Anthony (Tony) Culyer, CBE, BA, Hon DEcon, Hon FRCP, FRSA, FMedSci, is a professor emeritus in the Department. He has spent his career since 1969 at York. He is also a senior research fellow at the Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation in the University of Toronto (Canada) and a visiting professor at Imperial College London. He works mainly in the Centre for Health Economics. At York, Tony was Head of Department from 1986 to 2001 and Pro- and then Deputy Vice-Chancellor between 1991 and 1997. He was the founding co-editor with Joe Newhouse of the Journal of Health Economics and the founding Organiser of the Health Economists’ Study Group.
He was the founding Vice Chair of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and he still chairs the International Decision Support Initiative – the successor to NICE International. Until recently he chaired the Office of Health Economics in London; he remains on its board. Recent honours include Emmett Hall Laureate and Hall Lecturer, Canada (2015), William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research, USA (2015), International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Avedis Donabedian Outcomes Research Lifetime Achievement Award (2015).
My main research interests are in health economics, deliberative decision making and health and health care in low and middle income countries.
Selected publications
My recent publications include:
A J Culyer, (2015). Cost-effectiveness thresholds in health care: a bookshelf guide to their meaning and use. CHE Research Paper; No. 121. York, UK: Centre for Health Economics, University of York.
A J Culyer, (2015). Efficiency, equity and equality in health and health care. CHE Research Paper; No. 120. York, UK: Centre for Health Economics, University of York.
K Claxton, M Sculpher, S Palmer and A J Culyer, “Causes for concern: is NICE failing to uphold its responsibilities to all NHS patients?” Health Economics, 2015, 24: 1–7.
A J Culyer, “Why do/should we do economic evaluation?” Value in Health Spotlight, 2015, 1: 8-10.
C. McCabe, M. Paulden, J.F. O’Mahony, R. Edlin, A J Culyer, “Life at a premium: considering an end-of-life premium in value-based reimbursement”, Value in Health, 18, A6-A7.
A J Culyer, “Are there really ten good arguments for a societal perspective in the economic evaluations of medical innovations?” in A J Culyer and G Kobelt (eds.) Portrait of a Health Economist: Festschrift in Honour of Bengt Jönsson, Lund: Institute of Health Economics, 2014, 33-38.
A J Culyer, Social Values in Health and Social Care, London: King’s Fund, 2014 (booklet 36 pp)
A J Culyer, “Where are the limits of cost-effectiveness analysis and health technology assessment?” Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 2014; 97 (Suppl. 5): S1-S2.
A J Culyer, “Four issues with cost-effectiveness analysis: a view from the side-lines”. In Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy Today: A Multifaceted View of Their Unstable Crossroads, Madrid: Springer, 2014, 1-18.
M Paulden, James F O’Mahony, A J Culyer,C McCabe, “Some inconsistencies in NICE’s consideration of social values”, PharmacoEconomics, 2014, 32: 1043-53.
M Paulden, James F O’Mahony, A J Culyer,C McCabe, “Objectivity and Equity: Clarity Required. A Response to Hill and Olson”, Pharmacoeconomics, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s40273-014-0239-6.
A J Culyer (editor-in-chief), The Encyclopedia of Health Economics, Elsevier, 2014 (3 Vols).
A J Culyer and G Kobelt (eds.) Portrait of a Health Economist: Festschrift in Honour of Bengt Jönsson, Lund: Institute of Health Economics, 2014.
A J Culyer, The Dictionary of Health Economics, 3rd edition, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014.
D Husereau, A J Culyer, P Neumann, P Jacobs, “How do economic evaluations inform health policy decisions for treatment and prevention in Canada and the United States?”, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2014, 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s40258-014-0133-6.