Ratih is a PhD student affiliated with Macro/Finance Research Cluster, under the supervision of Professor Gulcin Ozkan and Dr Michael Thornton. Her main research interest is in the area of open economy macoeconomics of emerging countries.
She holds a Masters degree in Development Economics and Emerging Markets from the University of York as part of her 1 and 3 PhD program in the university. She holds a Masters degree in Applied Economics (Econometrics) from the Australian National University and a Bachelor in Accounting degree from Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.
Ratih is working for Bank Indonesia, the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia. Before joining the University of York, she was an economic analyst in International Department. Working for the bank, she gained rich experience working with issues in the area of monetary management, macroeconomic management in emerging economies, and central banking issues particularly within the Asia Pacific region.
Open economy macroeconomics, macroeconomic management, emerging economies, macroeconometrics, panel data analysis
She is interested in a wide range of issues in macroeconomic management, particularly in the open economy macroeconomics of emerging economies. Her research area is focused on macroeconomic challenges faced by emerging economies from the increasing financial integration and the intensified movement of capital, in terms of size and fluctuation, across national border. The recent episode of global financial crisis and large scale monetary policy easing in the advanced economies gives a notable case on how global spillovers may complicate policy decision making in small open economies. Therefore, her research is also devoted to analyse the policy implications of these challenges on emerging countries.
Professor Gulcin Ozkan (Supervisor)
Dr Michael Thornton (Supervisor)