• Date and time: Wednesday 8 July 2015, 9.00am
  • Location: The Treehouse, Humanities Research Centre, Berrick Saul Building, University of York
  • Admission: Free

Event details

You are invited to a celebration of Digital Heritage at York. This has been a year filled with exciting new research and partnerships for the CDH at York. In order to recognise the success of our members we will be holding a special internal event: Digital Heritage at York 2015. Come along to listen to presentations from some of the Universities leading researchers and to find out more about future directions for the centre. The event will be followed by a wine reception with an opportunity to discuss current and future work with researchers from accross the University of York.

Registration: It is free to register for the event but places are limited. Visit our registration page to book your tickets now.


CDH York 2015 Workshop Programme

TimePresenterPresentation Title
9:00   Registration and Coffee
9:30   Welcome to Digital Heritage at York 2015
9:40 Louise Hampson Making bricks without straw?: virtual reconstructions of  St Stephen's Chapel Westminster, and Worcester Cathedral in 1250
10:00 Gareth Beale Building a Digital Heritage: Community Archaeology and Digital Documentation


Alex Southern, Aglaia Foteinou and Damian Murphy Hearing the Past - The Role of Sound in Digital Heritage Research
10:40    Discussion
11:00    Coffee
11:30 Colleen Morgan and Stuart Eve Time Warpp: Wearable technology for augmented reality interpretation and outreach in archaeology
11:50 Tara Copplestone Past through Play: The Potential of Heritage Video-Games for Research, Visualisation and Engagement.
12:10 Peter Cowling and Sam Devlin Games, Heritage and Digital Creativity
12:30    Discussion
13:00    Lunch
13:50 Peter Jensen  Archaeological 3D documentation as a new conceptual layer of objectivism. The role of interpretation and reflection in modern archaeology
14:10 Fabrizio Galeazzi 3D Web-Based Dynamic Platforms in Archaeology: Combining offline and online datasets to gain new understanding of the archaeological record.
14:30 Helen Petrie ChartEX: Development and evaluation of a virtual workbench for medieval historians
14:50    Discussion
15:20    Coffee
15:40 Michael Charno Plan, Features, Sections: Using NLP to remove ambiguity from Grey Literature
16:00 Nicole Beale Digital Heritage/Analogue Collections: The role of web technologies in collections management for local museums
16:20 Jen Mitcham, Gary Brannan and Julie Allinson Archives are not square: some insights from the York’s Archbishops’ Registers Revealed project
16:50    Discussion
17:15    Drinks Reception



Registration is now open but places are limited. To book a place please use our Eventbrite page.

Attendance at the event and wine reception is free of charge.

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Centre for Digital Heritage
