Accessibility statement

Information rights


Data Protection

Freedom of Information

Contracts and Sponsorship Manager

Information rights covers the legal requirements for handling and re-using information. It balances the principles of open access to information with the protection of individual privacy and ownership rights.

Information rights policies relate closely to other areas of information policy, including information security and records management.

We must all follow the law and University policies when handling and re-using information, particularly personal data.

All information rights policies and associated guidance are listed in the Information Policy index.

Links to specific guidance are provided under each of the four main areas below.

The GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 aim to protect the privacy of the individual in relation to the personal information organisations may hold about them.

They establish key principles that govern the collection, use and handling of personal information and provide individuals with important rights.

The University's Data Protection Policy explains how these requirements are met.

Anyone who uses personal information as part of their University activity must be aware of this policy.

What do I need to do?

The Data Protection website provides comprehensive guidance on all aspects of data protection.

In addition, information on how the University protects your personal information is available: