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Luigi Siciliani
Internal Affiliate



Luigi holds an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a PhD in Economics from the University of York.

His recent research focuses on modelling purchaser-provider interactions in health care, waiting times for elective surgery, patient's choice, efficiency analysis (DEA and Stochastic Frontiers) applied to the hospital sector, performance indicators, and the economics of obesity.



  • Modelling purchaser-provider interactions in health care
  • Waiting times for elective surgery
  • Patient's choice
  • Efficiency analysis (DEA and Stochastic Frontiers) applied to the hospital sector
  • Performance indicators
  • The economics of obesity

Research group(s)


Full publications list


  • Makris M, Siciliani L. Optimal incentive schemes for altruistic providers. Journal of Public Economic Theory 2012;forthcoming.
  • Siciliani L, Stanciole A. Bargaining and the provision of health services. European Journal of Health Economics 2013;forthcoming.


  • Gaughan J, Gravelle H, Siciliani L. Testing the bed-blocking hypothesis: does higher supply of nursing and care homes reduce delayed hospital discharges? Centre for Health Economics, University of York; CHE Research Paper 102 (PDF , 2,233kb) 2014.
  • Brekke KR, Gravelle H, Siciliani L, Straume OR. Patient choice, mobility and competition among health care providers. In: Levaggi R, Montefioro M (eds). Health Care Provision and Patient Mobility. Vol.12. Springer;2014 pp. 1-26.  


  • Gaughan J, Gravelle H, Santos R, Siciliani L. Long term care provision, hospital length of stay and discharge destination for hip fracture and stroke patients. Centre for Health Economics, University of York; CHE Research Paper 86 (PDF , 1,648kb) 2013.
  • Gravelle H, Santos R, Siciliani L. Does a hospital's quality depend on the quality of other hospitals? a spatial econometrics approach to investigating hospital quality competition. Centre for Health Economics, University of York, CHE Research Paper 82 (PDF , 624kb) 2013.
  • Siciliani L, Moran V, Borowitz M. Measuring and comparing health care waiting times in OECD countries. OECD Health Working Papers 2013;No.67:OECD
  • Siciliani L, Sivey P, Street A. Differences in length of stay for hip replacement between public hospitals, specialised treatment centres and private providers: selection or efficiency? Health Economics 2013;22(2):234-242.


  • Brekke K, Cellini R, Siciliani L, Straume OR. Competition and quality in regulated markets with sluggish demand. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 2012;21(1):131-78.
  • Gravelle H, Santos R, Siciliani L, Goudie R. Hospital quality competition under fixed prices: Centre for Health Economics, University of York, CHE Research Paper 80 (PDF , 1,256kb) 2012.
  • Hafsteinsdottir E, Siciliani L. Hospital cost sharing incentives: evidence from Iceland. Empirical Economics 2012;42(2):539-61.
  • Iacone F, Martin S, Siciliani L, Smith PC. Estimating a dynamic model of waiting times with time series data. Applied Economics 2012;44(23):2955-68.
  • Kontopantelis E, Doran T, Gravelle H, Siciliani L, Sutton M, Goudie R. Pay-for-performance and influenza immunization: the impact of raising the bar in the UK Quality and Outcomes Framework. Health Services Research 2012;47(3, part 1):1117-36.
  • Laudicella M, Siciliani L, Cookson R. Waiting times and socioeconomic status: evidence from England. Social Science and Medicine 2012;74(9);1331-41.
  • Miraldo M, Siciliani L, Street A. Price adjustment in the hospital sector, Reply Journal of Health Economics 2012;31(1):323-25.
  • Siciliani L, Iversen T. Waiting lists and waiting times. In: Jones A, editor. Elgar Companion in Health Economics, Second Edition 2012:pp. 259-258.


  • Barros PP, Siciliani L. Public-private interface. In: Pauly M, McGuire T, Barros PP, editors. Elsevier Handbook in Health Economics, Volume 2;2011.ch15:p. 927-1002.
  • Brekke K, Siciliani L, Straume OR. Hospital competition and quality with regulated prices. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2011;113(2):444-69.
  • Kaarboe O, Siciliani L. Quality, multitasking and pay for performance. Health Economics 2011;20(2):225-38.
  • Miraldo M, Siciliani L, Street A. Price adjustment in the hospital sector. Journal of Health Economics 2011;30(1):112-125.
  • Siciliani L, Iverson T. Non-price rationing and waiting times. In: Oxford handbook of health economics 2011: Oxford University Press;Ch28:p. 444-460.


  • Brekke K, Cellini R, Siciliani L, Straume OR. Competition and quality in regulated markets: a differential-game approach. Journal of Health Economics 2010;29(4):508-23.
  • Brekke K, Siciliani L, Straume OR. Price and quality in spatial competition. Regional Science and Urban Economics 2010;40(6):471-80.
  • Fiorio C, Siciliani L. Co-payments and the demand for pharmaceuticals: evidence from Italy. Economic Modelling 2010;27(4):835-41.
  • Hafsteinsdottir E, Siciliani L. DRG prospective payment systems: refine or not refine? Health Economics 2010;19(1):1226-39.
  • Street A, Sivey P, Mason A, Miraldo M, Siciliani L. Are English treatment centres treating less complex patients? Health Policy 2010;94(2):150-57.


  • Dixon H, Siciliani L. Waiting-time targets in the healthcare sector. How long are we waiting? Journal of Health Economics 2009;28:1081-98.
  • Kuhn M, Siciliani L. Performance indicators for quality with costly falsification. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 2009;18(4):1137-54.
  • Mason A,Street A, Miraldo M, Siciliani L. Should prospective payments be differentiated for public and private healthcare providers? Health Economics, Policy and Law. 2009;4(4):383-403. Download from Cambridge journals.
  • Siciliani L. Paying for performance and motivation crowding out. Economics Letters 2009;103:68-71.
  • Siciliani L, Gravelle H. Third degree waiting time discrimination: optimal allocation of a public sector healthcare treatment under rationing by waiting. Health Economics 2009;18:977-86.
  • Siciliani L, Stanciole A, Jacobs R. Do waiting times reduce hospitals' costs? Journal of Health Economics 2009;28(4):771-80.
  • Siciliani L, Verzulli R. Waiting times and socioeconomic status among elderly Europeans: evidence from SHARE. Health Economics 2009;18(11):1295-306.



  • Brekke K, Siciliani L, Straume OR. Competition and waiting times in health care markets. Journal of Public Economics. 2008;92(7):1607-28.
  • Gravelle H, Siciliani L. Ramsey waits: allocating public health service resources when there is rationing by waiting. Journal of Health Economics. 2008;27(5):1143-54.
  • Gravelle H, Siciliani L. Optimal quality, waits and charges in health insurance. Journal of Health Economics. 2008;27(3):663-74.
  • Gravelle H, Siciliani L. Is waiting-time prioritisation welfare improving? Health Economics. 2008;17(2):167-84.
  • Siciliani L. A note on the dynamic interaction between waiting times and waiting lists. Health Economics. 2008;17(5):639-47. Download from Wiley Inter Science


  • Martin S, Siciliani L. An empirical analysis of the impact of choice on waiting times. Health Economics. 2007;16(8):763-79.
  • Siciliani L. Optimal contracts for health services in the presence of waiting times and asymmetric information. The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy Contributions. 2007;40.


  • Siciliani L. A dynamic model of hospital supply of elective surgery in the presence of waiting times and waiting lists. Journal of Health Economics. 2006;25(6):891-907.
  • Siciliani L. Selection of treatment under prospective payment systems in the hospital sector. Journal of Health Economics. 2006;25(3):479-99.
  • Siciliani L. Estimating technical efficiency in the hospital sector: a panel-data analysis. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2006;5(2):1-20.


  • Siciliani L. Does more choice reduce waiting times? Health Economics. 2005;14(1):17-23.
  • Hurst J, Siciliani L. Tackling excessive waiting times for elective surgery: a comparison of policies in 12 OECD countries. Health Policy. 2005;72(2):201-15.


  • Hurst J, Siciliani L. Explaining waiting times variations for elective surgery across OECD countries. OECD Economic Studies. 2004;38(1):96-122.  
  • Hurst J, Siciliani L. Tackling excessive waiting times for elective surgery. In: Towards high-performing health systems; Policy studies. Paris: OECD; 2004.

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Contact details

Luigi Siciliani
Internal Affiliate
Centre for Health Economics