giraitis, R Leipus and A Phillipe
05/23 Uniform Limit Theory for Stationary Autoregression

Liudas Giraitis and Peter C B Phillips
05/24 Goodness of Fit Tests via Exponential Series Density Estimation
(Abstract) 0524 (PDF , 275kb) [Paper with full text]

Patrick Marsh
05/25 A Two-Sample Non-Parametric Likelihood Ratio Test
(Abstract) 0525 (PDF , 279kb) [Paper with full text]

Patrick Marsh
05/26 What does the behaviour of the bond market and the economy tell us about the operation of UK monetary policy since 1979?
0526 (PDF , 471kb) [Paper with full text]

Peter Spencer
05/27 Assessing the Impact of Real Shocks on Small Dollarized Economies
(Abstract) 0527 (PDF , 329kb) [Paper with full text]

René Cabral-Torres
05/28 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Coordination for Small Open Economies in a Monetary Union
(Abstract) 0528 (PDF , 381kb) [Paper with full text]

René Cabral-Torres
05/29 Debt Maturity and the Characteristics of Ownership Structure: An Empirical Investigation of UK Firms
(Abstract) [Paper with full text]

Maria-Teresa Marchica
05/30 A Simple Business-Cycle Model with Schumpeterian Features
(Abstract) 0530 (PDF , 309kb) [Paper with full text]

Luís F Costa and Huw D Dixon
05/31 Risk Sharing, the Cost of Equity and the Optimal Capital Structure of the Regulated Firm
(Abstract) 0531 (PDF , 240kb) [Paper with full text]

Clive J Stones
05/32 The Tenure Game: Building Up Academic Habits
(Abstract) 0532 (PDF , 169kb) [Paper with full text]

João Ricardo Faria and Gonçalo Monteiro
05/33 Sieve Nonparametric Likelihood Methods for Unit Root Tests
(Abstract)0533 (PDF , 1,338kb)  [Paper with full text]

Francesco Bravo
05/34 A Theoretical Foundation for Understanding Firm Size Distributions and Gibrat's Law
(Abstract) 0534 (PDF , 513kb) [Paper with full text]

Christopher A Laincz and Ana Sofia Domingues Rodrigues
05/35 Do People Plan?
0535 (PDF , 334kb) [Paper with full text]

John Hey
05/36 (What) Do Players Think About the Others?
0536 (PDF , 284kb) [Paper with full text]

John Bone, John Hey and John Suckling
05/37 An Experimental Analysis of Optimal Renewable Resource Management: The Fishery
0537 (PDF , 267kb) [Paper with full text]

John Hey, Tibor Neugebauer and Abdolkarim Sadrieh
05/38 Bioprospecting Market and The Conservation of Biodiversity: a theoretical framework
0538 (PDF , 6kb) [Paper with full text]

Luca di Corato
04/01 Determinants of Financial Conservatism: Evidence from Low-Leverage and Cash-Rich UK Firms
(Abstract) 0401 (PDF , 325kb) [Paper with full text]
Alfonsina Iona, Leone Leonida and Aydin Ozkan
04/02 Centre for Research in Economic History (CRECH)
Occupational Mortality, Age at Marriage and Marital Fertility in Early Twentieth Century England and Wales
0402 (PDF , 154kb) [Paper with full text]
Sue Bowden and Judith W. Mills
04/03 Stability, Growth and UK Fiscal Policy
0403 (PDF , 129kb) [Paper with full text]
Ed Balls, Chief Economic Advisor to the Treasury
04/04 Market and Supervisory Information: Some Evidence from Italian Banks
(Abstract) 0404 (PDF , 136kb) [Paper with full text]
Francesco Cannata and Mario Quagliariello
04/05 The Gender Earnings Gap in Britain
(Abstract) 0405 (PDF , 205kb) [Paper with full text]
Karen Mumford and Peter N Smith
04/06 Job Tenure in Britain: Employee Characteristics Versus Workplace Effects
(Abstract) 0406 (PDF , 269kb) [Paper with full text]
Karen Mumford and Peter N Smith
04/07 Some Geometry for the Maximal Invariant in Linear Regression
(Abstract) 0407 (PDF , 320kb) [Paper with full text]
Patrick Marsh
04/08 Measuring Nash Equilibrium Consumption Externalities
(Abstract) 0408 (PDF , 384kb) [Paper with full text]
Emanuela Randon
04/09 Multiple Equilibria with Externalities
(Abstract) 0409 (PDF , 651kb) [Paper with full text]
Emanuela Randon
04/10 Delegating Budgets when Agents Care About Autonomy
(Abstract) 0410 (PDF , 283kb) [Paper with full text]
Michael Kuhn
04/11 Employee Training and Wage Compression in Britain
(Abstract) 0411 (PDF , 255kb) [Paper with full text]
Filipe Almeida-Santos and Karen Mumford
04/12 Horizontal and Vertical Integration in the Presence of Research Spillovers
(Abstract) 0412 (PDF , 680kb) [Paper with full text]
Stefania Borla
04/13 Profitability of Horizontal Mergers with Price Interdependencies
(Abstract) 0413 (PDF , 242kb) [Paper with full text]
Stefania Borla
04/14 Bartlett-type Adjustments for Empirical Discrepancy Test Statistics
(Abstract) 0414 (PDF , 510kb) [Paper with full text]
Francesco Bravo
04/15 On the Effects of Industrialization Processes on Growth and Convergence Dynamics: Evidence from Italian Regions
(Abstract) 0415 (PDF , 522kb) [Paper with full text]
Leone Leonida
04/16 Affine Macroeconomic Models of the Term Structure of Interest Rates: The US Treasury Market 1961-99 Creation Date: 2004-06, Revision Date: 2006-01
(Abstract) 0416 (PDF , 604kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Spencer
04/17 Banks' Performance over the Business Cycle: A Panel Analysis on Italian Intermediaries
(Abstract) 0417 (PDF , 401kb) [Paper with full text]
Mario Quagliariello
04/18 Reporting Bias and Heterogeneity in Self-Assessed Health. Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
(Abstract) 0418 (PDF , 854kb) [Paper with full text]
Cristina Hernández Quevedo, Andrew Jones and Nigel Rice
03/21 Corporate Bond Valuation with Both Expected and Unexpected Default
(Abstract) 0321 (PDF , 309kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
03/20 About Debt and the Option to Extend Debt Maturity
(Abstract) 0320 (PDF , 612kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
03/19 Valuation of Put Options on Leveraged Equity
(Abstract) 0319 (PDF , 300kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
03/18 Convertible Subordinated Debt Valuation and "Conversion in Distress"
(Abstract) 0318 (PDF , 361kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
03/17 Valuation of Exchangeable Convertible Bonds
(Abstract) 0317 (PDF , 386kb) [Paper with full text]
Marco Realdon
03/16 Coupon Bond Valuation with a Non-Affine Discount Yield Model
(Abstract) 0316 (PDF , 401kb) [Paper with full text]
P D Spencer
03/15 The Effect of Practice Budgets on Patient Waiting Times: Allowing for Selection Bias
(Abstract) 0315 (PDF , 1,138kb) [Paper with full text]
Mark Dusheiko, Hugh Gravelle, Rowena Jacobs
03/14 An Asset Market Integration Test Based on Observable Macroeconomic Stochastic Discount Factors
(Abstract) 0314 (PDF , 334kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter N Smith, S Sorensen, M R Wickens
03/13 Macroeconomic Sources of Equity Risk
(Abstract) 0313 (PDF , 379kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter N Smith, S Sorensen, M R Wickens
03/12 A note on the 'Natural Rate of Subjective Inequality' hypothesis and the approximate relationship between the Gini coefficient and the Atkinson index
(Abstract) 0312 (PDF , 343kb) [Paper with full text]
James Harvey
03/11 Direct-to-Consumer Advertising in Pharmaceutical Markets
(Abstract) 0311 (PDF , 386kb) [Paper with full text]
Kurt R Brekke and Michael Kuhn
03/10 An Endogenous Growth Model with Productive Public Spending and Uncertain Lifetime Consumers
(Abstract) 0310 (PDF , 428kb) [Paper with full text]
Carmelo Petraglia
03/09 Total Factor Productivity Growth, Technical Efficiency Change and Energy Input. An International
Frontier Analysis

(Abstract) 0309 (PDF , 243kb) [Paper with full text]
Luis R Murillo-Zamorano
03/08 Accurate Measures of Value at Risk Fitting Fat Tails
(Abstract) 0308 (PDF , 222kb) [Paper with full text]
J Samuel Baixauli and Susana Alvarez
03/07 Mixed Strategies in Simultaneous and Sequential Play of a 2 Player Game
(Abstract) 0307 (PDF , 337kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Simmons
03/06 Comparative Statics with Consumption Externalities
(Abstract) 0306 (PDF , 547kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter Simmons and Emanuela Randon
03/05 Hospital Regulation in the Presence of Performance Variation
(Abstract) 0305 (PDF , 391kb) [Paper with full text]
Michael Kuhn, Diane Dawson, Peter C Smith and Andrew Street
03/04 The Effect of Budgets on Doctor Behaviour: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
(Abstract) 0304 (PDF , 2,101kb) [Paper with full text]
Mark Dusheiko, Hugh Gravelle, Rowena Jacobs and Peter C Smith
03/03 Free Internet Access and Regulation: A Note  (Abstract) 0303 (PDF , 189kb) [Paper with full text]
Bipasa Datta and Huw Dixon
03/02 The Mobility of English Tenant Farmers, c. 1700-1850  (Abstract) 0302 (PDF , 338kb) [Paper with full text]
David R Stead
03/01 Income Stratification Across Public and Private Education: The Multi-community Case
(Abstract) 0301 (PDF , 549kb) [Paper with full text]

Francisco Martinez Mora
02/11 Could Do Better: The Effectiveness of Incentives and Competition in Schools  (Abstract) 0211 (PDF , 612kb) [Paper with full text]
Gianni De Fraja and Pedro Landeras
02/10 Can Liars Ever Prosper?  (Abstract) 0210 (PDF , 363kb) [Paper with full text]
A. Menichini and P. Simmons
02/09 Data Augmentation in Limited-Dependent Variable Models  (Abstract) 0209 (PDF , 545kb) [Paper with full text]
Roberto Leon-Gonzalez
02/08 Developing a Framework Theory for Assessing the Benefits of Careers Guidance  (Abstract) 0208 (PDF , 428kb) [Paper with full text]
David Mayston
02/07 Estimating and Explaining Differences in Income related Inequality in Health across General Practices  (Abstract) 0207 (PDF , 552kb) [Paper with full text]
Mark Dusheiko, Hugh Gravelle and Stephen Campbell
02/06 Volatility of Primary Commodity Prices: Some Evidence from Agricultural Exports in Sub-Saharan Africa  (Abstract) 0206 (PDF , 293kb) [Paper with full text]
Raymond B Swaray
02/05 Entry Dynamics, Capacity Utilisation and Productivity in a Dynamic Open Economy  (Abstract) 0205 (PDF , 576kb) [Paper with full text]
Marta Aloi and Huw Dixon
02/04 The Finite-Sample Effects of VAR Dimensions on MLE Bias, MLE Variance and Minimum MSE Estimators: Purely Nonstationary Case  (Abstract)
Steve Lawford and Michalis P Stamatogiannis
02/03 Asset Pricing with Observable Stochastic Discount Factors  (Abstract) 0203 (PDF , 679kb) [Paper with full text]
Peter N Smith and Michael R Wickens
02/02 Horizontal Equity and Progression when Equivalence Scales are not Constant  (Abstract) 0202 (PDF , 818kb) [Paper with full text]
Udo Ebert and Peter J Lambert
02/01 Family-Friendly Work Practices in Britain: Availability and Awareness  (Abstract) 0201 (PDF , 346kb) [Paper with full text]
John Budd and Karen Mumford
01/20 Using Simulation-Based Inference with Panel Data in Health Economics  (Abstract) 0120 (PDF , 362kb) [Paper with full text]
Paul Contoyannis, Andrew M Jones and Roberto Leon-Gonzalez
01/19 Socioeconomic Status, Health and Lifestyle  (Abstract) 0119 (PDF , 556kb) [Paper with full text]
Paul Contoyannis and Andrew M Jones
01/18 Technological Change, Entry and Stock Market Dynamics: An Analysis of Transition in a Monopolistic Economy  (Abstract)
0118 (PDF , 206kb) [Paper with full text]

Bipasa Datta and Huw Dixon
01/17 Measuring Income Related Inequality in Health and Health Care: the Partial Concentration Index with Direct and Indirect Standardisation  (Abstract) 0117 (PDF , 579kb) [Paper with full text]
Hugh Gravelle
01/16 The Evolution of Consistent Conjectures (Abstract) 0116 (PDF , 412kb) [Paper with full text]
Huw D Dixon and Ernesto Somma
01/15 The Dynamics of Health in British Households: Simulation-Based Inference in Panel Probit Models (Abstract) 0115 (PDF , 589kb) [Paper with full text]
Paul Contoyannis, Andrew M Jones and Nigel Rice
01/14 Trade Unions and Family-Friendly Policies in Britain (Abstract) 0114 (PDF , 515kb) [Paper with full text]
John W Budd and Karen Mumford
01/13 Macroeconomic Sources of FOREX Risk (Abstract) 0113 (PDF , 592kb) [Paper with full text]
Mike R Wickens and Peter N Smith
01/12 The Distribution of a Ratio of Quadratic Forms in Noncentral Normal Variables (Abstract) 0112 (PDF , 457kb) [Paper with full text]
Giovanni Forchini
01/11 Rent-seeking, Occupational Choice and Oil Boom (Abstract) 0111 (PDF , 544kb) [Paper with full text]
Farhad Nili and Gabriel Talmain
01/10 The Labor Force Participation of Married Mothers in Spain and Britain (Abstract) 0110 (PDF , 611kb) [Paper with full text]
Karen Mumford and Antonia Parera-Nicolau
01/09 Minority Programming in Television Markets (Abstract) 0109 (PDF , 418kb) [Paper with full text]
Mariella M Cabizza
01/08 Neutral and Non Neutral Shock Effects on Hedging, Investment and Debt (Abstract) 0108 (PDF , 523kb) [Paper with full text]
Marcello Spanò
01/07 Investment, Debt and Risk Management in a Context of Uncertain Returns to Investment (Abstract) 0107 (PDF , 582kb) [Paper with full text]
Marcello Spanò
01/06 Sticky Prices, Markup and the Business Cycle: Some Evidence (Abstract) 0106 (PDF , 621kb) [Paper with full text]
Giovanni Lombardo
01/05 Are Non-Fundamental Equilibria Learnable in Models of Monetary Policy? (Abstract) 0105 (PDF , 566kb) [Paper with full text]
Seppo Honkapohja and Kaushik Mitra
01/04 A Panel Data Simultaneous Equation Model with a Dependent Categorical Variable and Selectivity (Abstract) 0104 (PDF , 375kb) [Paper with full text]
Roberto Leon Gonzalez
01/03 Aggregation, Persistence and Volatility in a Macromodel (Abstract)  
Karim Abadir and Gabriel Talmain
01/02 The Exact Cumulative Distribution Function of a Ratio of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables with Application to the AR(1) Model. (Abstract) 0102 (PDF , 742kb) [Paper with full text]  
Giovanni Forchini
01/01 Hospital specialists' private practice and its impact on the number of NHS patients treated and on the delay for elective surgery (Abstract) 0101 (PDF , 455kb) [Paper with full text]  
Antonia Morga and Ana Xavier
00/62 Dynamics of Output Growth, Consumption and Physical Capital in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth (Abstract) 0062 (PDF , 2,268kb) [Paper with full text]  
Farhad Nili
00/61 Short Term and Long Term Effects of Price Cap Regulation (Abstract) 0061 (PDF , 526kb) [Paper with full text] 
Gianni De Fraja and Alberto Iozzi
00/60 Desirability of Nominal GDP Targeting Under Adaptive Learning (Abstract) 0060 (PDF , 545kb) [Paper with full text] 
Kaushik Mitra
00/59 Learning, Non-equilibrium Beliefs, and Non-pecuniary Payoffs in an Experimental Game (Abstract)
Miguel Costa-Gomes and Klaus G. Zauner
00/58 Edgeworth Expansions in Gaussian Autoregression (Abstract) 0058 (PDF , 396kb) [Paper with full text] 
Patrick Marsh
00/57 Saddlepoint Approximations in Non-Stationary Time Series (Abstract) 0057 (PDF , 386kb) [Paper with full text] 
Patrick Marsh
00/56 Nonparametric Likelihood Ratio Tests (Abstract) 0056 (PDF , 458kb) [Paper with full text] 
Patrick Marsh
00/55 The Geometry of Similar Tests for Structural Change (Abstract)  0055 (PDF , 496kb) [Paper with full text]
Giovanni Forchini
00/54 Exact Inference for the Unit Root Hypothesis (Abstract)  0054 (PDF , 534kb) [Paper with full text]
Giovanni Forchini and Patrick Marsh
00/53 On Diagnostic Tests (Abstract)  0053 (PDF , 432kb) [Paper with full text]
Giovanni Forchini
00/52 The Comparative Evaluation of GCSE Value-Added Performance by Type of School and LEA (Abstract) 0052 (PDF , 360kb) [Paper with full text] 
David Jesson
00/51 The Role of Tobacco Taxes in Starting and Quitting Smoking: Duration Analysis of British Data (Abstract) 0051 (PDF , 1,153kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/50 The Demand for Education and the Production of Local Public Goods (Abstract) 0050 (PDF , 345kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/49 The Economic Determinants of Health Inequalities (Abstract)  0049 (PDF , 446kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/48 Positive and Normative Issues of Economic Growth with Infectious Disease (Abstract) 0048 (PDF , 2,405kb) [Paper with full text]
Doriana Delfino and 
00/47 Accounting, Information and the Development of Evidence-Based Resourcing Strategies in Education (Abstract) 0047 (PDF , 291kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/46 Portfolio Return Autocorrelation and Non-synchronous Trading in UK Equities (Abstract) 0046 (PDF , 481kb) [Paper with full text] 
G.S Morgan,  and S.H. Thomas
00/45 Cognition and Behavior in Normal-Form Games:An Experimental Study (Abstract) 0045 (PDF , 617kb) [Paper with full text] 0045Appendix (PDF , 65kb) [Appendix]
Miguel Costa-Gomes, Vincent P. Crawford and Bruno Broseta
00/44 Is More Data Better? (Abstract) 0044 (PDF , 903kb) [Paper with full text] 
Kaushik Mitra
00/43 Determinacy, Learnability, and Monetary Policy Inertia (Abstract) 0043 (PDF , 646kb) [Paper with full text] 
James Bullard and Kaushik Mitra
00/42 Learning with Bounded Memory in Stochastic Models (Abstract) 0042 (PDF , 553kb) [Paper with full text] 
Seppo Honkapohja and Kaushik Mitra
00/41 Learning About Monetary Policy Rules (Abstract) 0041 (PDF , 639kb) [Paper with full text] 
Kaushik Mitra and James Bullard
00/40 Performance Management and Performance Measurement in the Education Sector (Abstract)  0040 (PDF , 386kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/39 Bayesian Value-of-Information Analysis: An Application to a Policy Model of Alzheimer's Disease (Abstract) 0039 (PDF , 573kb) [Paper with full text] 
, P. J. Neumann, S. S. Araki and M. C. Weinstein
00/38 Low Quality Leadership in Vertically Differentiated Duopoly (Abstract) 0038 (PDF , 369kb) [Paper with full text] 
Michael Kuhn
00/37 Ultimatum Bargaining Behavior in Israel, Japan, Slovenia and the United States: A Social Utility Analysis  (Abstract) 
Miguel Costa-Gomes and Klaus G. Zauner
00/36 A Simple Risk-Sharing Experiment (Abstract) 0036 (PDF , 372kb) [Paper with full text] 
,  and John Suckling
00/35 The Form of Loan Contract with Risk Neutrality and No Commitment (Abstract) 0035 (PDF , 2,198kb) [Paper with full text] 
 and G. Garino
00/34 The Meaning of Death: Some Numerical Simulations of a Model of Healthy and Unhealthy Consumption (Abstract) 0034 (PDF , 696kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/33 The Role of Lender Behavior in International Project Finance (Abstract)  
Sumru Altug, Sule Ozler and Murat Usman
00/32 On the Density of Generalised Quadratic Forms with Applications to Asymptotic Expansions for Test Statistics (Abstract) 0032 (PDF , 410kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/31 Endogenous Fertility, Endogenous Growth and Public Pension System: Should We Switch from a PAYG to a Fully-Funded System? (Abstract) 0031 (PDF , 347kb) [Paper with full text] 
Yeopil Yoon and Gabriel Talmain
00/30 Higher Order Asymptotics and the Bootstrap for Empirical Likelihood J Tests (Abstract) 0030.pdf (PDF , 5,571kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/29 Moments of the ARMA-EGARCH Model (Abstract) 0029 (PDF , 542kb) [Paper with full text] 
Menelaos Karanasos and J. Kim
00/28 Empirical Likelihood Specification Testing in Linear Regression Models (Abstract) 0028 (PDF , 1,501kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/27 Waiting Times and Waiting Lists: A Model of the Market for Elective Surgery (Abstract) 0027 (PDF , 442kb) [Paper with full text]  
, Peter Smith and Ana Xavier
00/26 Income, Income Inequality and Health: What can we Learn from Aggregate Data? (Abstract) 0026 (PDF , 684kb) [Paper with full text] 
, John Wildman and Matthew Sutton
00/25 Alternative GARCH in Mean Models: An Application to the Korean Stock Market (Abstract) 0025 (PDF , 652kb) [Paper with full text] 
Menelaos Karanasos and J. Kim
00/24 A GARCH Model of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty with Simultaneous Feedback (Abstract) 0024 (PDF , 477kb) [Paper with full text] 
Stilianos Fountas, Menelaos Karanasos and Marika Karanassou
00/23 A Simple Version and Extension of Arrow's Theorem in the Edgeworth Domain (Abstract) 0023 (PDF , 362kb) [Paper with full text]  
00/22 Growth Constrained by Exhaustible Resources: A Creative Destruction Approach (Abstract) 0022 (PDF , 454kb) [Paper with full text]  
Farhad Nili
00/20 Modelling Market Power in Labour and Product Markets in a Dynamic Economy (Abstract) 0020 (PDF , 395kb) [Paper with full text] 
Huw D. Dixon
00/19 w - Homothetic Preferences: Theory and Applications (Abstract) 0019 (PDF , 425kb) [Paper with full text] 
 and Huw D. Dixon
00/18 Quality Incentives in a Regulated Market with Imperfect Information and Switching Costs: Capitation in General Practice (Abstract) 0018 (PDF , 1,089kb) [Paper with full text] 
 and Giuliano Masiero
00/17 The Use of Parametric and Non Parametric Frontier Methods to Measure the Productive Efficiency in the Industrial Sector. A Comparative Study (Abstract) 0017 (PDF , 315kb) [Paper with full text] 
Luis R. Murillo-Zamorano and Juan Vega-Cervera
00/16 Job Tenure in Australia and Britain: Individual Versus Workplace Effects (Abstract)  0016 (PDF , 361kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/15 Game Theory Via Revealed Preferences (Abstract)  0015 (PDF , 314kb) [Paper with full text] 
Indrajit Ray and Lin Zhou
00/14 Some Exact Formulae for the Constant Correlation and Diagonal M - Garch Models (Abstract) 0014 (PDF , 427kb) [Paper with full text] 
Menelaos Karanasos
00/13 Buying and Selling in Strategic Market Games (Abstract) 0013 (PDF , 260kb) [Paper with full text] 
Indrajit Ray
00/12 Absenteeism in the UK: A Comparison Across Genders (Abstract) 0012 (PDF , 304kb) [Paper with full text] 
Sarah Bridges and 
00/11 Modelling Volatility Persistence: Some New Results on the Component-GARCH Model (Abstract) 0011 (PDF , 487kb) [Paper with full text] 
Menelaos Karanasos
00/10 The Covariance Structure of Mixed ARMA Models (Abstract) 0010 (PDF , 430kb) [Paper with full text] 
Menelaos Karanasos
00/09 Cross-Sectional Aggregation and Persistence in Conditional Variance (Abstract) 0009 (PDF , 342kb) [Paper with full text] 
Menelaos Karanasos, Zacharias Psaradakis and Martin Sola
00/08 Optimal Deterrence with Legal Defence Expenditure (Abstract) 0008 (PDF , 1,164kb) [Paper with full text] 
 and Nuno Garoupa
00/07 Does Efficient Deterrence Require That The Wealthy Should Be Able To Buy Justice? (Abstract) 0007 (PDF , 1,195kb) [Paper with full text]  
Nuno Garoupa and 
00/06 The Density of the Sufficient Statistics for a Gaussian AR(1) Model in terms of Generalized Functions (Abstract) 0006 (PDF , 420kb) [Paper with full text] 
Giovanni Forchini
00/05 Empirical Likelihood Inference with Applications to some Econometric Models (Abstract) 0005 (PDF , 576kb) [Paper with full text] 
00/04 Prescription Charges in the United Kingdom: A Critical Review (Abstract) 0004 (PDF , 270kb) [Paper with full text] 
Theodore Hitiris
00/03 How Long is a Piece of Wire? Equilibrium Determination of Local Telephone Areas (Abstract) ‌ [Paper with full text] 
Gianni De Fraja and Fabio Manenti
00/02 On The Impact of "Call-Back" Competition on International Telephony (Abstract) 0002 (PDF , 533kb) [Paper with full text] 
Fabio Manenti
00/01 Job Reallocation and Average Job Tenure: Theory and Workplace Evidence from Australia (Abstract) 0001 (PDF , 340kb) [Paper with full text] 0001Appendix (PDF , 105kb) [Appendix]
99/38 Modelling the Demand For and Supply of Elective Surgery: A Duopoly Model (Abstract) 9938 (PDF , 557kb) [Paper with full text]
Ana Xavier
99/37 Coordination and Equilibrium Selection in Mean Defined Supermodular Games Under Payoff Monotonic Selection Dynamics (Abstract) 9937 (PDF , 1,007kb)  [Paper with full text]
Huw David Dixon and Ernesto Somma
99/36 Measuring Performance in Primary Care: Econometric Analysis and DEA (Abstract) 9936 (PDF , 301kb) [Paper with full text]
Antonio Giuffrida and Hugh Gravelle
99/35 Work Incentives In a Model of Collective with and without Universal Membership (Abstract)  9935 (PDF , 1,453kb) [Paper with full text]
Bipasa Datta and Minquan Liu
99/34 Experimentation, Information Sharing and Oligopoly Limit Pricing (Abstract)  9934 (PDF , 1,468kb) [Paper with full text]
Bipasa Datta
99/33 Stability and Equilibrium in Decision Rules: An Application to Duopoly (Abstract) 9933 (PDF , 366kb) [Paper with full text]
John Bone and Huw Dixon
99/32 Infectious Disease Control by Vaccines Giving Full or Partial Immunity (Abstract) 9932 (PDF , 1,107kb) [Paper with full text]
Doriana Delfino and Peter J. Simmons
99/31 Which Error Story is Best? (Abstract) 9931 (PDF , 433kb) [Paper with full text]
John Hey and Enrica Carbone
99/30 A Further Investigation of Selten's Measure of Predictive Success (Abstract) 9930 (PDF , 603kb) [Paper with full text]
John Hey
99/29 Managing Demand in Primary Care: The Market for Night Visits (Abstract) 9929 (PDF , 348kb) [Paper with full text]
Antonio Giuffrida and Hugh Gravelle
99/28 Does Repetition Improve Consistency? (Abstract) 9928 (PDF , 555kb) [Paper with full text]
John Hey
99/27 Efficiency and Administrative Costs in Primary Care (Abstract) 9927 (PDF , 327kb) [Paper with full text]
Antonio Giuffrida, Hugh Gravelle and Matthew Sutton
99/26 Dynamic Choice and Timing-Independence: An Experimental Investigation (Abstract) 9926 (PDF , 265kb) [Paper with full text]
John Hey and Massimo Paradiso
99/25 Genetic Screening and Price Discrimination in Insurance Markets (Abstract) 9925 (PDF , 662kb) [Paper with full text]
Michael Hoy and Peter Lambert
99/24 Two Experiments to Test a Model of Herd Behaviour (Abstract) 9924 (PDF , 451kb) [Paper with full text]
John Hey and Louise Allsopp
99/23 Infectious Disease and Economic Growth: the Case of Tuberculosis (Abstract) 9923 (PDF , 2,546kb) [Paper with full text]
Doriana Delfino and Peter J. Simmons
99/22 Do People (Want to) Plan? (Abstract) 9922 (PDF , 280kb) [Paper with full text]
John Hey
99/21 Can Tax Progression Raise Employment? A Study of Four European Countries (Abstract) 9921 (PDF , 1,386kb) [Paper with full text]
John P. Hutton and Anna Ruocco
99/20 The Regional Impact of Health Care Expenditure: the Case of Italy (Abstract) 9920 (PDF , 276kb) [Paper with full text]
Margherita Giannoni and Theodore Hitiris
99/19 Fiscal Policy in an Imperfectly Competitive Dynamic Small Open Economy (Abstract)  9919 (PDF , 563kb) [Paper with full text]
Javier Coto-Martinez and Huw D. Dixon
99/18 Comparing Theories: What are we Looking For? (Abstract) 9918 (PDF , 527kb) [Paper with full text]
John D. Hey
99/17 Horizontal Inequity can be a Good Thing (Abstract) 9917 (PDF , 257kb) [Paper with full text]
Maria Cubel and Peter Lambert
99/16 Men, Women and the Hiring Function (Abstract) 9916 (PDF , 297kb) [Paper with full text]
Karen Mumford and Peter N Smith
99/15 Health Care Expenditure and Cost Containment in the G7 Countries (Abstract) 9915 (PDF , 265kb) [Paper with full text]
Theo Hitiris
99/14 Multipliers and Capital: What is the role of Imperfect Competition? (Abstract) 9914 (PDF , 325kb) [Paper with full text]
Luis F.Costa
99/13 Redistribution Through the Income Tax: The Vertical and Horizontal Effects of Noncompliance and Tax Evasion (Abstract) 9913 (PDF , 283kb)  [Paper with full text]
John A Bishop, John P Formby and Peter Lambert
99/12 The Covariance Structure of the S-GARCH and M-GARCH Models (Abstract) 9912 (PDF , 519kb) [Paper with full text]
Menelaos Karanasos
99/11 Prediction in ARMA models with GARCH in Mean Effects (Abstract) 9911 (PDF , 503kb) [Paper with full text]
Menelaos Karanasos
99/10 Free Trade, Protection and The British Empire in the 1950's: Some Evidence from a Hong Kong Case Study (Abstract)
David Clayton
99/09 A Test of the Principle of Optimality (Abstract) 9909 (PDF , 484kb) [Paper with full text]
Enrica Carbone and John Hey
99/08 An Ascending Auction in the Presence of Rationality and Herd Behaviour (Abstract) 9908 (PDF , 489kb) [Paper with full text]
Ricardo Goncalves
99/07 Monetary Integration and Regional Unemployment in the European Union (Abstract) 9907 (PDF , 292kb) [Paper with full text]
Theo Hitiris
99/06 Efficiency Wages, Increasing Returns and Endogenous Fluctuations (Abstract) 9906 (PDF , 599kb) [Paper with full text]
Rui Coimbra
99/05 Constitutional Design and Investment in Cooperatives and Investor-owned Enterprises (Abstract) 9905 (PDF , 644kb) [Paper with full text]
Alberto Bacchiega and Gianni De Fraja
99/04 Intersectoral Labour Reallocation and Employment Volatility: A Bayesian Analysis Using aVAR-GARCH-M Model (Abstract) 9904 (PDF , 481kb) [Paper with full text]
Gianluigi Pelloni and Wolfgang Polasek
99/03 Convergence Analysis of Health Care Expenditure in the EU Countries Using Two Approaches (Abstract) 9903 (PDF , 355kb) [Paper with full text]
John Nixon
99/02 Employment and Investment by the firm Under Asymmetric Information (Abstract)
A Menichini and P Simmons
99/01 Dual Labour Markets and Menu Costs: Explaining the Cyclicality of Productivity and Wage Differentials (Abstract) 9901 (PDF , 499kb) [Paper with full text]
Huw David Dixon, Claus Thustrup Hansen and Henrik Jacobson Kleven
98/26 Carbon Abatement and its international effects in Europe including effects on other pollutants: a general equilibrium approach (Abstract) 9826 (PDF , 334kb) [Paper with full text]
T Huw Edwards and John P Hutton
98/25 A Surplus Sharing Approach to the Measurement of Inequality
Claudio Zoli
98/24 Horizontal Equity and Differences in Income Tax Treatment: A Reconciliation
Xavier Ramos and Peter J Lambert
98/23 The Joint Moment Generating Function of Quadratic Forms in Multivariate Autoregressive Series: The Case with Deterministic Components
Karim M Abadir and Rolf Larsson
98/22 The Distribution of Health and Income: A Theoretical Framework
Paul Contoyannis and Martin Forster
98/21 Asymmetric Kernels for Density Estimation
Karim Abadir and Steve Lawford
98/20 Product Differentiation, Fiscal Policy, and Free Entry (Abstract) 9820 (PDF , 404kb) [Paper with full text]
Luis F. Costa
98/19 Recursive and Rolling Regression-Based Tests of the Seasonal Unit Root Hypothesis
Richard J. Smith and A.M. Robert Taylor
98/18 Aggregation and Persistence in a Macromodel
Karim Abadir and Gabriel Talmain
98/17 Monetary Policy and Credit in China: a Theoretical Analysis (Abstract) 9817 (PDF , 326kb) [Paper with full text]
John Bennett and Huw D. Dixon
98/16 Strategic Debt in Vertical Relationships (Abstract) 9816 (PDF , 234kb) [Paper with full text]
Gianni De Fraja and Claudio A G Piga
98/15 Disinflation Dynamics in an Open Economy General Equilibrium Model (Abstract) 9815 (PDF , 575kb) [Paper with full text]
Ozge Senay
98/14 The Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy with Different Degrees of Goods and Financial Market Integration (Abstract) 9814 (PDF , 458kb) [Paper with full text]
Ozge Senay
98/13 Responsibility, Compensation and Income Distributions 9813 (PDF , 1,042kb) [Paper with full text]
Vitorocco Peragine
98/12 Total factor Productivity Growth and the Spillover Hypothesis: an Empirical Analysis for the Italian Manufacturing using Non Parametric Frontiers,1989-1994 (Abstract)   9812 (PDF , 445kb) [Paper with full text]
Vania Sena
98/11 Measuring and Implementing Equality of Opportunity for Income (Abstract) 9811 (PDF , 550kb) [Paper with full text]
Vitorocco Peragine
98/10 Tax Progression and the Wage Curve 9810 (PDF , 319kb) [Paper with full text]
John P. Hutton and Anna Ruocco
98/9 Autocovariance Functions of Series and of their Transforms
Karim Abadir and Gabriel Talmain
98/8 Technical efficiency Change and Finance Constraints: An Empirical Analysis for the Italian Manufacturing, 1989-1994 (Abstract) 9808 (PDF , 553kb) [Paper with full text]
Vania Sena
98/7 District Hospitals Technical Efficiency and its Correlates: An Empirical Analysis for the Italian Hospital Sector
Vania Sena
98/6 Has DRG Payment Influenced the Technical Efficiency and Productivity of Diagnostic Technologies in Portuguese Public hospitals? An Empirical Analysis using Parametric and Non-Parametric Methods (Abstract) 9806 (PDF , 288kb) [Paper with full text]
Clara Dismuke and Vania Sena
98/5 On the Trade Balance Response to Monetary Shocks: the Marshall-Lerner Conditions Reconsidered (Abstract) 9805 (PDF , 425kb) [Paper with full text]
Giovanni Lombardo
98/4 Exact and Approximate Solutions to the Problem of Precautionary Savings
Gabriel Talmain
98/3 Depreciation Rates and Capital Stocks (Abstract) 9803 (PDF , 329kb) [Paper with full text]
Karim Abadir and Gabriel Talmain
98/2 A Comparison of Menu Costs in Open and Closed Economies with a Mixed Industrial Structure (Abstract) 9802 (PDF , 317kb) [Paper with full text]
Huw Dixon and Alberto Pompermaier
98/1 The Propagation of Cooperation in a Model of Learning with Endogenous Aspirations
Paolo Lupi
97/21 The Gender Balance of Academic Economics in the UK (Abstract)  9721 (PDF , 297kb) [Paper with full text]
Karen Mumford
97/20 Non-Nested Models of Labour Supply with Discrete Choices
Alan Duncan and Melvyn Weeks
97/19 On the Definitions of (Co-)Integration
Karim M. Abadir and A. M. Robert Taylor
97/18 Learning with a Known Average: A Simulation Study of Alternative Learning Rules 9718 (PDF , 1,267kb) [Paper with full text]
Huw D. Dixon and Paolo Lupi
97/17 Fiscal policy in a small open economy with Cournot competition in the non-tradable good sector 9717 (PDF , 417kb) [Paper with full text]
Luis F. Costa
97/16 Density-embedding functions
Karim M. Abadir and Michael Rockinger
97/15 Monetary union, entry conditions and economic reform
F. Gulcin Ozkan, Anne C. Sibert and Alan Sutherland
97/14 Monetary regimes and labour market reform
Anne C. Sibert and Alan Sutherland
97/13 An intertemporal model of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and optimal life-span
Martin Forster
97/12 The unitary vs. the collective model of household labour supply with child care: an empirical test on a sample of Italian households
Maria Concetta Chiuri
97/11 The second-earner effect on consumption and labour force participation in the presence of unemployment risk
Gabriella Berloffa
97/10 Changes in leisure and consumption growth with unemployment risk and decreasing absolute risk aversion
Gabriella Berloffa
97/9 Determining the order of differencing in seasonal time series processes
Philip Hans Franses and Robert Taylor
97/8 A regional approach to income tax policy
Maria Cubel and Peter Lambert
97/7 Unemployment risk, labour force participation and savings
Gabriella Berloffa and Peter Simmons
97/6 One factor demand systems
M. C. Chiuri and Peter Simmons
97/5 Mixed strategies in strategic market games
Indrajit Ray
97/4 Industrial structure, menu costs and the non-neutrality of money
Huw Dixon and Claus Thustrup Hansen
97/3 A normative approach to measuring classical horizontal inequity 9703 (PDF , 713kb) [Paper with full text]
Jean-Yves Duclos and Peter Lambert
97/2 Endogenous fluctuations in an open economy with imperfect competition
Marta Aloi, Huw Dixon and Teresa Lloyd Braga
97/1 "Three 'I's of poverty" curves: TIPs for poverty analysis
Stephen Jenkins and Peter Lambert
96/46 Job reallocation: theory and workplace evidence 9646 (PDF , 358kb) [Paper with full text]
Karen Mumford and Peter N Smith
96/45 The hiring function reconsidered: on closing the circle 9645 (PDF , 321kb) [Paper with full text]
Karen Mumford and Peter N Smith
96/44 On games with identical equilibrium payoffs
Indrajit Ray
96/43 Consistency, dummy and independence of irrelevant strategies for strategic games
Indrajit Ray
96/42 On the static effects of free trade areas and customs unions
Theo Hitiris
96/41 Contextual factors in the valuation of safety: an exploratory study
Richard Cookson
96/40 On measuring inequity in taxation: a new approach
Nanak Kakwani and Peter Lambert
96/39 Recovery and growth in East Germany, 1945-1955: the real German Wirtschaftswunder
Bill Forsyth
96/38 Endogenous growth with public provision of education
Rosa Capolupo
96/37 The model of resolute choice in interaction: an experimental test
Gianna Lotito
96/36 Resolute choice in interaction: a qualitative experiment
Gianna Lotito
96/35 Prison, parole and the Criminal Justice Act 1991
Nuno Garoupa
96/34 Uncertainty on employment and precautionary demand for money
Michele Limosani
96/33 Cointegration theory, equilibrium and disequilibrium economics
Karim Abadir
96/32 Approximate normality of t-statistics based on M-estimators of unit roots
Karim Abadir and Andre Lucas
96/31 The "devil's horns" problem of inverting confluent characteristic functions
Karim Abadir and Michael Rockinger
96/30 Environmental regulation, market forces and new product development
Susan Feinberg, Joao Gata and Alfred Marcus
96/29 The Multiplier in an Economy with Monopolistic Output Markets and Competitive Labour Markets
Marta Aloi, Huw Dixon and Phillip Lawler
96/28 Government Spending in a Two-Sector Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model with Imperfect Competition
Marta Aloi
96/27 Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from Company Panel Data
Aydin Ozkan
96/26 Investment Incentives of Financially Distressed Firms
Aydin Ozkan
96/25 Some Evidence on Optimising Models of Currency Crisis
F. Gulcin Ozkan
96/24 The Role of Decision Analysis in Structuring the Economic Evaluation of Sequential Clinical Decision Problems
Karl Claxton and John Posnett
96/23 Safety Valuation: Can Psychologists Help Economists?
Richard Cookson
96/22 Predicting UK Stock Returns and Robust Tests of Mean Variance Efficiency
Andrew Clare, Peter N Smith and Stephen Thomas
96/21 Horizontal Inequity Measurement: A Basic Reassessment
Stephen Jenkins and Peter Lambert
96/20 Optimal Contract Design with Ex-Ante Differential Information and  Ex-Post Asymmetric Information
Fabrizia Lapecorella
96/19 An Economic Approach to Clinical Trial Design and Research Priority Setting
Karl Claxton and John Posnett
96/18 Capital and Labour Markets for Health
David Mayston
96/17 Educational Attainment and Resource Use: Mystery or Econometric Misspecification
David Mayston
96/16 B. Seebohm Rowntree and the Subsistence Approach to Poverty
Rodney Hills
96/15 Bias Nonmonotonicity in Stochastic Difference Equations
Karim Abadir and Kaddour Hadri
96/14 The Influence of VAR Dimensions on Estimator Biases
Karim Abadir, Kaddour Hadri and Elias Tzavalis
96/13 Additional Critical Values and Asymptotic Representations for  Monthly Seasonal Unit Root Tests
Robert Taylor
96/12 Keeping Up With The Joneses: Aspirations and Experiments without Random Matching
Huw Dixon
96/11 A Currency Crisis Model with an Optimising Policymaker
Gulcin Ozkan and Alan Sutherland
96/10 On the Practical Problems of Computing Seasonal Unit Root Tests:  The Case of Non-Durable Consumers' Expenditures
Robert Taylor
96/9 Effects of Fundholding on the Prescribing and Referral Behavior of  General Practitioners
Carlos Lerner and Karl Claxton
96/8 Spreads in Centralised Markets
Silvia Gerber and Peter Simmons
96/7 Seller Surplus in First Price Auctions
Peter Simmons
96/6 Product Market Competition, R & D and Welfare
Gianni De Fraja and Damiano Bruno Silipo
96/5 Shocks and Structural Differences in Households' Lifetime Utility Functions
Gabriella Berloffa
96/4 Induced Technical Change, Scientific Advance and the Efficient Control of Pollution
Francesco Ferrante
96/3 A Mathematical Programming Approach to Product Characteristics
Angel Fernandez-Castro and Peter Smith
96/2 Exchange Rate Dynamics and Financial Market Integration
Alan Sutherland
96/1 Economic Aspects of an Eastward Enlargement of the European Union,  with Special Reference to Romania
Ralph Vocke and Luciana Fota
95/50 Universal decentralisation: demand models for individual and household decisions with household public goods
M. C. Chiuri and Peter Simmons
95/49 Experiments and the Economics of individual decision making under Risk and Uncertainty
John Hey
95/48 Optimal departures from marginal cost pricing in the presence of precontractual symmetric information
Fabrizia Lapecorella
95/47 Multiproduct monopoly regulation with delegated control of incentives
Fabrizia Lapecorella
95/46 The limits to compromise: a simple characterisation of the generalised Nash bargaining solution
John Bone
95/45 Testing binomial and multinomial choice models using Cox's non-tested test
Melvyn Weeks
95/44 Testing for seasonal unit roots: a simple alternative to HEGY
Robert Taylor and Stephen Leybourne
95/43 Additional critical values and asymptotic representations for seasonal unit root tests
Richard Smith and Robert Taylor
95/42 Does the European Union need a federal budget yet?
Theo Hitiris
95/41 The effect of incomplete information about future technological opportunities on pre-emption
Ernesto Somma
95/40 Decentralized fiscal policy in an imperfectly competitive federal economy
Marta Aloi and Michele Santoni
95/39 Who gains from universal service obligations? A welfare analysis of the rule 'One price for everywhere'
Alberto Iozzi
95/38 Infinite regression in strategic decision making: an application of Rice's theorem
Joao Gata
95/37 Do Anglo-saxons free-ride more?
Roberto Burlando and John Hey
95/36 Optimal law enforcement and imperfect information
Nuno Garoupa
95/35 Is enforcement effective at reducing workplace risk? Some evidence from the UK
Carmela Di Mauro
95/34 Measuring the real and nominal macroeconomic shocks and their international transmission under different monetary systems
Donald Robertson and Michael Wickens
95/33 The rational expectations hypothesis of the term structure: reconciling the evidence
Elias Tzavalis and Michael Wickens
95/32 Corporate bankruptcies, liquidation costs and the role of Banks
Aydin Ozkan
95/31 Economics of insolvency procedures: a game theoretic approach
Aydin Ozkan
95/30 On the normative use of financial statement data
Angel Fernandez-Castro and Peter Smith
95/29 Optimal regulation of a monopolist with collusive agents
Giacomo Pignataro
95/28 Regulation of a monopolist with an imperfectly competitive labour market
Giacomo Pignataro
95/27 Duopolistic equilibrium in simple output decision rules
John Bone and Huw Dixon
95/26 Alternative parameterizations of dummy variable models
Luisa Zanchi
95/25 The evolution of conjectures
Huw Dixon and Ernesto Somma
95/24 A note on costly state observation contracts with risk aversion
Gaia Garino and Peter Simmons
95/23 After you sir. Sequential investment as a solution to the hold-up problem
Gianni De Fraja
95/22 Common stochastic trends of real interest rates of the main OECD countries: Is there a world real interest rate?
Michele Limosani
95/21 Do firms over-invest in land and buildings? Evidence from UK panel data
Sandeep Bhargava and Felix FitzRoy
95/20 A comparison between lump-sum transfer and tied grant with impure local public goods
Minoru Kunizaki
95/19 Repeated random matching games under restricted information. Part I: equilibria
Joao Gata
95/18 Cross-country comparisons of the inter-industry wage structure: empirical evidence with the 'Luxembourg income study' data-bank
Luisa Zanchi
95/17 Fiscal crises and aggregate demand: can high public debt reverse the effects of fiscal policy?
Alan Sutherland
95/16 Industrial liberalisation in India: policy issues at the state level
Sandeep Bhargava
95/15 A theory of life cycle saving with bounded rationality
Jonathan Kohler
95/14 European Union's hybrid destination/origin principle of taxation
T. Georgakopoulos and Theo Hitiris
95/13 Income tax credits and income tax exemptions
Peter Lambert and Shlomo Yitzhaki
95/12 Health-care expenditure, GDP and integration in the countries of the European Union
Theo Hitiris
95/11 Procurement auctions with multiple sourcing
Peter Simmons
95/10 Parameter estimability in the multinomial probit model: the role of information content
Melvyn Weeks
95/9 Hierarchies in organisations and labour market competition
Gianni De Fraja
95/8 Axelrod meets Cournot: oligopoly and the evolutionary metaphor part 1
Huw Dixon, Steven Wallis and Scott Moss
95/7 Optimal patent breadth and length with costly imitation
Donald Wright
95/6 Strategic trade policy and signalling with unobservable costs
Donald Wright
95/5 Regulation and access pricing with asymmetric information
Gianni De Fraja
95/4 Slot allocation  and the competitiveness of the air transport industry: the role of the civil aviation authority
Alberto Iozzi
95/3 Cournot competition, technical change and the optimal control of pollution
Francesco Ferrante
95/2 Banks and industrial finance: the experience of Brewers, 1880-1913
Katherine Watson
95/1 Evaluating lotteries with unreliable probabilities: an experimental test of explanations for the Ellsberg Paradox
Anna Maffioletti
94/30 Competition, regulation and managerial incentives
Gianni De Fraja and Elisabetta Iossa
94/29 Entry, pricing and incentives: the role of regulatory commitment
Gianni De Fraja
94/28 The bid-ask spread with shared trades and risk averse dealers
Peter Simmons and Silvia Gerber
94/27 Effects of futures trading on the spot market bid-ask spread
Peter Simmons and Silvia Gerber
94/26 Adam Smith's nation of shopkeepers
Simon Smith
94/25 The impact of ambiguity on the valuation of self-insurance and self-protection
Carmela Di Mauro and Anna Maffioletti
94/24 Union-oligopoly sequential bargaining: trade and industrial policies
Michele Santoni
94/23 Monopoly, trade and tariff redundancy
Theo Hitiris and Peter Lambert
94/22 Intrinsic bubbles and mean reverting fundamentals
Alan Sutherland
94/21 An extension of Bowen's dynamic voting rule to many dimensions
Pierre de Trenqualye
94/20 Contracts and social cohesion
Pierre de Trenqualye
94/19 On the role of weight restrictions in data envelopment analysis
Francisco Pedraja-Chaparro, Javier Salinas-Jimenez and Peter Smith
94/18 Why you may need not worry about finite sample bias in simulated maximum likelihood estimation
Til Schuermann and Melvyn Weeks
94/17 Developing the government securities market in India
Sandeep Bhargava
94/16 The macroeconomic implications of profit sharing: another look at the evidence from Japan and UK
Sandeep Bhargava
94/15 Intra-industry trade: theory and evidence. The case of the European computer industry
Ernesto Somma
94/14 Accounting for taste: British coffee consumption in historical perspective
Simon Smith
94/13 Cooperative and non-cooperative R&D with uncertainty and spillovers
Damiano Silipo
94/12 Equivalence scales and the costs of disability
Andrew Jones and Owen O'Donnell
94/11 Reconciling the evidence on the alternative versions of the rational expectations hypothesis of the term structure
Elias Tzavalis and Michael Wickens
94/10 Macroeconomic shocks and the domestic CAPM: evidence from the UK stock market
Andrew Clare, Raymond O'Brien, Stephen Thomas and Michael Wickens
94/9 Majoritarian-efficient tax systems
John Bone
94/8 The dollar-pound exchange rate in the 1920's: an empirical investigation
Theo Hitiris and A. R. Tremayne
94/7 On the behaviour of conditional moment tests in the presence of unconsidered alternatives after estimation by maximum likelihood or extremum methods
Les Godfrey and Chris Orme
94/6 On the specification of labour supply functions: a nonparametric evaluation
Alan Duncan and Andrew Jones
94/5 A box-cox double hurdle model
Andrew Jones and Steven Yen
94/4 An imperfectly competitive open economy with sequential bargaining in the labour market
Huw Dixon and Michele Santoni
94/3 Exchange rate realignments and realignment expectations
Ed Stansfield and Alan Sutherland
94/2 A model of the ERM crisis
F. Gulcin Ozkan and Alan Sutherland
94/1 Partisan business cycles in a model with separate fiscal and monetary authorities
F. Gulcin Ozkan
93/22 Market demand and income distribution: a theoretical exploration
Peter Lambert and Wilhelm Pfahler
93/21 Numerical experiments on gradient based algorithms for the multinomial probit model
Melvyn Weeks
93/20 Circumventing the curse of dimensionality: an interactive programme for the estimation of multinomial choice models
Melvyn Weeks
93/19 An empirical analysis of competition in brand differentiated oligopoly
Gianni De Fraja and Alessandra Staderini
93/18 On competition between entrepreneurial and managerial firms
Gianni De Fraja
93/17 Fiscal policy in a monopolistic economy
Huw Dixon and Phillip Lawler
93/16 The productivity miracle in the UK: What role did profit sharing play?
Sandeep Bhargava
93/15 Misspecification bias in data development analysis
Peter Smith
93/14 The multinomial probit revisited: a discussion of parameter estimability and identification
Melvyn Weeks
93/13 Economic integration, convergence and EMU
Theo Hitiris
93/12 Acid rain games in Europe
George Halkos and John Hutton
93/11 Evaluating effective income tax progression
Peter Lambert
93/10 Evaluating impact effects of tax reforms
Kathy Hayes, Peter Lambert and Daniel Slottje
93/9 A note on the property of a two-step estimator and the information matrix test
Chris Orme
93/8 Keynes, the Keynesians and the classics: a suggested interpretation
Bill Gerrard
93/7 A note on the current and constant value of Eighteenth-Century English exports
Simon Smith
93/6 The significance of new world demand for English wool textiles 1699-1783, with special reference to continental North America
Simon Smith
93/5 On the intergovernmental fiscal game
Rosella Levaggi and Peter Smith
93/4 Macroeconomic price and quantity responses with heterogeneous product markets
Huw Dixon
93/3 Explicit versus implicit profit sharing and the determination of wages: microeconomic evidence from the UK
Sandeep Bhargava and Tim Jenkinson
93/2 Quality misperceptions, regulation and the range of product quality
Paul Burrows
93/1 The information benefit of commitment and the role of the Central Bank
Pierre de Trenqualye
92/19 Durables, credit and efficiency of savings
Peter Simmons and Bon Sung Gu
92/18 Market insurance and self insurance in housing mortgage debt
Gaia Garino and Peter Simmons
92/17 A measure of the bid ask spread in the secondary market
Silvia Gerber
92/16 Market segmentation and market specialisation
Silvia Gerber
92/15 Discounts and the variability of investment trust returns
Bon Sung Gu and Peter Simmons
92/14 Inflation and bond yields
Peter Simmons and Daniel Weiserbs
92/13 Dealing patterns in secondary asset markets
Peter Simmons and Silvia Gerber
92/12 Ex-post returns on endowment insurance policies
Peter Simmons and Bon Sung Gu
92/11 Modelling household finance problems
Peter Simmons and Gaia Garino
92/10 Small sample bias in nonparametric estimates of the generalised entropy class of inequality indices
Alan Duncan and Ian Preston
92/9 Profit sharing and the financial performance of companies: evidence from the UK panel survey
Sandeep Bhargava
92/8 State-contingent and time-dependent switches of exchange rate regime
Alan Sutherland
92/7 Monetary and real shocks and the optimal target zone
Alan Sutherland
92/6 On the performance of tests for unmeasured heterogeneity in discrete panel data models
Chris Orme
92/5 Observing different orders of risk aversion
Graham Loomes and Uzi Segal
92/4 Inequality reduction through the income tax
Peter Lambert
92/3 The sensitivity of some general checks to omitted variables in the linear model
Les Godfrey and Chris Orme
92/2 Entrepreneurs or managers: who runs firms?
Gianni De Fraja
92/1 The dynamics of industrial organisation in the brewing industry, 1880-1913
Katherine Watson