Employing and working with students
Bring new ideas, skillsets and enthusiasm into your organisation.
Benefit from our extraordinary talent pool of problem solvers, creative thinkers and team players. We'll help you to fill recruitment gaps, find passionate volunteers or raise your profile. Whatever your need, we’ve got the solution.
Recruit our talent
Our top tips
Our students are career-driven and keen to work with you. The employment they can take on varies by their level of study and the time of year. Find out more below.
Connect with our students
As well as recruiting to fill vacancies, there are many ways you can increase your reach amongst our students. Support leadership programmes, run events, engage in mock interviews and more.
- Find out more about connecting with students.
We ask that all employers adhere to our terms and conditions when engaging with our students.

Small business support
Wondering whether to recruit a student or graduate? We've created a toolkit to help you understand what might be involved and the benefits to your organisation.
Third party verification requests
Third party enquirers, such as employers, agencies and embassies, must verify attendance and awards from the University of York with a Prospects Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD).
A HEDD verification confirms:
- the candidate’s name
- qualification type
- course name
- year of award
- classification obtained
- dates of attendance
Please visit hedd.ac.uk to register.
There is a small charge for each enquiry and you must provide the written consent of the individual.
To prevent delays, please enter the candidate’s details as they appear on their degree certificate.
Enquiries are checked and completed by the university’s registry team. The due date will be listed on your enquiry.
If you require further assistance, email heddhelp